Sprawling set from comedy icon 000 Free fun with a lewd slant .0. - ;' u _ . y . .-~_

One of the problems with the Fringe is that us reviewers often need to get .; in early during a run while comedians may take the month to refine their : ' l material so that the show we see on the 3rd is rarely the one performed on the 20th. It‘s worth pointing this out as Reginald 0 Hunter has been one of ' n ; - :. the most consistently excellent comedians at the Fringe in recent years ; and he left the stage here visibly less impressed with his own evening‘s ' z : work than one might expect. ' ' ; t . '

That’s not to say this was a poor show. For a huge chunk it was laugh out ' i ' p i i ._ loud funny. insightful and raw; it was even occasionally tender. But despite " : ' . its arch title, Fuck You in the Age of Consequence lacked a focus. While . z ' r ' . 3 w . comics such as Andrew Maxwell make no bones about the scattergun . . ' : . , ' ' i ;. nature of their approach. Hunter boasts a decent concept as he discusses : . . the nature of consequences with routines about an ex-girlfriend and his . t 2' ' l i " father. For the most part the content enlivens the concept, but there are : ' i ' o .l ' i. . . H [at . v moments where he is relying on the Mount Rushmore scale of his .au'. " '~ :- . :' personality to get him through rather than the strength of the material. It 7' o- r v :' r ' 2* li'l t" . No.1: .' : z n would all have flowed fine in three large chunks but he opts fora ,' t 1. " ° : 3""..19. 1.1.” : iv 11".l" cut‘n‘paste approach that weakens the flow. 'ii‘ ' . 'Z i '~ mix" 1 '3' .t' t

If this all seems highly critical his set still comes recommended as Hunter 'w " w 'W '1'. : ' "' l e-uf ‘. z : i" a' : lv ll‘ nu." ‘° is one of the elite in Edinburgh this year. but that‘s why a blip from him z-r' :_ V' w .:~ a" .2 -' seems all the more disappointing. If a comic walked away from the stage ' : a r: : N: ' v ' .' M i':‘.m.l llu' :»~ with a two-thirds success rate under his belt they might consider this a 1 :w 1.1" :‘wmt it ._; w "' I H . :VIw . ' ~' -- 9 pretty good night. For a master such as Reginald D Hunter, there‘s room for ' : " [‘w'“! . r it, : " .’ '.:. ' improvement. (Mark Robertson) t: i. l "i '~ wwr‘ M i i" .- ‘- : -

5 '.: .t " .- '. 4 I ~ v- «gait, , JUSTIN MOORHOUSE M: . .. A ,1 U... Expressive material on fatherhood I " :f‘?'ir\l"i,, '-'fi~|,,:.,lf‘ [‘“1'

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liit; fillllllttl‘. l"'.',ll llllll‘; Tint! lliif. nut Mriilr‘iriii'm 23.1 rigiliiizil ‘.l’)f',’ll'|1‘:l illlllllllllf}. A little- gusty: .iiiil from/l! ‘.'.':lii .iii uiiqaiiiw; .‘iin: “,Ililll'illlfl wimp- [.133 r‘niiii'l .~rI ii" .i “ll-git. lilfrliftllll,‘ Pawn i (II’ )llll'l .lllll '.‘.’it)(lll(; [Mark [ illiiiiriilmivi l‘,ll(iéll (itan lgilliurl'iiw ll. .2“: (m: pin", I / .3«1}.'.’l.'l3,' H Vile“ 1/ ">331; 3m (immortal 'i:?lo:r.liriii'. ’ill lll’. filll‘ll‘, tsgaf-J. .i/‘g‘i "ll/g, .‘x‘iivr‘. flaw. .iiwl riiii'l‘ 'lmm" tliriii'itif'. .itiuiit

‘r\.~:!‘,'l'7l'v; fir .m viiiitmr', l1; 'u‘J‘u'lfllli'}.

lllfi UK (“‘11 lllf'll‘, ‘illillfl/I {lil’ifil (ill: An interacuve Work'OUt ... '(WI new: l'l "all. ’Jlét‘flfll‘,’ iimrt'itcrri I’lllffl) like Pieter Kil‘,’l;ll,",lf.{tll,'21ll’I xwuailly. (Ill/I not lllllll“: Alélll Huririul’ illlfllllffllfjllh, you (,giri't not xmrrri to Moorlioutm .‘Jllll lll‘: coiliplimt; i'l‘: (;l‘:£ll‘:f1‘.'.“l?lllll éll‘ dll’ll‘fllh‘:

lélllflftlll'étll/10;)", Il’/[)[)l.'l(} tn .vlrgito‘xrri (L’).'ll(,"; iiitr: his HUM/I. Mooriioim: ‘iélk‘fl, lll’, iiigir'x from. (left (lllll WU““Hfl‘f‘flfll rrizilmui: llirritiqllrml :in |‘;’,€1{;€l'{/l(:’;f rii'iliriri ecstaticzill, .mtri mm: at tin; iii/,3? mutt“i<sazif,?1';ziil, ‘:X[)U:‘l‘.|./‘f fun". or: the Fringe, Wi'fr- -'ll‘$ {mi/mart? for (Hes, Ill?) ultwrt‘. at {lulu (lixl‘fx'l’). a

f;.".‘:‘:f exit/0mm}: for life :i'vl “MUN:

skill for encapsiilatzr‘r) its W03?

l'w'w‘; an, t , .11»; was" thw- irisfirzzfi'nrzt ‘.’ét(;éf'l‘:‘>. J'l'illfl

~;t.i' Karim; 911.1 :srv lam» Martha Moo'fizrirx: is, 73witiltariI/wrl,’ flown

Ll ‘B"<:"s: lpfi’. : ff'f'w; Not to earf" and wit of 7W7; world.

:‘-;.- 1:..3-2 “.31 _:.':’_ii;‘:, ivy: ts'l’m' Peggy Hqghesi

tr..'. 1 v z ’»'- aw: “(er a' I P/eiamnce Courtyard, 5‘76 @550. CITY‘S r<f:(>r‘.:" s a z/Iif.//27At/c1l/iof 75/, QASDm.

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