FringeO1312260000 mwmmmm FrimFestivaiom 6238030 BookFestrvaroe453735888 ArtFestivaI07771693470
The Hub I (iltl ('eiitre tor llealtli it “elliwing. ‘) Hone Sltt'el. ‘3‘ l lllll
ti ill .S illpiii lree Stop b} alter milk to k hat and litid out about the cetttt'e\ .itti‘. itre\ l ree inteiriet aceexx and tea. tollee arid lll.th.t/lllt'\
l )tn'loriiiar ice
Beatnix Poetry Nite llie .la// Bar. l (‘liaiiiberx Street. 33” .12‘)”. S lltpiii M it it l’oetr‘} and lllllSlt hoxted b_\ x\llll;t (iinatt. leattirriig x\lllk'l'lc;tll ia// poetr) lroiii Young l);l\\klll\ the III. the ('lreiiiical I’oetx. \mgei \tttljJ\\l'llt'l
\\ rlliam l)oiig|a\ and. ol eourxe. open mic \potx (all llfl‘lol ‘HJS‘M lor more irrlo
Picasso: Fired With Passion Guided Tour National \lrheum ol Scotland. (‘harnber‘x Street. 3451-122. noon lpm. l'l‘ee. (iet \orne e\tra in\ight into the tlttl\etttti\ current e\liibitron. l’lt‘.’t\\tii l-iied \\ itli l’axxion. on a guided tour. l~ree “till a \alid e\liibition ticket. l’lL‘ilSt‘ meet at lllt‘ ‘llllt‘lll l’ttlt‘ lll lllt‘ .\lam llall,
Saturday 4
Activities & Events
Truckfest Scotland Ro};i| Highland ('entr'e. lnglixton. ll.\'7() Ill Illi.
‘lam littltt. (I: (to). I’lmoooooaar ,-\\\e\orne. primal. no nonsenxe dixpla) ol \lieer riiuxcular‘ motor pouet‘. \tritable tor amone \iho'x alread} linding the textual a little bit le_\. .-\l\o Sun 5.
Food & Drink
Edinburgh Farmers’ Market ( 'axtle 'l‘errace. (i5: S‘Hll. ‘larn 2pm. More local. qualit}. etlircal produce than _\ou eotild \hake a \trck at. li\er'} Saturda}.
Antique and Collectors Fair \lt‘tltlttultttllk Spttl‘h ('L‘llll't‘. l“) loiidon Road. (vol 535]. Illarii 4.30pm. [I drew. Watch out l'oi' l)a\id l)l\‘l\lll\t\ll lurking behind the china liguririex.
Outdoor Activities
Arthur’s Secrets llol}t‘ood Park. (62 Slfill. l 3pm. l‘ree. Rangervguided \ialk up lidiiiburgh'x \er_\ imn dormant \olcano. Meet at llol_\rood l’ar'k lriloriiiation ('entre.
Visit Little Sparta lngleb} (killer). (T ('arlton ’l‘crr'ace. 550 4441. Ipm. (It). Spend an atternoon milking around little Sparta. .ll'llSl and poet lair Hamilton l-rnla} '\ luxion ot' \xordx. \etilptur'e and idea\ into a garden-ax— galler) tucked rum} in the l’entland lllll\. Buxex lea\ e t'rom the lngleb} (taller) at lprn e\er'} \Vednexda}. (‘oritact l-‘iona lion ler oit (VH5 Job ‘83 or tiona.e.t'o\\ Ierw btinternetcom t'or IICbCI\.
Bhopal 22 Years After Union Carbide National Librar) of Scotland. (ieorge l\' Bridge. 220 453 l. "pm. liree. Dr litirig Scandrett ot‘ Queen Margaret l'iii\ei‘.\it_\ outlines the \mrk ot' Samblim na 'l‘nixt \\ liich has been prox'iding healthcar‘e tor the urn i\'or.\ ot'
Festival of Spirituality and Peace
We could all use more love in our lives, so if the chaotic festival season leaves you feeling a little frayed then the
Festival of Spirituality and Peace might be the answer to your karmic woes. The theme of this year‘s festival, power and freedom, is a commemoration of the abolition of slavery and a reflection on its legacy. Many of the events are free, including a guided labyrinth walk in George Square, singing workshops and meditative walks. Harpist Phamie Gow will be performing, a photography exhibition examines the contemporary slave trade, and there will be talks from authors and religious figures, notably Thought for the Day regular Rabbi Lionel Blue and long time Blair-botherer Tony Benn (pictured). A portion of every ticket sold goes towards Mary's Meals, a
charity providing daily school dinners to 200,000 children living in poverty. (Kirsteen Connor)
I Helium of .>; tic/HIV... .t/w,’ /)t,)<i( o, Lil/lilt (LVN/t t .’
For 'rigyou need
everyth toknowaboutallthe
F' visit www.llst.co.uklfostlval
the poisonous gax leak at a pextrcrde trictor‘} in Bhopal. December IVS-l.
Activities & Events
The Edinburgh Military Tattoo ('axtle lixplanade. lidinbtirgli ('axtle. Ro}al Mile. (lS7tl7 SSSI IS. ‘) lllfillpni. L' l 3 £43. Here come the drumx. here come the drum\ . . . 'l‘here‘x no ignoring the pomp and circumxtarice ol thix lidinburgh l‘extnal touelhtone. \\ll;IlL‘\L‘l' Mill might think about the pttllllL‘S behind it. .\lilitar‘_\ bandx lrom :lL‘l‘t)\\ the globe and the traditional lir‘euorkx. all \et agairN the rmpoung backdrop ol' lidinburgli ('axtle. Booking eweritial. Nightl) trout in 3.
Amazing Rare Things: The Art of Natural History in the Age of Discovery The ()tieeii'x (taller). l’alace ol~ llol_\roodhou\e. 55b 5 It)” l'ritil Sun to Sep. l)ail_\ ‘tfittani (rpm;
0.30am 2pm. [5 Nice £4.50; lamil} ticket L'lfii. (‘urated b} the Ro}al (‘ollection in collaboration \\ ith Sir
l)a\ id ;\ttenborougli. llll\ e\hibitiort bringx together the \xork ot' tour artixtx l.eonardo da Vinci. (‘axxiano dal l’o/lo. .-\le\ander' .\lar\hal. Maria Sib} lla Meriari and Mark ('atexb} \xlto lia\ e helped \liape conterriporar} underxtanding ot‘ the natural uorld. Fonn’s Duthchas: Land and Legacy National Mtixeum of Scotland. (‘hamberx Street. 247 4-122. l‘ritil Sun 2 Sep. lilamrrfipm. A xpecial totrring e\hibitiori celebrating tile in the
i zit/i; )r"‘ .'..'..'. "
lllgltlatttlx. l’leaxe \L‘t‘
\\ \\ \\.lUlllllStllllltt‘dSt'ttlll. l’art ol Highland 2007.
It Didn’t Happen Here \lllSL'lllll oi ladinbur'gli. lluritl} llouxe. HI ('anongate. 52‘) ~ll-l i. l'ntil Sat 3‘) \o\ triot Suni. .\lon Sat Illam 5pm. l'iee l'.\hibitiori e\airiinrng ltdinburgli'\ lllllkS \iitli the \la\e trade.
New Scottish Poetry \ttl'lll lidinbirrgh .-\rt\ ('entre. l5a l’enn} \\L'll ('ourt. 3|5 Zlil, l‘ritil l'l'l il .'\llj_‘ iiiot Surii. lilam me. l'i'ee (‘lioek lull ot Scottixli humour. llllS e\hibrtion ol neu \Htl'k b} I: Scottixh \xritei\. including perlorrnance poet\ and \tand tip comedianx. \eex ptrblixlied and llllltlll‘llSIlL'tl \ior‘k. treext) le poetr}. riionologuex arid haiku \ll \rde b} \ide Rebus 20 \Vriterx' \lIISL‘lllll. l.ad_\ Stank (’loxe. l.a\\ nrnarket. 53‘) two]. l'ntrl Sat 3‘) Sep triot Stiiii. .\loii Sat lllani 5pm. l'r'ee. .-\ \pecral e\lirbitioir marking the Illtli annnerxar‘} ot the publication ot A'riorx (l/It/ ( ‘nmm. local bo_\ Ian Rankin\ lirxt lnxpeetor' Rt'l‘lh m_\\ter'_\.
Tea and Tigers: Stories of Scotland and South Asia \aiioiial librar} ot’ Scotland. (ieorge l\' Brit 22o 453i l'ntil Sun 3t) Sep. Mon Sat ltlarri 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. l'r'ee. .\ri e\hibition e\p|oi‘ing Scotland\ in\ol\eirient and inlluence in India met the centur'rex. on the (filth aiini\er\ar} ol Indian independence trorn lil‘lllSll colonial rule.
Festival of Spirituality and Peace Varioth \enuex. lhi~ rntilti-taith. multi» laceted textual returnx \\ ith an e\ en \tronger programme. httttSllllg‘ \\ttrl\SlIUP\. concertx. ta|k~ b} Rabbi Lionel Blue and Nobel Peace pri/e
u inner Mairead ('orrrgan. and a lllthlc‘dl rwrt'ormance lrorn 'l'oii} Benn. See
\\ \\ \i.te\ti\alotxpirrtualrt}.orguk tor tull |i\ting\. l'rom Sun 5.
Costumed Performances l’tlllll‘lllt‘ll (-.l\llt'. l\’tt_\.tl \lllt'. .‘jg U51!» ll l
it'i Stl t‘li Hear about liixtor} \ll'.tl;'lll lroiir tlie lllttllllIS ol lllttSt' \xlro were there liorir kirit'x and tlllt't'lh to peaxantx and the lx'iiit'K t'\t'\'llllttllt'l \\e prexiime tlie\e are .ietoi\ and tlie_\ aren't tixtiig reariirriated kill]l\k'\ lliat \kttllltl be horrid
Midnight City of the Dead Tours (ItIISItlt' Sl (ill\'\ ( '.tlllt‘tll.tl. l<ii_\.tl \lllt'. Ilfitititt lllltllllf.‘lll I liaiii LS iii Bualialialialia' lake .i tour around the gr;i\t'};irtl at midnight and t'lltltlllllt‘l the larriotix \lacken/ie l’oltergeixt \xliit h. the \xebxrte \\.tlll\. tan 'tatixe genuine mental and pli_\ \ieal dixtrem'" ( iiilp. \rglitl} See \\\\\\ blackliar‘t tik \lllll lot lull ll\llllf_'\ and got} tlt‘St'llltllltIIS
The Tommy Sheridan Chat Show (itltlt'tl liallooti. 'le\tirl Roe. lloltxt'. lilhltt Square. 33!» I l ;l " liprii
Llll Lll lUi Ll“. pte\te\\\ (it Scotland\ premiere Siiribed Soc lillISI cliarrih a dad} changing lttSICI ol \pecial gtre\t\ e\er_\ da} and get\ \ttick into the l.ll‘l()|ll\. ()H‘t l(t\ ttlll_\. l'.\t'l'} tlii} during the textual lroiri Sat 1 -\ug
Dr Sketchy’s Burlesque Art Salon llt' (il't't'll Rrittlll. 3“ (itlllllle Sll’L‘L'l. 2.)" USSR laxer} da_\. 2pm £5 LS. .\ little bit lile claxx. a little bit 'lotrlouxe l.aiitrec. A be\} ol l‘lll'lL'Stlllt' hop and lel'lS \trike po\e\ lor' the pleamrc ol _\our pencil in thi~ antidote to the litrlllltllllL'S ol lite tll';t\\lllf..' cl;i\\e\. \‘.llL‘t'L' alcohol lS gerierall} encouraged.
v. \I. \\ .dt \ketcli} \ci itlaritl.cr int