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lllL‘ll L'lillL'\ lnr an cult-(Iii~ llll\ nl pciwnal liI\Itlll'llL'\

I Baby Doll al l’n \a \a llpni .‘nnn l’rt't' hclnrc ll illpni. ‘5 anti “Ct-kl}. .\ plainnrnux and \c\} lllj._'lll nl hnuw \xht'i‘c all art- uclcnnic In inin lll. lrnin Ihc rnIaIin}; |)J l'IlNICl nl \Vai'ncr l’ll\\L'r\. Dean Nculnn. (iax (ii‘anl. 'l’ninin} Ka}. Hurt-k Marlin. Hair} and liihll lxaacx.

I Back to Basics at l’ixii (‘iiilc

7pm iain. l'l'L't'. \Vcckl}. Rclrn tlilllL'L‘ and llht‘ll li'nin lan Anilcrxnn anil lil\L‘llll I). I The Backstage Bar at Siiiiliii 34. ‘)pin 5am. £5 £7. Wei-kl}. Lenin l.ll\C i\'cgga\li \[lllh Ihc hcalx. salsa. l.aIin and ('iihaii l‘ll)llllll\ ax )iiu gt‘l up glow and pci‘xniial \Hlll \lllllc nl Iht' hcxl haiiilx. |)J\. dancers and l'i'inuc Iali-nl. plus In c \clx linin lla\ana Ruinha.

I Booty aI Malina. llpin .iain. L' i. \VL‘L‘kl). lxllt llllgt‘ I‘L'L'Iltlllf'l. l)l l);IlL' lush and Sinininnc Black prm itlc Ihc llll\ (ll Rik“. hip hop. will and lunk aI llll\ Sunda} \llt'ltll.

I Club Vague iii lll\l lllt' 'l'niiit: midnight 5am. Uh. \Vt'ckl}. Sec 'l‘hu.

I Cross Reference iii lagii.

lllpin ~lani. L'h’ HI). 5 Aug. Nighl l';ll\|llf_‘ llllltl\ llll' lllL' RL‘tl (‘l'tl\\ \kllll ll\L' \Cl\ lrnin Sciilx punk lcgciiilx 'l‘hc RC/llllh, llcta llanil l'i'nnIinan Stew Maxim's nu“ nuIliI lllack Allan; clcclrn l'UL‘kL‘l'\ Xwclnrx. bluegrass acl liluc Him and hip hop lni'in 'l'nii Man} llillltl\ l'caturing Rcachnul plus Icn nIhcr aclx and Ihc Suhwi‘xnc Synhnlixin l).l\ Iaking )iiu Ihnugh In Ihc \icc small hours.

I Easy Sunday al the Jan llar.

l lpni 3am. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl). lamngc llllhlL‘. ci‘nnnci'x and can listening ll‘tllll Sam low I\'cga~i.

I Hellraiser’s Ball at Ihc llixc.

l lpin 3am. l-"rcc. 5 Aug. l‘aniiighII}. .'\ rnck'n'rnll inurnc} \\Illl all the huxI L‘lll\ li‘oiii classic In hard rock Ilii'nugh In fills glam.

I Neon at Ihc “he. I lpni 3am. l‘i'cc. l2 Aug. lini'InigliIl}. (inIh. indic. llltllhll'lill. lL‘L‘lillU. rock. fills. punk and metal. U a drink all night.

I Orange Street aI ('iIi‘us ('luh. 10.30pm 3am. live below I lpni; £5 IUI

alIcr \M'ckl} Ska. ilant‘chall antl ruggac lrnni Iht- ()rallgc Slim-I l)J cit“

I Playgirl Mansion aI lulu \pni zani £5 “Ct-kl} Nun nighl lrnin licntl} \Vt'nil) .inil llL’r llll.lllltlll\ llll\ nl danci- lk'alx kllwllgritit\t'\.1lltltl.l\\lt Imp iiiiggt-Ix

I Pushin’ Buttons .ii Rt-il aliii iiiii l'rcc hclnrc llpin. {I alIci \\t't'l\l} Shnnt'axc nl clu'lrn ilixt‘n. punk lunk and hip hop hrcakx linin at'iim lilinhiiighk cluh lanil lcaluring lllll‘l‘k'\ i lllllll‘lk". Molilruin IXpht'Il i. llahtx \‘nalt h i. Spcin'uin I.\lnlhcrlunki and Ill l'ahuln/ il)i3;g.:il} l.

IShake .il Shanghai ‘lpin z.nn l-it'i' hclnrc llpin. ‘4‘ anti ilict'i \M-ckl) Snulliil \ncalx. \c\_\ ilixcn anil lunk lat’cil llllll\t' parI} tllllllL‘llh linin .lnhn llulchinwn I'l'iikyihlui anil Pt'ltlhwtlllhl l’cpc Santa Maria.

I The Shufer ClUb ill lllL' Splcgt'l (iarilcn. Il.-15pin 1.45am. tlllit'M. \Vcckl). Su- 'l‘hu.

I Taste at ('aharcI \nlIairc. llpni Sam. 95 hclni‘c l|.3llpin; LN allci' 1U» nicnihcixi. \Vcckl). l'l\llL'l' & l’ricc suppl} a prngrcxxnc llll\ nl hnuw and garage al this llllllllltllh Sunila} nighIcr. \ViIli Martin \alcnlinc lii'nil} lll chargi- nl lllL' hack rnnin. Jnincil h} special giicxl Slew l’ni'Icr I5 Aug! lni' lllt‘ll' lll'\l \t‘\\lllll nl lllL' l'.L‘\ll\ill.

I Tipsy aI .\la\\a. Ilpiii iain. H. \Vcckl}. Rikll and hip hnp li‘nni i‘i'xitlcnlx Nick (i and l’ha/c 3 aI \xhal Ihc} prnnnw will he ‘Ihc llllllL‘\l Sunda} niuhl pail} Ill toxin.

:3: Vaudeville/The One O’Clock Gun Club al the Bongo (‘luh “hillle 5am. £3.50 £9.50 (£7.50 L'Hflll hclni'c Iain; £5 alIcr. \Vcckl}. Sec 'l'hu.

Edinburgh Mondays


I Club Vague al .ltl\l lllL‘ 'l‘iiiiic. iniilnighl 5am. in. \Vcckl}. Soc Tim.

I Happy Mondays in I’m .\‘a .\'a.

llpm .iani. £3 llIL‘L‘l. chkl}. ('luh nighl lining new and L‘ltI\\lC indie. rock. lunk. hip hop and Mimi“ n.

I La Vida aI lulu. 0pm 3am. l‘i‘cc lk‘liil‘c lllpllll L5 illllt'l'. \VL‘Ckl}. :\ llL‘lltl} llll.\ Ill. L‘lL‘L‘lrIl-pup. L‘l;I\\lL‘\ tllltl Ill\L'Ii l‘rnm .lL‘I Hill.

I Latin Quarter at Medina. lllpni 3am. l'n'c. \Vcckl}. D] James (‘nnihc \inh real deal salsa and “mild music. No“ in ll\ l‘nurlh _\cai' and \Iill going \Ii'nng. like a

llllL' \xint'. inipinx in; u lll‘. .igc

I Red Residents aI lx‘cil lllpin inn l'ict' hclnii' llpin.1_‘.illcr “ct-kl} \i't' Hm

I Rope al ()pal l niingc ll'l‘lll lain llk'k' l‘t'll‘lk' l lpni. L5 ‘1‘z'illlk'l \M'ckh lllll}. iippctl up. lunki lll‘ll\k‘ anil itc Innl L'lt‘tlli'

I The Shuffle Club at lllL' \pii-gi-l (ldltlk'll L 1” \\t't'kl} \t'c lllll

I Trade Union .iI (Lilian-I \nliaiit- llpm Sam 1: “ct-kl} \llell In f_‘l\\‘ \nint'lhinf; hack In lht' ha! .lllkl .luh \\tlli\k'l\ \xilh mouthing t'\\k'[‘l thccw Iinin l).l lit-ch anil \\n|lia//

=31 Vaudeville/The One O‘Clock Gun Club aI Ihc lil‘llfJIl (‘Iuh Ill illpni ‘am in 5“ L") 5“ L“ ill U 51h ht'lnic lain.

L5 .Illt'l \\L‘L‘kl) \t'k' lllll

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Antics aI Iht' lhw llpni iani lit‘i‘ \Vci'kl} l<ll\l\. t'nin. punk and ini'IaI ilixpalt'ht'x linni l'ilinhuigh'x .ilI \t‘t'nt'

I Club Vague .iI .lll\l lllt‘ llllllt' iniiliiighl 5am t'li “ct-kl} Sit-c Hm

I Lulu aI lulu. Spin iani l-ii'c hclni'c lllpni; U allci. \M-ckl}. Snullul. t't'lt't'Iit' \clx Iaking Ill i'\ci'_\Ihing_' linin ni‘u nau- In rare gi‘iiiiw linin lzilinhuigh'x llllt‘xl Iinilt'iui’nunil l).|\ llnhhi‘x i Iinuhlt'i and Dam lllL'.l\l\Pllll

I Motherfunk .iI ()pal lounge.

lllpni iain. l'i't'c \Vcckl} (iinii anil liwi arc hack \\ iIh Ihcii 'IIit-sila) lll\l|llllltlll ax Ihc} \pin rare and (lawn Iunk} .I\\t'tl. lltitll‘-\llilklllf._' hits and "(ls gi‘iiint'x. ilt‘cp lunk. |.aIin. \nul and so much innic.

I Red Residents at Red. lllpni 5am. l-i'cc hulniu | lpin; [I alIcr. \Vcckl}. Sut- Tim.

I The Shufer Club at lllt' Spit-gcl (iai'ilcn. {Ill l t'h’i. \Vt't'kl}. Sec 'l'hu.

I Split aI (‘aharcl \iillan‘c.

l|.3(lpin 5am. l'Iu‘. \Vt'ckl}. l)i'uni ik bass. clu‘Ii'n and break ht'aI \\ iIh Slliltlll\\\l\lll. Ihc |)i'npnul l)J\. l)iii_viiia and a \niaIIcring nl \t'i‘} Ialcnli'il lnt'al gume l)l'lllll ik ham and tweaks cnlli't‘nw Izihnhui'gh liil\\t‘ll Iakc cait' nl lhc main room C\L‘l"\ nIhi-i' neck.

I Tuesday Heartbreak al lllt‘ .lii/x liill. 1 1.30pm 3am. l‘I‘cc. \Vi‘ckl}. l).l s\l\l p|a_\\ ll‘t‘\ll wul. lunk. Rikll. hip hop. gospel and blue»

2:1 Vaudeville/The One O’Clock Gun Club al the llnngn ('luh. Illillpin 5am. [8.5” Ulfllltfifll [SSW hi‘lnl't' lain;

L; .lllk'l “CCle \Ct‘ lllll

I Vibe al l gn lipin ‘xnn L-l \\cckl\ \l.iinxla§ 3;.i_\ nighI \inh lamiw

l niignnith nn Iht' ilu‘kx l \pct'I (hi'cxt'. thnnns. \ninkc niachint'x anil ina\l\c cwn Iht' (jaii ' ..~ li'.\ Ilit'nii‘ IIini'

Edinburgh Wednesdays Club

I Chambles aI ()pal l nuch

lllpni ‘ani L1 1* \\ci'kl_\ \ltjlll nl \L'\_\ 'llll\l\. lillll.l\ll\ int kI.nl\ .lll\l lal‘ulnux [‘U‘l‘lt‘ l)II‘\\ ll‘ lllll‘lt‘\\

I Club Vague .ii .lll\l lllk' ltlllk

iniilnighl *am in \M't'kh \t‘t‘ lllll

I Hard to Find at lllL‘ .l.li'/ liai

iniilnighl ‘ain lii'c \M't'kh Ill Rnincn plan pnii‘. llll.l\lllllk'l.llk'\l It'ugat'. ilantt'hall. ~nta .inil .l.llll.ll\'.lll \tlllll\l\

I lndi-Go .iI Ilit' l Iiiiiitl Rimlll

lll illpin R.iiii Liitli \Mx'kl} lhi' lalmI inihi‘ inuhl In hiI Ihi‘ tapilal \\llll lhi‘ lwxl lll iii-u lllll\l\ ianil Ihi‘ ll.l\ .ni' happx In Lilxt‘ lk'tlllk'\l\'

I Jerk Alert aI lx‘t'il lllpni inn lit'i' l‘t'llllk' llpm. {I .lllt‘l \M'ckh ‘\I‘hin_\.!|} nmnnl ilant't'llnni lun‘ linni .\l(~ lilnnilm anil .\\\k'\l\lllL' \\t'll\ .il llll\ inilii' lllt‘t‘l\ inulh cluh llllell

I Juice .iI \l.I\\a Ill illpni iani t" itii \\L‘k'l\l_\ lht- niijginal ll\‘\lll_\ \tlllk'k'/t'tl ‘lllx anil llllx \llltlt'lll iiith

I The Pit .il lht' llnt' llpin iain l we \Vct'kl}. Rnt'k anil ini'Ial nigghl h_\ nick and Inclal lanx lni luck and int-Lil lanx

I Roller Disco .il l lllll .\'pin zaIn l'lk't' l‘t‘llll't' lllpin. U .lllt'l \\t'i'kl_\ RN and lllllllt' cli't‘li‘nnit‘ clawit'x linin Mash anil lltll l’lt'axt‘tl .Illil _:_‘Ilt‘\l l).l\

I The Shuffle Club at lllt‘ Spit-gel (illltlt'll Llll l [h l. \Vt'k'hl) \t't‘ Illlll

=11 Vaudeville/The One O’Clock Gun Club .iI lhc llnngn ('Iuh Ill. illpin 5am. [3.50 t") 5“ l USU LIN 5th hi‘lnii‘ Iain. (S illlt‘l'. \\L'L‘kl_\ ht't‘ {lllll

I We are . . . Electric .ii (liliaicI \nllani'. llpin 5am. l'it'i' hi'liiit' lllltllllfllll; {I .lllt'l ilii‘t' In iiii'inhcisi \Vt'ckl}. l’h\ l\ Inini'il Ill Iht' inaiii Iiinni h} l’llll\ll \klll/l kiil 'lcnii' \imc lni \lllllt' inininial t'li‘i‘li‘n and click hnuw. ’lall Paul (The (in-( ini pla_\\ \ka. reggae and proper \nul lllltllljlll Iht- l‘ilt'kllltllll

for GLASGOW CLUBS see non-festival magazine


Club venues

I El Barrio

119 Rose Street. 226 4311. Spanish fiesta every night of the week. now on Rose Street.

I Berlin

3 Queensferry Street Lane. 467 7215. Selection of cool house nights. See listings for details.

I The Bongo Club Moray House. 37 Holyrood Road. 558 7604. One of the coolest and most eclectic clubs in town. See listings for details. I Cabaret Voltaire 36-38 Blair Street. 220 6176. Mixed bag from house and techno to drum & bass and indie. See listings for details. I The Caves

Niddry Street South. 225 5440. Great subterranean venue (as the name suggests) getting more and more popular due to its unique atmosphere. See listings for details.

I CC Blooms

23-24 Greenside Place. 556 9331. One of the city‘s most enduring gay clubs. with hi-NRG tracks every night of the week.

I The Citrus Club Grindlay Street. 622 7086. Mainly studenty venue that goes for an indie vibe as well as a dash of punk, new wave and 805 classics. See listings for selected highlights.

I City: Edinburgh

1a Market Street. 226 9560. From student nights to big house and guest DJs. See listings for selected highlights. I Club Pivo

2-6 Calton Road. 557 2925. A selection of the best Edinburgh DJs play every night for free.

I Ego

Picardy Place. 478 7434. Home to some of the capital‘s best loved nights as well as a selection of big gay clubs. See listings for details.

I Espionage

4 India Buildings. Victoria Street. 477

7007. Five floors of varied chart and dancey action.

I Henry’s Cellar Bar 8-16a Morrison Street. 228 9393. Eclectic and experimental night form surf rock to electro. See listings for details.

I Hive

15—17 Niddry Street, 556 0444. New home for most of the Subway Cowgate's nights of rock, indie and electronica. See listings for details.

I The Hudson Club Hope Street Lane. 247 7000. Quality eclectic nights from big house to student nights from some of Scotland's best DJs.

I Jam House

5 Queen Street. 226 4380. Primarily a live music and jazz venue open until 3am, but home to the odd club special, including Club Noir. See listings for details.

I The Jazz Bar

1 Chambers Street, 467 2539. Cool beats from global sounds to

straight ahead Jazz. See listings for details.

I The Liquid Room 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. One of the top venues in town for guest DJs and live mu5ic. See listings for details.

I Lulu (under Tiger Lily)

125b George Street. 561 2245. Cool funk. house and other grooves from the people who brought you the Opal Lounge.

I Mariners CommerCial Street. Leith. 555 5622. Semi regular nights in this old church from lesbian Club Velvet to techno and house. See listings for details.

I Massa

36-39 Market Street. 226 4224. Glam house. party nights and hip hop and R88 on a Sunday With TipSy.

I Medina

45—47 Lothian Street. 225 6313. Laid back vibes With cool hip hop and other sounds. See listings for details.

I Le Monde

16 George Street. 270 3900. New slick and stylish venue in the heart of Edinburgh.

I Mood

Omni. Greenside Place. 550 1640. Chart and party tunes.

I Opal Lounge

51 George Street. 226 2275. House and funky beats for a dressed up crowd.

I Opium

71 Cowgate. 225 8382. Flock. punk and metal, no messing.

I Po Na Na

43b Frederick Street. 226 2224. Student nights, funky beats. house and more. See listings for selected highlights.

I Potterrow

Teviot. Bristo Square. 650 9195. Student heaven.

I RED Vodka Club 73 Cowgate. 225 1757. From house to reggae. See listings for details. I Siglo

184 Cowgate. 240 2850. Charty. party. indie nights until 3am.

I Stereo

King Stables Road, 229 7986. More big party tunes and drunken danCing.

I Studio 24

Gallon Road. 558 3758. Down and dirty club nights. speCialising in techno and rock. See listings for details.

I The Subway West End

Lothian Road. 229 9197. Another one for the after office crowd. I Time

24a Frederick Street, 220 1226. Chart songs and plenty of booze all night long.

I Mist

26b Dublin Street. 538 7775. Gay bar With a club space in the basement.

I The Wee Red Bar Edinburgh College of Art. Lauriston Place. 229 1442. Student nights for the arty set including dub and techno. See listings for details.

I Why Not?

14 George Street. 624 8311. Hits from the 805 to last week.