

Eva Cassidy's music was virtually unknown outside her hometown of Washington DC during her lifetime. She died in 1996 and in 2001 her album Songbird was discovered and became a huge hit. selling in excess of four million copies worldwide. There's another chance to enjoy the magic of Cassidy's songs in this show where Hayley Clare utilises her own honeyed tones to deliver her own take on the subtle genius of Cassidy’s work.

I Assembly Umwrsci’ Arts. (in :1

l.‘l.3.50—7 7.50 t" 5:37- 70 3‘.

8. 500/“.

Its not as if we need convincing that New Zealand is anything other than a prime exporter of general hedonism to the UK, and The Black Seeds, 3 low-slung reggae soul outfit whose feelgood party music fails miserably in making us think otherwise. Guitarist and vocalist Barnaby Weir takes up the 5 question challenge

5 words to describe your show

L "‘ i"‘ \ .n' .' .. ‘.,,.l

4 items that would be on your dream rider /\v\e'.l.‘.'.l.:" 1:" ' ~ {villus 1-: ' "1

3 things that you hope for from your visit to Edin urgh in August Tli sum: r: "C ' " .'..’7::;'v\.:; 2 influences on The Black Seeds that you’d rather not admit to . . .

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1 rumour you’d like to start about the band

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For venue addresses see index page 80.