
lair/'1 Soqotra: A Cinematic Introduction l<l"\.ll Botanic (i.lltlL’ll\ il ettule ‘l lit-.itl'e'.

lll\t'llt'!lll Ron. 55: "l‘l " ‘l l5i‘iii l‘lc'c' \ii exciting ol i.iie|_\ seen lilin atoll. lit l)llllL'l.l\ lloitiiig. l’hilliiiiie \‘u'll .llltl .l ltl‘~‘-.ll(l \liliiei

Activities 59 lvents

Summer Nights at the Observatory l<ll}.ll (llML'lMllHD \ l\llHl ('eiitlc. lll.itl_loiil lllll. ooh Mill 5 5 15pm L15” if.) Rm. 9.") Linn!) \leu iiii.ige\ ol the \llll ll\lllL' the ( ll‘st'lMllHl} \ sol.” lt'lt'\ttl[\‘\. keep tour ext-s peeled loi suusiiols. check out lllt‘lt't'lllt'\ .liltl lllltl otil \‘.llt'lc' to look loi Saturn and .llll‘llt'l Hooking L'\\t‘llll.tl

Activrties 8, Events

Sue Lawrence Booking Signing \'.ll\oii.i .\ ('lolla. i” ll!” Ron. 55o hum Noon :[llll l'iee \ iiiusl loi local lood t'lllllll\l.'l\l\. \lit- l .l\\lt‘llt't' \lj_‘ll\ ctlplt'\ ol llt'l l.2lt'\l lltlt'lx. l (UNA '\ II'HI 1', hi Ill/(Hill [mm Ii'ii/iil In Ii’iuiii iii If“ ll ( i/n'x


Out of the Blue Arts Market ( )1” ()l 'l'he llltle l)ril| ll.i||. ill Vi I).iliiieli} Street. |.eith. 550 "Hill. \ooii (iiiiii. 5llp -\ chance to lirtmse pleiit) ol art. trait and design goodies. including iexxellei'}. photograph}. \‘L‘l.lllllt'\. clothes and music tliiect hour the ,ll'll\l\ theiilsehes.

Food & Drink

Edinburgh Farmers’ Market ( lisile 'lei‘racc. (i5: 5‘Hll ‘laili 3pm. More local. tiil;l|i!_\. ethical [lltltllltt‘ than tou could \ll.ll\c' ti \llt'l\ .ll


One Scotland - Many Cultures? St lollth (‘huich. l’iiiiees Street. Ill-154m. l‘lt‘t'. l’rolessoi l-rank Whaling t'll.lll'\ llll\ inter l.iilh tll\t‘ll\\lllll .ll‘tllll Scotland‘s relationship \\ ilh other cultures. I’m-l n/ [111' I'l'UIlll/ u/ .\/lll'lllliI/ll\ (Hill I’i‘ili ('.

Sunday 20

Activities & Events

Sunday Sailings ladiiihtirgh Qua). illehiiid ('ilrgoi. |'litilltaiiihiidge. 0845 345 71-18. Noon. l.,5ll[‘lll. ipiii ck «l..‘~llpili. [5 (Hi; {l5 ltllllll}. lxiiio_\ .i gentle trip along the l’iiioii ('iiiial on Re l'iiioii's lou‘l} purple hoat,

Activities & Events

The One O’Clock Gun Garden Party Scottish Book 'l‘l‘tist. Stiiitleiiiaii llousc. ’l'i‘uiilts (lose. 55 High Street. 52-1 lllllll. (rpm, l-iee. .-\ night ol poelr}. song and stories lroni Silli;i_\| Saadi. Angus (‘alder and .l.llllt‘\ \Vood. [lllh \lllgt‘l'Ntlllg“ l'llL‘l'\ William Douglas and Daniel .\lc(iee\ei.


Joan Bakewell Scottish l’oell'} l.ll‘l'.ll'_\. 5 (‘richlon's (lose. ('.liiolig;lle. 557 38W). ~1piii [5 lUl. 'l'he popiilai 'l'\‘ personalit) presents her lawtirite poems. in discussion \\llll Rohiii \larsack Hooking essential, What‘s So Funny About the Irish (or Scottish, English, Welsh etc)? St John's ('hurch. Princes Street. (ipili. l‘ree. llill} llaile} reflects on the “ass humour can he both .1 blessing and .l curse. [tin or



The Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival (Menu. 1 lh‘ than,” Road. lis‘o so so no“. Tue 33 .\UI~'- liree. ()lie ol the l'K‘s most important lt‘\ll\.ll\ lor gamers. ('heck

\\ \useielicoul‘ for more into. See l’la}. .\'oii-l7estl\,il lliaga/iiie. page 4] tor pre\ lc‘\\

Wednesday 23

ACll (ilk/f} A E fill";

Parklife: Ranger Guided Walks llt‘l_\lHHtl l’.lll\ Ranger \ei\itc. llol_\iootl lodge. (~52 hi5“ lpiii (it-l .lii liisilleik

\ ie\s on the geolog}. .iitliaeologs .Illtl hiolog} ol llolsiootl link


* Understanding the Middle East Scottish l’arliaiueui Building. lloltiootl Rtltltl. >175 2”“ ll “Lilli l‘lt't' \t‘t' llllll\l

* Could you Make a Fortune in Scotland? Scottish l’ai'lialiierit Building. lltll}ltNltl Ro.ill.»1~§ Jllllll lpili 15d“ \L't' llllll\l


Doing a Geographical St John's (lunch. Princes Street. I: illiiili l'lt't' l);i\ id (ileig .llltl Rahlii l).l\ id l\’o\t' look at the \\;l_\\ that ti‘;i\e| can relate to illeiilii} and the search loi illeaiiiiig in! u! ln\/’

Food & Drink

Whisky Masterclass: Five Favourite Drams .leiinei‘s. ~l.\' l’rilices Street. 3:5 3H) (ipili £lllt£Xi. l);i\id Harper. ilillligiger ol the .leiiiiers \\'hisl\_\ Shop. leads llll\ tasting ol the top the malls


The RSA Lecture: Technology, Politics and Change Scottish l’ai‘liailielit lltllldiiig. llol}l‘ootl Road. 47‘» It”). \ooii lpiu. l'iee. Journalist and hroadcasler l‘l'tlllL'LN (’ail'iicrots goes llll\ talk on him tecllnolog} can .illcct politics and the ecoiioiu}. [ill] I" l-ul’ 30le

>l< Leading the Field: A Conversation with Sir Menzies Campbell MP Scottish Parliament Building. llol}l’ootl Road. .173 Illtltl.

l 3pm £5 lUi. See llillist.

Conflict and Terror: Does the Media Make it Worse? Scottish l’al‘llilillenl Budding. llol}rootl Road. ~17} 304K). 2 3pm. l'ree. llllgh Miles. l’rolessor l);l\ id .\llllel'. ()saiuil Saced and Re\ Ruth Scott (lI\L'll\\ lltl\\ a llc‘\\ st} le ol peace iotirliallsiii could hm e ;i [ltl\lll\ e impact on conflict and lt‘l'l'lll'hlll. l’ill'l u/ /‘(l/’ 3mm.

* Friendship Across the Political Divide Scottish l’arliiiiiieiit lliiildilig. llol}rood Road. 473 Ztltltl. 2pm. l'ree. See lllllisl.

* A Life in Politics: Tam Dalyell Scottish l’arliailieiit Building. llo|_\rood Road. 473 200i). 3 4pm. £5 lUl. See llltlist.


Soqotra: Land of the Dragon’s Blood Tree l'ntll Sun 3‘) ()ct. l{o_\;i| Botanic Garden. li\hihitloii lliill. lmerleith Rim. 552 7l7l. lilaui 5pm, l’l‘ee. .\la|or next e\hlhition e\ii|oring one ol the \xorld's most liioliigicall} duelse Island L'lllllll\. tlc‘wt'llk‘tl l3} some as the

‘( iillapilgos ol' the liidian ()cean',

World Press Photo 06 ‘l‘ue 32

.‘\llf_' Thu 7 Sep. Scottish Parliament Building. lloly‘ood Road. 473 ltltltl. l'i'ee. See hig picture.


St. John's

Corner of lolliian Rd 8. Princes St, Edinburgh (l l-6)


Charity Fair Sat l‘) «k Sun Ill :\ug lidinhtirgh (‘eiitral Mosque. 5t) l’otterroxx. («‘7 I777. Noon (rpm. .-\ lun “L‘L'lkt'lltl organised h} l\l;lllllt‘ Reliel. leaturiug a mock relugee camp. alt h} child siir\ l\tll'\ ol the l);tl\l\l;tll earthquake and .chI\ ilic\ lot children I’lli'l ul Ihu'ui't'r /\/imi


John Hegley‘s Happy Writing and Drawing Workshops l-‘ri lh‘ Sat ls) :\lig. lidinhurgh Qua}. (Behind ('argoi. l-‘ouiitaliihrldge. 0845 3-15 “4—18.

2 3.30pm, £15 tLllll. Stand-up poet John llegle} leads llll\ poem and picture making uorkshop \\ here each panicipant \\ ill create a small hook of ideas.


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closed \undai .iiid Moudaj.

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Email: salestu manna house t‘tlllillllrgll.U).Ul‘(
