
Shooting stars

The excellent Film Festival retrospective, They Might Be Giants, covers a series of brilliant American film nearly men whose careers never quite happened. Paul Dale finds out where it all went wrong.

al .\xh|\_\ \IIL'tI ml |i\er antl enlmn eaneer

mn a net |)eeeml\er l'nextla} in I‘Lx'x at

hix heaeh hmnxe in \lalihn. ('alilmrnia. He \\ax 5‘) _\earx nl age and hix einenialie Ik‘flilk'} amnnntetl tn the xi\ remarkahle lilmx he made helueen l‘lfil and W7” llu'rn/i/ (lllt/ .I/ii/ii/i'. //1<' [ml /)( [til]. Shunt/mm. lfiiii/ii/ lni‘ (i/nm. (hill/ire //n/in' and living Hip/i. 'l'he Ittxl tieeatie HI lllx lile Ilati heen a lll// ml lt‘nxtraletl. ahnrti\e antl emmprnmixetl lilm lii'nieelx. tlrnex antl illnexx. .\xhh_\‘x \Ik'iIIII and the xnhxeqnent memni‘ial xer\iee lattentletl h} man_\ ml the xlarx \\llm |m\etl \xmi‘kine \xilh him

Sean Penn. lirnee |)ei'n. \\'arren Heart) and Shirle} \laelainel l'mrmx the natural. xtlthh‘llillg emneltlxinn IH I’L‘IL‘I' I;I\I\Ilitii\ I‘mmk lutixt Kit/«n. Rue/He />’ii//\. ahmtll the better knn\\n pla_\erx ml the (illx anti ,"llx llnl|_\\\nmtl einema hnnm.

.\xhh_\ \\ax hartlh a his pl;i_\er nn the le\e| nl'. xa}. (ienree l.tieax. and it he had heen axketl he prnhahl) \\Ulliti nml ha\ e x\\mrn allegianee tn the _\nnng_' 'l‘nrkx Senrxexe. ("‘l‘l‘nla antl I.neax himxell' \\hm \\ ere tiniekl} migrating li'nm Rnger ('mrman'x hlnntl xplallereti lilm l'aelmriex In the \Vexl ('maxl‘x xhn\\hi/ eentre xtaee. .\xhh_\ \\ax mmre interextetl in the ermnntlxuell nl~ hippiex. ma\eriekx antl l‘reakx \xlimxe mn\iex \\ ere x|m\\ l_\ retlelining genre Imtmtlariex.

One ml the highlightx nl' thix )t‘;ir”x lithnhnreh lnternatinnal l'ihn l‘exti\al ix the retrnxpeetne. Him Hie/11 lft' (int/m ()I/H'I' \mit'i'x [in/ii [/It' .\'i'n liner/um ('iiit'mii. an interexling and laterth mintletl e\panximn ml the NIH Hunt l1: /'/n' l’i/iiix I/Itl/ ('liiiliet‘i/ I/mHHrmu/ xeaxmn premiered h_\ the HM. \l-l antl (‘mn/ maea/ine earlier thix _\ear. There are xnme \xnntlerl'nl lilmx here llll;lll_\ ml \\hieh enin} etl hriel~ nntingx in lilH’Z‘x thrill/innit xlmt thrnnghnnl the Mix and ‘Nixl. ‘I‘hei'e'x \lnnte llellman‘x elemental ("m-Alleliit'r ipietnre l l. .lnhn ('at'pentei”x xpaee eake ml~ a lttm\ ie. Hark Slur l2). \Valker Hill'x \IL‘IiIQIIIIi) lean I'ltt' Mitre/'13). lilaine .\I;r)'x x\\eell_\ nl'l‘ killer Hit/tr (1/I(/.\‘/vt'/\\i and .lei‘i'_\ Sehat/herg‘x BL‘L‘kUllitlll iiUi‘U l'tklti IIIU\IL‘ Neil/111‘th lSl. Iii name hut a le\\. 'I‘here earl he little tlnnht that thexe lilmx and the men and \xnmen \\hm made them tlexer\ e In he eelehi‘atetl. and _\et the title nl' i‘etrnxpeetn e thrmxxx up a rather paratlm\ieal qtrantlar) 'il'he} Might Be (iiantx' hegx the quextinn \\ ere the) 1’

The anx\\ er ix )t‘x and tin. l.ike .\xhh_\. hatl hiek. hatl judgement and [hearted amhitimn \\ ax tn hnltl haek ma} nl thexe l'ilmmakei'x~


tlri\e tm take their xeal at the tnp lahle almnexitle the likex ml' Semrxexe. (‘nppnla antl Spielherg.

lake [.mntlnn-hnrn .v\nthmn'\ Hai'\e_\. the giltetl L‘tiliml’ Hi Stanle} .xillitl'IlL'O/(lI-(V. \\IlH tlireeled the l'L‘ll‘Hx[k‘ell\C'\ litnlar lilm. Made in I‘Vl. //n\ .lli'e/il Hr (II/(HIM ix a \\ixtl'nl. nnnxtiall} likeahle xtntl} nl tirhan inxanit}. in \\hieh (iemi'ge (' Sentl pl;t_\x a mental patient Innxe in \e\\ ank \xhn


Knhriek'x /)i‘


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The tilm whose title spawned the retrospective: They Might Be Giants (main pic)

helie\ex he ix Sherlmek linlmex In .lnanne \metluartl‘x \Valxmn.

When he made thix lilm. Name} \ktlx vlll _\earx mltl antl. haxinj: ttrrnetl hix haek nn editing. the pnxxihilitiex nl a brilliant tlireetmrial eareer Ik'ijJL‘ti. SH \kllttl tilti IIL' imilim lhix ln\e|_\ lilm with? Rnhhixh 'l \' rnm\ iex and IIIIIXI'I'I’IIL' Imxh like l/ir' .I/u/n (mu/1. law/("x Hing anti IV nim\ ie. '//ii' him It! .Vi'ii/ Slum. that‘x \\hal. .\ ximilar eaxe in pnint ix .lamex William (inerien. tlireetnr ml Hm rm (i/n/r (ll H/m' int. the hext lilm e\er matle ahnnt a hiehua} pati‘nlman HHII] the pnxxihle e\ee[ilimn HI .r\le\ (Vil\.x Hie/mm. (ill/H. Haek in 10—3. alter thix xiiienlar lilm reeei\etl intlillerenee l'rnm eritiex and the pnhlie alike. he went haek tn hix tla} inh nl managing pnp handx (illieagm. and Blmmd. Sn eat and 'I'earx.

_\ntl uhm enultl ha\e gtiexxetl that the lad} inne nl the ten \tnrkine hehintl the eamera in Hilll}\\mmtl. then ax timut \kllm made the till}