Back to the Futon Coo (ireat Scntt' l’aul Kerensa (whn larnpnnncd 24 last year) is as qlllck'“ itted as he is knnw ledgeable abnut the 80s classic and there‘s cyen a raffle tn get a ride rntmd the blnck ma l)cl.nrean after the shnw. lilllllllit New lands) l'nilt'rlu'lly. (I870 745 5’08}. until 27xlue. 8pm. £8.50 1‘). 50 ((750 £8.50).

David Benson 0.. catnp and the snphisticated. Bensnn

l‘tising the

esudes natural charm during tlie l)ean \lal'llllwl} le snngs atid tlte ariecdntes that mterlrnk them. A relayed w it and swapping his batik manager racket hit a sequined nne say es the day. (limina

\ew lands) I’lt'uyunt (' ('uurtyun/ 556 6550. until ISA/(e. 2pm. £7.50 [8.50 (U) 17).

Brendon Burns 00. and tiridntibtedly dynamic. this at times felt like nne lniig therapy sessinn. When

Raw. brutal

interest waned. Burris fell back nn shnck remarks and pr'ny ed tliat being clean and snbei' hasn't dampened the fire iii his belly. (l)i'ew 'l'nsh) I’lt'usunt't' I)nnu'. 556 6550. until 28xlug (nut l8). 8.30pm.

(ll (/2 (ti/0 ill): I”. 2.5 826.1112. /0.-/0/nn. 1 l2 ( 1 ll). Jane Bussman coo

ariecdntes abnut swapping celebrin

:\n lintit' nl

lttlcl'\ iews fnt' war—tni'n l'ganda snirnds lar mnre like educatinn than entertainment. and. while the nbsery'atinns are wry and self- deprecating. the material is surprisingly staid fnr snmenne whnse writing credits includes Brim Iz'yt'. (lininia Newlands) St (ii'urgt's West. 226 2428, until 28 Aug (nut 2/). 8pm. [9.50 £10.50

(£8.50 £9.50).

Justin Edwards 000 lidwat‘ds wants tn w rite abntit what he knnws. bttt the tall snngw riter and cnmic pei'fnrmer dnes mnst nf his wnrk nn Radin 4. whnse ayerage audience is a 52-year-nld wnman frnm Kent. llis snngs range frnm punchy parndies In an ingeninus number abnttt unrequited lny‘e fnr a librarian. (Allan Radcliffe) l’lt'ttMtIIt't' ('uttt'lVitI'tl. 556 6550. until 28 .-lug (nut 2/). 6.20pm.

1“) l“).50([7.50 [8).

Everybody Hates Chris (Neill) 0.. Neill is delicinusly funny; bitchy and sharp. btit what he dnesn't hay e. which he himself admits. is a shnw In (it his natty title. Instead he reads frnm celebrity bingi‘aphies. mncking Jndie Marsh and Martinc Mc(‘utchenn brilliantly. btit with little tn say. (Rachael Street) l'ndcrlw/ly; 0870 745 3083’. until 27glug. 5.15pm. £7.50 [8.5/ltf6~[7t. Godliman 8- Lane 000 'l‘\' shnws lanipnnniiig the yery medium they appear nn are cnmiiinn. sn it's unusual that (indliman & l.ane slintild think there's liye mileage in the subject. Yet their sketches are slick and cnntain w ry ()bset'\;ttintts. :\ secnnd theme 0f class tnurism is let dnwn by their cast nf

prny iricial characters always being the butt nf the jnkes. (Rnbin Lee) l’lcusunce ('nurtyurtl. 556 6550, until 28 Aug. 4.45pm. £8. 50- {9. 50 (1271-128).

The Goodies 000 They tnay be a bit. nlder and nne man dnwn bttt there‘s still life in the (inndies. (iraeme (iarden (the brainy nne). 'l‘im Brnnke-Taylnr (the nne Iliey made wear dresses) and Bill ()ddie (the hairy tw itcher nne) nn \ iden help recall a TV era when their slapstick silliness and surreal satire ruled. (Marissa Burgess) sls‘s‘ctnhly RUN/In. 226 2428.


until 2-;lue (tint 2/). 5.50pm. {/4 1/6 (1/5).

Grandmotherf*“er 000 In July 2()()l. Brnnklyn‘s l’at ('andaras made snme way es by being the nldest stand-up nn the l-ringe. She's iinw dared In return altd. giy mg the timing nt that debtrt y isrt. there is way [no inuch material here abntrt the cyents in her city twn ninnths later. A pleasingly -deliyered btit slightly cnld tale. (Brian l)nnaldsnn) ('ntli'rln'lly. 0870 745 503.". lllllll 27xltte. flint.

l“) [ll/(£8 £9).

Jeff Green 0.. :\ cnntident. able perfnrmer with nn shnrtage nt snappy nbscryatinns. (ireen's charisma giy es him latitude tn get away w ith snme yaliantly attctnpted bttt stale yariatinns nn timewnrn cnmedic humdrum. in his credit. a likeable presence attd strinntlt enntiriuity ultimately please tts. (Sam llealy ) Assembly Rooms. 226 2428. until 28,-lug. 7.40pm, [ll [/3 (1/0 (/2). Natalie Haynes ooo Haynes dnesn't disappnint with this snlid shnw featuring her nbsessinn with .-\merican TV detectiycs and hnw they wntrld aid her ill a lnissinn It) make llte wnrld a cleyerer place. Snriie w ill be an fait with her talking faster than a child (in nrangeade. nther's wnn't take In it. (Marissa Burgess) I’lt’usunt (' (‘uurtyunl 556 6550. until 28 slug. ‘lpnt.

[9.50 [10.50 ([8 (‘9).

Steve Hughes 000 What Hughes lacks in stagecraft and pnlisli he certainly makes tip fnr with heartfelt llicksian fury at the uncnuntablc hypncrisies nf let century demncratic imperialism. lf anti- establishnient sentiment is In the lidinburgh liringe as cnals are In Newcastle. this fuming Atrssie still tnuches fresh nery'es. (Sam llealy) l’lt'usunt't' ('nurtyurtl. 556 6550. until 27 Aug. I lpnt. [8~—£“150t[5 [8).

Robin Ince COO lnce is a pnlished pcrfnrrner and he knnws it. His slinw catalngues his weaknesses and disasters with cnnl'idence. while a dnur-faccd accnrdinnist prny'ides the snundtrack: a yery effective tnnl that adds edge In nften ay'erage anecdntes abnut creatinnisni. (Sian Beyan) .-ls'.s'e))i/)ly Rummy, 226 2428. until 28 Aug. ()_3()/nn. [ll [/2 (NU—{ll}.

Sarah Kendall COO Kendall‘s natural anecdotal style is as gnnd as anynne iii the Fringe. and here she plays the nne whn is ney'er quite quick ennugh with that perfect cnmeback tn nasty ptit dnwns. Her dnmestie tribulatinns lack an acerbic spark hnwey'er. and this is snmethirig nf a let-dnwn. (Mark Rnbcrtsnn) l’lt'us'unt‘e ('nurtyurtl. 556 6550. until 28 .-lug (nut 2/). 8pm. [9 [/0 (£7.51). £8.50).

Shappi Khorsandi 0.0 This British-Iranian cntnic has cnme a millinn miles since her last Fringe nffering in 2003. btit she still falls disappnintingly shnrt here. l)espite haying killer snurce material abnut her dad fleeing frnm Middle liastern assassins. she Inn nften plumps fnr the easy gag abnut cultural differences. (Brian [)nnaldsnn) I’leusttncc Courtyard. 556 6550. until 28 Aug. 7pm. [8—19.50 (£6.50—[8L

Know it All? 0.. Under the banner Punk Science. twn lads (nne cncky. the nther geeky). dn a reasnnable jnb nf ramming linriie the rudimentaries nf science. It's a ln-tech multimedia .shnw iny‘nly'iiig embarrassing audience

4 Aug 2006

participatrnn and is a bit hit and miss (Miles l'telder) (it/Ili'tl li’tilluun lt llUt'. 668 I635. until 2- lug (nu: 2/ l. ." l5pin. {NU/(1-1M

Andrew Lawrence .00 easy spending an hnur iii the cnmpany nt

lt's tint

a stick~thm psychntic with the \nice akin tn .lne l’asqtiale nn twn packs nt Marlbnrn (the red kind) a day and the krrid nt glare ('harlie Mansnn tnnk years In ctiltiyate. layen less st) when the cnmic has picked nn ynu tn prnpnse snme intigli recreatinnal actryttres. (Brian l)nnaldsnn) I’lt'uyunt't' ('uurtyuitl. 556 6550. “Hill 28 .lug (NH! 2/). 9.45pm. {8.50 10.50

(17 1‘8).

Josie Long 000 and sunshine sntriidtrack greet the

.»\ bn\ nf badges

audience. befnre tlte last dt'egs (if cynicism are brushed away by the lady herself. The cheerful l.nng has endearing energy btit tinfnrtunately the material is nften rambling tn the pniiit nf nnnsensical. (Sian Beyan) ('tttv It’uxul. 556 254‘). until 27.-\ue (nut 22). 6.40pm. U) ([4).

Inder Manocha 000 has made his mark nn the cnmcdy circuit

Mant )cha

with material fnctising nn his cnnltisinn as a third generatinn Asian in multi- cultural Britain and here he simply issues fni‘th with the kind nf material which has ser‘y ed him sn well. (Marissa Burgess) I’li'usunt't' ('nurty’uril. 556 6550. until 28 slug. 7.15pm. [8.50 [9.50/17 18). Carey Marx .0. The impish cnmedian cnlnur cndcs his gags in his latest shnw tn enable him In get nasty when the crnwd slinttt pink fnr silly and brnw n fnr earthy. .\'n nne is spared including the disabled. l'ri (ieller and albinns. (Marissa Burgess) l’leusunt‘c Hume. 556 6550. until 28.-\ug. l0.50/mi. £8.50 [ll/([7 [8.50).

Paul Merton’s Silent Clowns .0. his recent TV slinw abnut silent film

Mertnn's abridged y'crsinn nl

cnmedians amnunts tn little mnre than a taster. The films nf Arbuckle. ('haplin. Keatnn and Laurel 8; Hardy are gems. and it’s gnnd tn watch them with Me piann accnmpanimerit and a guffaw irig crnwd. (Miles Fielder) .-lsst'ni/)l_y Rnnms, 226 2428. until 20min. l/uni. £12.57)» [/4 It‘ll (‘12). Patrick Monahan 000

is relentlessly affable sn he cnriscinusly


files dnw It the sharp edges (if his act sn as tint tn be perceiyed as anything less than ynur best mate ey er. (iiy'en the pntetitial. a gnnd life-disaffirmirig kick tip the arse wnuld benefit him. (Saiii llealy ) l'nilerlu'lly, (I870 745 3085’. until 27xlug. ‘l. l5/nn. [8.50 {(1.50

(127.50 [8.50).

Geoff Norcott 000 ynti suggest a cnmic gnes back In his nld jnb it means he's rubbish at his new nne. but .\'nrcntt must'ye been such a gnnd linglish teacher that it seems selfish nf the cnmedy wnrld tn keep him all In itself. llis shnw. iii defence nf teenagers. is funny. charming and nptimistic. (Ashley Day‘ies) (ruler/it’ll); 0870 745 3083. until 27.’lue. 7.45pm. £8— [9 ([7—[8t

Kirsten O’Brien & Ruth Bratt 0.. This feels like a stumble dnw n the park with an Mtsz sarnie and a cnpy nf lake (1 Break iii a wnrld w here Destiny 's (‘hild are really snme skatiks frnm the Welsh yalleys. It's a ragtag bag nf tricks but the ynghurt-based finale is

Nnrmally. if

splendid (Mark ls’nbeitsnn) l‘a'mami

('nuttyulii. 556 6550. uni .' 2\ lug. /:J_5li[n. 1~_‘-(l 1N 5lli1f) 1—) Deirdre O’Kane 000 ()‘Is'ane

delryers a ttmny and teriiale centric hntit including tales nt her recent first baby and driy trig fiascns. and reimagmcs llnlly wnnd stars as dnwdy Htll‘llll hnnsewiyes \ cheerful cinw d pleasei (Daytd l’nllnck) \yst'm/‘ly Kimmy. 22’) 2428. lllllll 2\ lug (nut 2/ i. 8 l‘pni. ill 1/2(1l(l1//) Andy Parsons 000 ynuisell fnr snme inynltmtaty

Bl .l\ k'

partrcrpatrnn as l’aisnns 'encntriagcs‘ punters tn (nut in with the British natinnal spnrt nt cnmplaming llis twinkly. chummy prnfesstnnalisiri helps nyeri‘tde snme nl the w eaket material (:\shle_\ l)a\ res) I’lutyttnt t' ( 'uultyii/il. 556 6550 until 28 .luc (Hut 2/ I. 6 50pm. t/l tl2ttl0).

Ray Peacock 00 llnldswnt'lh has decided tn shed last

lhis year laii

year's character in all btrt name and dn a stand up set as himself. inn can't help bttt lcel tliai it's a ltltslakc as what remains is largely .i cnntessinnal piece wlircli is badly structured (Marissa Burgess) l’lt'uyunt (' ('utiltititil. 55’) 6550. Itlllll 28glue. llpni. £8 50 1‘1. 50 (£7 (8).

AI Pitcher .00 his act has nn tlterrre nr' structure and that

He may claim that

he itrst wants tn haye ttiri but the rather strange cnmments frnm the audience unycil his deep reserycs ()l heckler ptll dnwns. as well as a slightly surrealist edge. (lzmma .\'ew lands) lat/tn/nireli ('unu'ily Run"). the In»). 226 (II/(It). until 28,-lug. l0..\’0/nn. (‘1 l/()(t8 (‘1) Lizzie Roper 00. say that Rnper has a neat little enricept

.\'nw it‘s fair In

here. annnymntisly interyiew mg the pttblic abnut their sestral habits. editing them and perfnrming them as a itrmpy mnnnlngne. It isn't fair In say that it's cnrncdy. (Mark Rnber'tsnn) (it/Ili'tl Bit/limit li'i'iut. 668 In“. until 28.1lue. 6.30pm. [9 {ll/(£8 £9).

The Runaway Lovers ooo l.lkc cartnnnists putting an endless spin nn the cnmic pntetitial nf being stranded nn a desert island. this ynting lt'nttpc cnyers pnlicc line-ups and flatsliaring with refreshing enthusiasm. ()nly tlie lltt)sl cynical nf snttls wnuld fail tn admire their cn-nrdinated ()ttllils. (limtna

New lands) l’lt'ttsttltt't' ('(Ittrtutl'tl. 55/) 6550. until 28 Aug. 4.45pm, £8. 50 £9.50 ([7 [8).

Harry Shearer ooo arid Principal Skinner dn make a brief

Mnrity Burns

appearance at the start btrt. as Shearer and his charismatic w ile Jtrditli ()w en stress. the shiny has a different agenda. We are treated tn stark reyelatinns that pcnple in l..-\ hay'e tnn much plastic surgery and Btrsh isn't that bright. (litntna Newlands) .‘lSH‘IIl/)l\ It’mnns. 226 2428. until 28xlue. 7.50pm. l/l U2 (Ult- (ll).

Dwight Slade COO

quite firing nn all his ritniicr'nus cnmedy

Slade is nnt

cylinders tniiiglit but he still rails as cnnsummately and unswery'ingly as ey er against America. age. parannia. celebrity w'nrship and geriatrics' enthusiastic misUse nf technnlngy. (Sam llealy) Pl(’(1\(lll(‘(’ Home. 556 6550. until 27,-lug (nut 22). 8.40pm. £10 ill (18.50—19.50): 22 Aug. Ill/mi. [/0 (£8.50).