

The mad and the profane ,l';;/,’1''.”‘”“i art trrrrr' "our "4'" trlrrr', a'r irrerr.;a‘r,le task fit/13"."

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fhellll mirmu ';

rrurw ,' traitor, t,‘77.‘."f‘ttr the

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lrr’y-Tllw expervrrrlflltia' ',l.r V”. fit/i fr (,Urltili' hf ilyrilltfc' trurr .l',ll?1'£1fil"' aro'rrrrl the .‘mrld this rr-latan. ,r r‘lili) ',‘,'(,ll()lr’;i ill‘:?‘i',Tl/{1[[lih’liitllrllri‘ilitU (/le‘: Ill; Ntir’r li'. ill',',T ‘7‘ 6‘,",Ti( ',il’).‘/’,il',‘: ,et Vf/rtlr erilrre', rzirrgrrir; llirlll rlrrer tor rrliritoriraplzr'r 1 ar'; (,larlwr". Aorrtro/er'ral portrait oi the star sparrglerl male prrrr; r onsurrrer rrr /)I,-'.frrr,ter/. to Douglas ( )’)l’i(lll". (fl) rrrrrrute/rdarie obsession. the tourth lilarl Ho/ lrrie up attempts to forgo the {/l‘fi‘:llililll'. trapprriri'. of the artiste,

despite rrrrlurlrrrg notorious (,‘rerrr.'rste/. Matthew ltarriw,


lhe trrst eornprlatron of art hased shorts All [his Wr/l ()ut/ast Us sets the hrghhrow aesthetic lor the rest of the programme, prernrerrng Bill Morrison's rnur:h awaited Hie H/g/rwate/ Irr/ogv. Hevrsrtrng /)er:.'isra's obsession wrth disintegrating archival lootage. the artist's concern turns this trrne towards the eataelysmre. (Erarny tootage gives way to gl ssando (i ssolves wrth a dr/xyrng orchestral soundtrack, and the lrr/ogv appears all the more worthy tor its trrnely reflection on climate change

Meanwhile the amhrguously titled l)est/r(:ted ll)l(itlll(?(i) series features lrlrn festival lavourite Sam laylor Wood in Death Valley‘ as well as enlant terrrhle (iasper Noe's murmur of Violent attractions. (lsla l eaver Yap) I Black Box 7: AI/ Hrrs er/ Out/ast Us. fr/rn/rouse, rs Aug, 8. 15pm X 19Aug. fprn, 5‘55?!) (£31.90).


The beauty of sound and vision

Conceived in 1996 to champion the music yrdeo as a legrtrrnate art form land who can argue wrth the gromidbreakrng work by directors such as Mark Rornanek. Spike Jonze and Jonathan (Blazer), the ElFF's Mirrorhall strand this year boasts an


:rr'r-r'w‘ 't ' " . .W" ’iI/ .' r I '{ji‘yrr 7‘ . ttz'txl"‘"'~2 r tr/lr . 'r r,,"|r '. . v I ). {,M r, 7', ‘fl ‘1, I ° ‘r I 1" it; “7' r" ' 'o ftr't-rra' " ' ' releim, turrer 1.' .‘wi: . .‘.’l‘:r"'i'«ll/“«l"" 2' 'Y i, '1' I“ : talerit re“ 'it‘rrltt‘:hlli. ii :‘rt .‘Jllillll,rill13fllrl r-rl i," ' “rt ' trrrrrrta'rs. li‘llr'l"1!i‘,° :r' l" ; (1' ,‘ir’llr.w;rr:rtrirruar'w tr ,r' g" f sur tr (1‘. l‘lrrrrrrrw Hritt, (Nile-vi zr‘t

[)irfl: l/‘itiiil".'.i',

lhe .'r'lr'o ‘or Cat l” j w. tinged 'lr‘xrrigl’roril' 1‘.Irli‘-’)iii‘r" .‘.l‘rr,'t strum/(gram ‘Jr'llfi rrt i'w iii 3 T v..- eatrhrrig UK and Jf; prrrrrv' past year. Standout prerw, trr rr'. Til"

hrghlrght‘, of fresh ['ar r“,


(Noha/ i‘Je/ert/on rririude tho- tirrlliarrt hornerrradr- ‘grdree tor ()hr: ariv r t arr preee ()K (ir [s "A Million \r‘.’a~.‘.' ioundlesf‘l, inventive arr-at” ti‘. trv r'lt Japanese artists surh as Narir M l: are shonvrased in Mar/e r" .lxrrur/r Mrrrorlrall also leatures a retrospergtlve ot the Work ot worlrrrtreri r:ompany ()olorrel Blimp ll’ ‘ll,'*.'.'or id glamour rolls up til the shar rel, (lhar’lr/e lherori who present. her

.mrrrr it

ar:r;larmed (,‘uharr rapper's documentary [amt of / {at/aria fresh from its success at South l;, Southwest. (Pasquale larrnorrer

I Before the Mus/r, [)li (,‘rrrei‘.«'(>r/«,’, (J93 8030, re Aug, ."J. lop/n, 3379") (57x20),


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i.._._. . ii “In?”

One ot Hollywood's hrrghtest and most undervalued talents. (illtftltt)! Mitchell Lersen gets the retrospective treatment at this year's FIH‘. Starting lll silent trlrns as a costume designer lr/ Cecil B Delvlrlle. l ersen went on to direct a string of classics in the I‘Lirs and 40s. meanwhile working as a (:outurrer rnterror decorator and nightclul) rrnpresarro at the legendary Coconut Grove He was also an overt bisexual »— a fart that sped up his downfall in the r.rirrrtar‘rr:al Mr,(;arth,rst 50s. Lersen spent his last years directing episodes of il/ago" Irarr arrd The 7‘.‘.’r//§,".‘f Forte. and dred rrr obscurity in 1972,

Hrs (:ult 'eputatron has heeri {)i',r‘.'.’!'ti) ever since. and the 11% films on displaj. are among hrs finest. Early gems include the glor'ously krtsch supernatural fantasy Death TXr‘Fe’x‘r A

Nut: .t '

Ants in an M Mariano Barroso‘s unusually-self effacing film norr IS surprrsrng in that It rs set in pre

revolutionary Havana, just months before Castro‘s revolution, and boasts

a viper’s nest plot of conspiracies and betrayals. This may be one worth

checking out.

.1! nr)‘ ,1 ,I ', I I.

Telephone Booking

Book Festival 0845 373 5888

Fringe 0131 226 0000 International Festival 0131 473 2000 Film Festival 0131 623 8030

HOW/ii. {-”.."'} '.'--: :' r'rrrr:.:ri’: 'r-rz, r".:',' lari/euirrzr‘lw~za'l- ' :' :' tarrrt'J‘dr’iJ"? ' aredarkev I':‘ ,r-- z :- llaxillarrrl lwr" a f .' ’2 rrrlliii'rflrli- :":E':':

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Scary beans

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lit:.".‘:f “ix-'1 1’ ' " :: DIRECTOR’S SHOWCASE

This is their moment

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