4 Hught \t.11t Jun-.111: xet} tlet.11letl \l.Cl\llk'\ nt hmlthttgx ll.11l~'l.1';1te'\ l\g':.lll|\l hh ;ll-_\L‘.tt Hl\\c\\lt~t‘1Inte'.L‘.tl hnv. theexe.1;t1\mnt llll\ \et} lllllhlt \t It helpetl htm thtnujgh l1l\ ttnuhletl .ltllllt'\kt'll\k’ m .1 uttttlj. llH\l.tl'..'lt tntzme}

\l|.1n Rmhhlle» liq/11. lit VIN", llllll/ 3“ lug run! /"1 " JF/mi, 1‘ f‘ltifi {N1

Newsrevue 2006 000 lhe

l.nn;_'e\t Rtmnmj.’ l,1\e('ntttetl} tttk

1/\ “I; “J5—

Hllltldl lL‘ltlllh \xlth.1n.1tt1u\mg mu nl Mtlltltdl \ketehex .1ml tnptml muxte.1l [l-I\ll\llk'\ ll llt' \k'lMllllk' qlldllL'I [‘Hlll\ l‘llk' nn.1ll theemtent.1tl.1tt\th.1t .1m't tit tn ptmt. t.1t:.'etmy_' L'\t'l_\llllllf_‘ ltnm l’lt'\u‘ll.\ l.11he\t1u.1~h Int hnnnmx l’.1t‘tteul.1tl_\ lll\llllk'tl .tte the lxl.1mte unmen'x \hnppttte \e.mtl.1l 1lllll .1 tnpe} \(lll‘l ennteteme .1t ('h;1mte| ‘l \ll.1ttl\’.11|ehlle1( “\"II "III */ll‘. mzH/ _‘\ .lue run! M». VJ ‘A/UH. 1‘15“ I1\ VII

Owen O’Neill ooo (mt-n ()‘.\’e1ll h.1\ the \ntee .1tt1l [Mht‘ nl .1 n.1tttt'.1l \lt‘l}lt'llL‘l' .1\ lll\ t'e|.1\etl. lll\ll hlt m.1l\e\ the lllllt'\l .meetlnle .mpe.” .1\ 1| hex .teeeplm;)ntt.1\.1enttl1tl.ttlle l'nlntttm.1tel}. the m.1tet‘t.1l Plt'\t"llt'tl tlnexn'l lmek up lll\ £l\\lllL‘kl petlnlmmee. ()‘Netll ptnmlxex u\ 'xnme [\nelt) .md \nme \lnttex.‘ m.m_\ nl\\hteh.11e nulxlutttlmg llnuewt. the mme 1.1mhlmg tttnmentx \ugyext llll\ l\ .1 341ml hull hnm \hn“, tSIIttl lle\.mt (11/1/11! Hal/nun In In]. (1/18 IOU. mm/ 35' slue run! 3/1. “2/5/1111. {(1 1/!!11\ Terry Saunders 000 lent) 5.1untlerx .1111! ll|\ 15 )eat—nhl


In llll\ \htm.

ehmuetet'. \xhn nnl} l.lll\\ m l’ulp l}l'l\‘\. ennlew the lHllCllllL‘\\ nl ln\e.1ntlhntlt;1t‘e eqtmll} entleutmg. lhe ehut‘m nl the ptetmxe .lllll .m npetmtg: \egmettl. enmpt‘lxmg .111 e\p|.1n;1l1nn nl lnt‘lhenmmg eultuml telet'eneex. lllllllL‘kllAllL‘l} lwegmle. lln\\e\et'. .1 te\\ mmnhled ptmehhnex .llltl .1 hm‘ttetl emlmg threaten tn hte.1l\ the tt;11'|.tlt\e xpell. 1811/;1tme Bluekt “(l/N lie/h. “XVI 7J5 RUN". 111111135luen1ut H1. iii/mt. 1“ 1‘ I U) 1‘).

Andrew Stanley and Damian Clark 0.. le\\ htghhrnu than l);1\e(int'm.1n.:\tt1h'e\\

l‘lull'tet‘ [hum/1111111“ .tml

Stanle} .1ntll);1tm;1n('l.1rl\\ \hmx 1x pert'eet |.1te mght t'ntltlet. 'l'he ptemtxe l't‘llxN Ull tldll tl;ll'L'\ \L‘l [U llk‘ [XIII' l‘} [he :tutltenee. .r\\ .1 \\.1I‘m-uptlte_\ tln .1 l'e\\ \lllllh that “ere \uggextetl tn them during pl’e\ 1e“ \htm \: the t'exemng nl .1 hltm hp turtle ll‘tHll the lute} m Duhhn and getting tnhle \et'\ tee m .\lel)nn.1ltl\ ntt l’t‘meex Street. Simple gnntl tun.

l.\l;ll'l\\.l Burgexxt (it/(let! Hal/1 mu In Int. ()fo /().\'.". 11/111/3".l112111n1 [41. [(1.45an £8.50 w..<rtrz".>‘tl 1515111.

Ian Stone .00 [.111 Stunt-k .1 Int like )Ulll' lunme~t mute t()l\'. lllllL'\ three I. \xhn can will laugh nut nt’tuxt .1hnut .1n_\thm:_'. and 111.1} \\ ell em er the mute \Ul'l nt \uhteelx: the \lttltlle l‘..1\l. lhet\un.1tm. t'ehgtnn .mtl l'Jl‘C. 'l‘he mnment he \\.1lk\ nn \t.1;_'e. htx meet litee than mg; _\nu mtn lll\ \mtle_\ \xnt‘ltl. )nu knn“ _\nu't'e1n~.1te h.1ntl\. \‘nu \xnn't \ee .1n_\thm:_' \\ tltl|_\ nl'tgnml. hut )nu‘ll tlet'tmtel} get gnntl \;1lue. 1.-\\hle_\ Haven 1 111111111 M. M 7' ~45 .‘V‘NA‘. 11/111./:~.ltl'\' 1111'! Mt, V._‘I';mz. {U 1/!) 1 {A Toulson 8. Harvey 00. .\11

dL‘UlCl} -Ul‘\L‘l‘\ Ctl [‘lt‘t‘t‘ Hl~ (Ulltul) llk‘dll'L‘.


dun l‘nulwn & ll.u‘\e_\ tltt het\\een .1 Luge exist 0! ttttet'n.1ttnn;1l Cll;ll‘;lclcl'\ \\ 1th tlt‘\lcl'tl_\ .Ilhl tleeepme e.1\e. 'l‘he l;th Ul

[\w ustt‘nmutx - nne .-\mer1e.1n. nne


Toulson 8. Harvey

Rll\\l.tll \\ltn telmn tn l'..tlll1 .1ltet ll _\e.11\ Iml ttt\|\.11'etn\et} 1hlte1ettt t.1te\. I\ well te.1|t\e1l .1ml ett;:.1g:tt1j:. ll .1 Int

lnngget nnp.1lltmtlt.1ntt [\Htll.tllj_‘l1lt'l

tl).t\t1l l’nllnelxl/’/11:\1u:11 ( 4‘.‘Il.".11'/1.". V) 0551'. uni/1’ .‘\ liter/1n! /‘ 1, < J firms.

1\..i” 1".."’11"1\1

Who U Callin a Pig? ooo (‘tmc

In the knuekle ehuelxlm \\ 1th \\ l’(' |'.1_:.'h.1;: l'.llllll.l l{.1|\\.1\ ete.1l1nn 1\ .1 went. l‘tgntetl. \\htte enppetette \\ltn p.1t.1tle\he1 ptelutheex .1l tlte\.1111ettttte.1\ gimme .1hnttt lhe pletmheex nt nlhetx. It'x \et‘_\ tl.1t'k luuehx enme \\het'e pe1h.1|\\ the} \hnultht't .1ml |$.11\\.11e\e|\ m het uul} eh.1t.1etet Inn mueh tnt enmlntt hut tt'\.1nmtetextmgg e\plnt.111nn nt

\tetent} [tex .1ml tt'th.1| .llllllltlL'\

ll\)Ul‘|ll l.k'k'l l.(/l’l/’ll/‘\'ll (It'll/t L'! I” “Vail 3-H Il/V). [ml/1'" /.\' lug, \._‘I‘/1m. 15 1\..*l/ I 1 a 1 The Clan of Divorcees 00

'lhtx l\ the tint l'.llj_‘ll\l1 l.1n:_'u.1;_'e ttm nl .1


\hnu thul'x heen t'tmmng Int _\C.ll\ m l"1.tttee.1ntl.1lnt 1mm h;1\ e heen Inxt m llillhldllt‘ll. ll\ .1 pin} .1hnut thtee Lll\tllt'k‘C\ \xhn \lt.1t‘e.1 ll.1t. llhmll .1hnttt men and It} the lnnel} l1t'.tll\ l .1ttgh\.1te thm nn the gt'ntmtl .llltl the nllett \pn llL'kl pet‘tnt‘m.1nee\ |ll\l e.1n't hit the l.1/_\

\\ I‘tlmg .md ehehed eh.1t.1ele1\

t.-\\lllL‘_\ l).t\ IL‘H (I “\7’ “(ll SIN“. 111311.” .‘3 .lllg'. 9. III/mt. 1‘15!” 0.5“;

Shelley Cooper 00

between \mgle-txxuepnltttet.1nx.1ml

l llL' .lll.lll‘:,"\

\‘Ullllex \\ hn rel} 1111.1 \mgle 11nt.1hie .1ltt'thute tn pt'npel them he}ntttl the [‘ntttl the} tmght t'e.1eh t‘e-|}111;_-1111|} nn thett multlhng t.1|ent\ l\ entttpellmg e.1eh pt'nmhexmueh.1tttltleh\e1\ lzttle. .1ml netthet lk'll\l\ tn \\ m, ('nnpet '\ enme .1et tle.1l\. m \.1t_\ m; tlegteex. \\ 1th the t.1el th.1t \he I\ .1 tt‘.m\\e\u.1l. \xhteh l\ mtetextm; hut «etuemlh t nnt mhet‘entl} tumt}

13.1111 lle.tl) Il)’.1'.h\ [1'1

.‘II.'.'.'.> _

1. UV“ "J3 VIN“,

lJt‘J "3"." /.<.

1. V/Ut". :\ {V t‘ - ‘\I

DJ Danny 00

\eltnnlte.1eltet l).l l).1mt_\ \\.tlll\ tn he.1l the

Hetme kxmtetl e\-

“Ullkl tht‘nugh the t‘nu e1 nt 1mm; thet.1p_\. .md \\1ll \ldl'l h} gettm; ll\ .1ll delve-“ed [hen the pn\\ e1 nt lLIIlC\\lllt11.tl\t'U\ hupp) .1g.1ttt..1nti \nhe the \xntltl‘x

pt‘ul‘le‘lth. l'e.1tttt'm:_' ~t.1t\l\ehnnl.1~t1e

xttleltt- i. \lz \\.:£1e7 l).::'

1nll:t\ t:1.1t..'«1t ';.1?:'= .1ll\e!t xxttt‘: :.!.e 3.93" \1\1:.1l\ 'l‘:\t1'“!> l /

t \/,/,1\,,> H.- I \ \I,

Fast Food for Thought 0.

llCllt‘Ite \!.\".e!! \.1'1t:.' .-.:\\ t..'_

\1\th lntm ttrntlizdnm :\ tvn‘m'V

.ll‘l‘lett.1te1l II‘. .211 \f1nn .L. n

lhe ttttt‘n\\tt‘!\. 1‘2. .

\t‘llll‘.‘ lll\'\l‘\ LIM‘ ‘1‘!..'.

|e1lt1.1:x.1t1\etnt‘t. w" nhxetwtl l.t!l.}‘1'«'l;\. 1.1m nl //~. \ .\I II\ 'I/ VH1. ‘1'II\

1' ‘ll11fl‘ll

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ht-._'h \I‘llet"‘l nz1e mm ~|\.\ll\. lll\:\tl'_ x "l"lt‘:\-ef \-

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l‘dth lHl .tllll.ttt1l {\1l\"..1 1,3.

\lllk'l'l\.tll\ .-.\ .1 Hull

pletmtetltnt11.1ttj.t he:

let 1ln\‘.tth_\ tt:111d.1;:.i \h.1me.

[\tnlmhl} lnnl.e.i gnnti

'l).|\l\l l’l‘lll‘xlx‘ / "1."!

.7' l/.'

o"{(, I\‘(} l/]\1

Ruth Pickett O.

llll\ \le'lllll \Etl1'_x_

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Ix’ z"

hmt\ .1t \11111;th:1r i

then H( l)e.1: 1~ ..

U\l‘lt‘l.tl!\'1‘.1tll“1llqli.\ ll.lll’\'\l

l‘lillmtt’ l511n~l.lj.;1 m


lut. we e.11.\1. .

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'lltmltl)1‘!1.:.11\\‘1i / (\f) /‘§\’(, Jim: _‘\ Rf: ‘\ \',1 ‘l’ ‘1] ¢ 7. o \

Oxford Revue O.

In lleli 1x t‘.:‘.e'1l .1:..

[NH 1\ lllk- 1‘.171'. I“ u‘Ilnfil

111.1Rtett.1te1(fl1:’:~ It.:;

hum \ .mp3. \e..'..11:..

t1:.1:t.~t:tett :1. n:;; x'» '

\1T.l \ 1 \ l lt1l‘.:\\“’ .tx .311‘; S T . I

Jesus: The Guantanamo Years


Carrie Quinlan 00

Soup 00

l\ t

\l t l i. 3‘ 1

Tricks I Have Learned Since

Being on Telly I.

\t \t l .1 l‘.

1'1 ‘~. H

Rosie Wilby 00

l-.. "\l

Automated Housewives 0

I \ ,. ll: !. /" ( It Die Clatterschenkenfietermaus 1: jtt‘ ,, l \l. ;‘ jt} . 7. l’: / ll . l r /.' I -~ ' I ('1, 0 Jason Wood ‘\ I) f. \q l) lwt \ l I HM" , , I _ .\ ~