
Cultural enlightenment

A Festival of Spirituality and Peace may sound a bit abstract, but not when it involves some of the UK’s most vital cultural creators, says Rachael Street.

yen tor the most hardened l‘estiyal goer. the

hustle and hustle ol‘ lidinhurgh in August can

sometimes get a hit much. It tends to assault your senses l'rom all angles all that laughing. thinking. drinking. partying and struggling through dense croyyds is hound to get the hetter ol‘ you. Sometimes what is needed is just a hit ol' space and time to stand hack and reflect on what a lucky hugger you are in getting to he a part ol‘ it all. But taking a temporary retreat doesn‘t necessarily mean haying to seyer yoursell' l'rom the cultural delights to

\yhich you haye hecome accustomed. 'l'lie l’estiyal ol‘

Spirituality and Peace tl-‘oSl’l hrings together these tyyo things perl‘ectly. giying people a chance to look heyond the incredihly intense htihhle ot' lidinhurgh l‘estiyal lite \yitltout yeering too l'ar l‘roin the yery reason they 're here in the lirst place 7 to experience the may hest in cultural creatiy ity.

‘\\'e‘re trying to reconnect to the original spirit ol

the lidinhurgh l-‘estiyal. which was to use the arts as a yehicle l‘or reconciliation in post-\yar liurope.‘ says organiser Donald Reid. ‘\\'e \\ant to look at creatiyity and interpreting the human condition in

the conte\t ol‘ the post-WI l \yorld.' .-\l‘ter taking oyer

the directorship t\\o years ago. Reid has transformed the l’oSl’. Much has recently heen named as the newest ot' the official lidinhurgh t'estiyals. l'rom a loyy-key. mainly (‘hristian celehration into a truly intert'aith eyent \yith talks hy a nttmher or high protile guests. (‘omedian Bill Bailey. play \\ rights .lo tt‘ormerly .lohni (‘lit‘t‘ord and l)a\'id (ireig. journalist .\'ick ’l‘horpe and broadcaster Rageh ()maar are just some of the hig names taking part this year. discussing subjects such as political correctness.


gender. trayel and the media. It makes l'or an incredihly diyerse programme hut Reid points out that there is a theme uniting it all. 'liyerything relates to issues ot’ identity and what makes its tick. Who you helieye you are. yyhere you helieye you helong. ltoyy your longings are worked otit at root. these are all spiritual questionsf

In particular. .lo (’lil'l‘ord's inyolyement tlctttonslt‘zllcs litilli the breadth (ill suhjects coycl‘ctl and the intimate connection hetyyeen the l-‘oSl’ and lidinhurgh‘s year-round thriying cultural lite. \Vcll- knoyyn tor adapting classics such as ,lmru Is’urr'rir'iru and (ioethe's l'iluyl tor the Royal l.yceum 'l'heatre. (‘lil't'ord .sees spirituality as integral to her \york as a playyyright. 'liyer since I started writing l‘ye heen ayy are that my plays haye got a spiritual dimension to them and that it's a really important part ol‘ \\ hat they're ahout.‘ she says. I-iirrsr in particular hrought

this relationship to the lore and is addressed in her

talk entitled Dark Nights of the Soul (Tue 3 Aug. (ipml. a deeply personal disctission relating to issues

of identity and griel t‘olloyying the death ot' her

partner. Reyealing .such priyate details \y ill ineyitahly he a painlul process yet as ('lil‘t‘ord points otit. it's important t‘or people to View spirituality as a wry indiyidual journey. ‘I think these questions haye to he approached personally. ()ne ot‘ the reasons why organised religion has done so much damage in the \yorld is hecause it trying to reinoye people trotn the personal sphere and create an authority.‘

The Festival of Spirituality and Peace runs from Sun 6—Sun 27 Aug. See www.festivaIofspirituality.org.uk

August isn't just about other people being exercising their arty talents.

>l< Dance the day away You've soon the show. now learn the moves from some ot the testiyal't; top dance companies who '.‘."lll lit’ teaching; everything from ran to (:onterttporary moves. the programme kicks off Willi five days; of 'lurtky (lip' sessions l)lll there are also til; sset; dedicated to ballot. hula and contemporary Indian styles. Dance Base, 7/1 to Crassrnarket. lue 8 Sat 1? Aug. WWW.dancehast>.r:o.uk

* Art attack If you've seen all the delights; of tho l dintiurrih Art Festival and think that. ritiito frankly, you could do better then here's your chance to try. 'l heso montth artist led sessrons are perfect for experimenting With your draWinr; technique. BOUKHK} essential. Scottish Natrona/ Gal/ery of Modern Art, /'.‘> Be/tor'd Road, Thu /()/\ug. WWW. r iatga/scot. ac. uk

>i< Shape your environment The tothianf. Consematron Volunteers run regular excurSions to Wildlife areas where essential work is needed to maintain the natural habitat. such as this trip to Vogrie Park to do some serious meadow raking. the bus leaves from St Andrew Square, Sun (i Aug, WWW. /cv. org. uk

* Crafty fun It you likes; the idea of making sometl‘iinq out of Virtually nothing and saying money at the same time. then Bits and Bobs is the place for you. It's piled sky high With paper. beads. card, fabric and all manner of glittery accessories that you can stitch. glue and snip to your heart's delight. Membership starts at 26 but temporary membership may be available to performers. Bits and Bobs, Larrdsrirp Yards. Broom/rouse Road, 443 9490. Open Tue— Thu 70am—5pm; Sat 70am—3pm. WWWD/{SandbO/DS scraps tore. org. uk

See listings for details of specific events.