The many faces of photography (clockwise

from bottom left): Tracey

Moffat, Marijke van

Warmerdam. Harry Benson

and Albert Watson

retrospeetive. The images on show inelude the legendary shot ot‘ the Beatles arrix'ing at JFK in 190-1. and a telling portrait ot‘ .\liehael .lttekson sitting betwixt two ehild mannequins at his bedroom door in .\'e\erland. .-\ major part ot' the exhibition t'oeuses on the relationship between Ameriea and Britain during the upheaxals‘ ot. the 1900s. a relationship that is turning out to be men more problematie toda_\.

Stieking with photojournalism. there‘s also a selling exhibition b} Philip 'Ilm'nsend (Studio One (ialler); (1-27 Aug. tree) in a \\'est lind s'paee that is normall} a shop 7; but w hieh has been appropriated tor the period ot~ the l-‘estixal to show ot't~ Townsend's portraits ot‘. among others. Riehard Burton and lili/abeth ’l‘axlor. Twiggy. and The Beatles.

llaek in the realm ol' eontemporar) art photograph}. .-\ustralian tilm maker and photographer 'l'raee} \Iol'l'at t.-\d\entures.

Sllllx l'ltlll 2‘) ()L‘l. lil'L‘L‘l \lltt\\\ a seleetion till

her high eamp. hiin gloss and high kitseh photographs e\ploring telexision. artitiee and stereol}pes. .\loltat uses images taken trom popular eulture. trom bad tele\isiott programs and tilm t‘lops. appropriating and unpaeking the ideologies that surround them. In her new tilm 'l.o\e‘. \lotlat has appropriated lo\e seenes trom her llixotii'ite llollxwood melodramas. splieing them together to ereate a sex} post teminist re-talse.

'l‘he organiser Ul- .\lttll;tl.\ \lttm. Stills. ls also showing a seleetion ot~ \\t)l'l\ b} another the artists in eollalmration with the 'l‘ra\erse

Visual Art

theatre tStills l‘oeus Spaee at the 'lra\eise. until ‘I Sep. treet. limina Hamilton presents seduetix e _\et dtstnrlung photos that sulwert the \iewens e\peetations ot natural beaut}. ('laire (ioltlsmilh shows portraits ot homeless people li\ ing in (ialwa_\. Ireland. w rlh ('laire Samuel's portraiture using bod} language as its suhieet matter. \Iairi 'Iizi)lor's manipulated images ot lslanhul will also be on show. 'lhe photos were taken In It)”; when 'lurlsex hoped to l‘eeonie a [Mil ol the l'.li and the threat «il a bird flu epidemie gripped the world.

While some ot these images. stripped ot their news eontext. no longer ha\ e the unmedtate impaet the} onee did. these shows nonetheless demonstrate that there's so mueh more to photograpr than simple e}e eand}..