
Book Festival 0131 624 5050

Fringe 0131 226 0000

International Festival 0131 473 2000 Film Festival 0131 623 8030 Jazz Festival 0131 473 2000


Show gets chicken pox o.

" .{,' I! l ' l’ :‘ lf({-’1"i: '. " "'.,gl‘ i)lr:T‘,'i' ‘i’ " I 31.

Murat” ' M: AIM" '. .‘i‘liiti'iilm’ " w l‘-' Krau.’ .* rm, i; w (it“u ('iflurl ‘.'.t1?'ti':'; ll‘n- ’ff‘,i.T|.'"; ’l“l .t "’ (ligi, I il’. Tim-twink "‘ lltli ll“ " m'l firm m' .t '(lltlill l 4 >f. Il"{ i'lfe‘t till , lllfil

l t)! llli‘ mt in? if lit Wax if; ririttiiiii; .rww- truii: ti wait”, at lllltLlltwttitllilll‘“l «my man (>l;i.f,_ lgir ixllltl (lllltllltll‘nll rm, militw- (iv (lll tillfllrlllllll,‘ .iflll’ in l‘. fitftflllfx ii (‘lllt '1 maritim- lllill l mm in; (“hill‘i'l‘ Mnulwnxu- (in w fix .lll l Slillirl t;t‘lll(‘.ttlii'1'l‘itl «intuit. alien ( )mw O'Neill}, lllltl'flf§litlf”l style :1; lllt,‘ will“, li'ttl tilln- lllill lltll(l33 lllt: (llifa‘t‘, (tllh‘ll It‘litt‘itl‘mlx. together Ami “m to Slater ‘.‘.’llllt' ('(illlt ti‘li'lll. he It; «timiil‘. {l relatin- novice to the filtlgltr. Hit; tliittitm it; (NM)! tti'lll llll‘.‘.’|t?ltl‘. ttlltl ‘.'.l‘illi‘ (‘llllltlSlélSllt' Mi; (‘llitlilt‘li'l it; iiiitwi‘tltml and little; charisma lliit; I:; not till Slat-art, ttiult. lllll lllltl it; two iittli- too late and a waste ct 4m t?tlt§(?llllilll\ decent liuttliiet‘tii>iili=t;:1mist. (Victoria l'ltlltll‘ilt’ll‘ I Ame/rm Hour“): vt$;‘-J;‘-1-o'.-‘i. til‘fw 30 Aug. 7i-intvi‘.

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THE PACKER New Zealand urban under-class drama 0...

AlliltlSl Illt‘: {lt‘St‘t‘ltlit‘n PC shouts About Cultural JITltHCl‘w‘t‘S. it's r'efieshing to see some theatre that tells it like i is, This piece, so: in Auckland anti written Niuean Samoan director Dianna Fuemana. tootlses on the tragic- COHth anti cnngev.orthx consmiuences when a Polmes‘ian fannlt mow

in acmss the road troir‘

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Close encounters of the third kind .0.

fi’ltltt‘fl‘t'illi’lfi F)llfil:‘it'l( i‘ 1 all, :s'titthitqrtirivlt:‘4'? iitirniirui l." t-'.

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FANNY AND FAG-GOT Child-killer psycho- thriller 0..

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CELESTINA Spanish sleaze fest 0..

John Clifford's contemporary adaptation of Fernando De Roja‘s classical Spanish tragedy IS liable to confront the narrative expectations of the average British audience. But if there's the odd uneven moment and drop in pace in Calixto Bieto's production, there is much power and energy within its commentary upon contemporary somety.

Set. not in the golden age. but in a seedy cafe somewhere in modern schemeland. the gaudy power of Alfonso Flores' set complements the overblown action. which continually comments upon itself. disrupting the naturalist spectacle for the audience. Kathryn Hunter‘s eponymous brothel madam combines Ian Dury and Mother Courage in her cockney scoundrel. Her Mission, to bring together Calisto (Christopher Fox) and Meldea (Laura Rogers) is facilitated by a sleazebag servant (Neil McKinven) and various other lowlifes.

This is a piece which explores the corrupting power not only of material wealth. but of passion itself in connection to materialism. An outstanding performance by Hunter is a highlight. though McKinven and Souad Faress as his slapper partner are also very strong, making it well worth the visit. All the same, the piece is longer than it should be. and would benefit vastly from a shorter final scene. (Steve Cramer)

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', w ' w .. THE LOVE-

.. ._ I. HUNGRY

. , .. FARMER

H ' I Love in an old climate 0...



Silly Rocky Horror ,. . , _ , . super-fan satire ' , . .. 0000 W‘ "

NINE DAYS CRAZY BY CHRIS GOODE As Geode as it gets 0...

THE DUMB WAITER Hiding in a Pinter

wonderland 0000