2'? i! “7:


Desperate to see some shows but not sure how to plan your comedy day? What you need is a Comedy Day Planner. Here’s one.

Simon Munnery’s AGM ()td Buckcthcad ix hack \tiinil. until .i’II .luu Inut l’ii. 4pm. 1," ,‘—II I 1/) Flu

Never Mind the Botox Jonathan Roxx‘ hottxchand .itc on Ihc looxc /’/i'ii\iinii ('oul'txii/‘il. unttl .i'Il 'luu Inot l/n.Jl/I/nn.1‘/ 1/” I 1 I. 5U 15' 5”; Duel lt'x 'thc l,attt‘cl and Hard} oi intixic' ',lw'ni/>l\ RIIIIHH. until 3‘1 lug Inot l/i. lit. J lII/nn~ {III 1/: I13 {II/i. Big Word Performance Poetry l’ocltc high cnct‘g}. Icilrnliurult (firm (I\ Rim/n. until .i'II .luu. »l..i’II/nn. Ur li‘l.sllt.

Wendy Spero: Who’s Your Daddy? OOO .\ thoughtiul xct lrorn thc .\'c\\ York doll oi thci‘apcutic conic-d}. Scc

rc\ rcu. .‘l\\('Nll’/\ RUN/In. until .i'II slug In”! I“. ll"). Sin-Inn. 1/0 ill It") 1/“). Tony Carter’s Evil Army .00

‘l‘hc iincxt. moxt drxturhing _|ol\c \\ ith a houxchold product _\ou'l| xcc a|| l’ringc. Scc rc\ icu. Stiqu ll. until .i'II xlllL' Inot l/n. 5.20pm. U) list.

Hot Pink: Penny Ashton COO .\ naught} .\'c\\ /.calandcr with a iinc linc in tilth. .-\nd pocinx. Scc rcx icu. (ii/tint It’ul/oon ('ui'm. until .i’U .‘lllL' Inot ll). 34;. 5.45pm. [N UNI," (Ni.

Simon Munnery: Buckethead 'I‘hc huckct ho} ix hack. .-lui'inlil\' RUN/tn, until .i’llxlug Inot l7). (LAW/tin. ill) ill

It") HUI.

Colin and Fergus 0000 .\ iunn} douhlc act. \Vhatcici' nc\t‘.’ Scc rc\ icu. l’li'iiiunci' ('ourti’unl. until 3‘! slug Inot l7). (till/int. 1-9.5!) HUD-(H13 ("it Carl-Einar Hackner: Heart Magic and ina_\hcrn irom Sucdcn'x iornicr xcxicxt man. I’li'uuincc (‘ourtiunl until .i'II sluL' (not l7). 0.40pm. {9.5!} {IUD-(HM ("It Alun Cochrane: My Favourite Words in My Best Stories «no .-\ hcll. a chair and a \ct'} iunn} man. What Itittl‘c can )tiu nccd‘.’ SL‘C rc\ it“. (illilt'il lt’iilloon li'i'iot. until 3‘) .-lug Inn! [5). /)_4.‘-/tttt. {N 1"!!!" (Ni.

Doniert MacFarlane: Colin Montgomerie Stole My Life

coo tcc that. goli ixn't thc old} topic in thix

l)on't \xorr} ii it'x not _\our cup oi

charactcr comic'x hag. 'l‘hat'x hix goli hag, SL‘L‘ l'L‘\ lL‘\\. (W3. unttl .ill slug Inut /_l.

(iii/tin. 11x57; I ("Silt

Mark Thomas: Mucking About 0000 .\'o onc in poixci' ix xaic iroin Mark} ‘x xhar'p tonguc. Scc rcx ic“. lions“ (‘lulx until IN .lug. ~lint. £l_‘.§'lli£.\'_5tti, Dirty Fan Male: The Show \aught) out—loud rcadingx. (ii/ilcil li’ii/loon (int-x. until .i‘ttslug. "pm. {3.50 {VJ-II

iffiit with.

Uncut Confetti John llchL‘}. \xc lo\ c )titi. l’lmxunci' ('ourtmnl. until .i‘II Aug Inot l0. .‘A‘i. ~pin. {VD-Ii {IIISII (1.55 1"),- Rob Brydon: The Keith Barret Show 'I‘V'x iunnicxt \Vclthan dclwx into )titir‘ rclationxhip diiiiculticx.

I’li'iminii ('ourtmnl. until .i'II .rlug tnot l/ii, ilsltltl. {Hf-II 1/.i5III1lII tlfi. Chris Addison: Civilization

(\ittit‘d} 'x pttxh xpicc gclx all clc\cr on ttx

again. I’li'uuuui' ('ourtmnl. until A'II slug (not/7i.7.]5/nn.1‘/.5II tlIlfi—IIILV 1‘)». Danny Bhoy COO iamuritc charming nian ltccpx ux xucct.


Scc rc\ icxx. I’iul I)('( o. until 39 .lug Inot l7). 5.30pm. {All 1/45” I 1N5”).

Ricky Gervais ()nc night onlx oi ‘raix' ‘political‘ conicd}. l’lui'ltouxi'. /.\’ slug. 7.30pm 1/75!) 11/55“).

Helmut’s Half Hour \larc Blakc docx hix l)cuxtch|andcr thing. Scc (icrman'x ('hoicc. ('nili'rlu'lli‘. until 3‘) .lug Inot l3. 7.50pm, w 1/7; {1'8 11);,

Ross Noble (ict noodl) \\ ith thc ho) \xondcr. Scc icatur‘c in non-l’cxtrxal maga/inc. lil(’(‘. If) 3/ :lug. N/mt. (If) ill-ll: l‘/ 3/ slug. ll..i’II/int. til-l It'ljt. Stephen Grant 0000 talcx irom a comic \\ ho lookx likc hc xhould hc tuckcd tip in hcd h} 8pm. Scc rc\ic\\. (iildcd Balloon ’l‘c\iot. until 30 :\ug (not lot. ix‘pm. £7.50 £8.50

H.650 £75m.

Mark Maier Objects .\ giitcd and undcr-ratcd racontcur docx hix thing. ('nilcrlu'l/i’. until :9 (lllL' Inot lh'i. Nil/5pm. 1-5.5” {NJ-II (£0.51) 15. 5(1).

Reginald D Hunter: A Mystery Wrapped In a Nigga 0000 .\

Nil/aid oi \mndcriul ohxct'\ationx


xtaggcringl} dcli\ct'cd. 'l'hc ho} ix xurc

good. Scc rc\ ic\\. I’ll’tlHl/lt'l' ('ourtiiml. until .i'II slug inot l_t. N. IF/nn.

{v.50 {litfioiglx 19,.

Adam Bloom: Entertaining the

Thought 0..

ho) ixh ilcxh. .-\nd xuch. Scc rci ic\x.

\curoxcx madc

l’lt'uunuc (.l’lH-lHll'tl. until .i’II slug Inot l-I. «\‘QII/nn. {9.5” ill/.5” I15 19;. Freedumb 0000 Phil and Jan arc a douhlc act to makc _\ou think I“ icc. Scc rc\ icu. I’lcuxtincc ('ourtiuril. until .i'II .‘lllL' Inot tm. XXII/mi. win {II/.Snrtlx wt. Stewart Lee llix .lcriji Sprinui'r cxpcricncc ix behind him ax thc comic unit a brain higgcr than Bcrxxiclx‘ rcturnx in iront oi a mic. ('nilcrln'l/x. until .‘9 slug mini [7». ,x’JIIpm. wg’o {ll/fill igx‘ 19,.

Rob Brydon

pockets your love at 7.15pm

Jo Caulfield: Role Model 000 (‘onxurnrnatc proicxxionalixm and a harrcl oi laughx, Scc in in» I’lt’tlHlllt (' l)unu'. unttl 3‘) .‘lllL’ ’lil’l I”). h'JS/nn. 19,50 1/05!) I 1.x wt,

Demetri Martin: Spiral Bound l.axl _\car'x l’crricr \ ictor huclxx thc trcnd and comcx xtraight hack “Hit a ncxx. xpunk} xhoxx. Scc prc\ icxx. .'l\\i'lltltl\ Ii’mnnx. l0 3‘l;lug. 8.55pm. ill 1/3 It'll) [l l I. l’ri'i'u'ii I5 slug. 1‘).

Jimmy Carr: Public Display of Affection l'ttltx oi accrhic iun gct t‘cad}. l‘.l('('. lid" l4. 3/) 3‘) :luu. 9pm. [/4 I {/3 I.

The Trivial Pursuits of Martin Mor .\lr Bigpig \xilh hix im ial hrand oi hitcxi/c ittti. Stu/til ll. until 3‘! Aug IIIUl l/it. 9pm. Hi 17M)- 10.50;.

Andy Parsons: Eat My Satire ()nc oi thc xhat‘pcxt political xatirixtx on thc circuit lapx up thc dcxcrx cd praixc. .-\xx¢'nrl2/\' Rmnnx. until 3‘) slug Inot //ii. 9pm. ill) till It") illllt.

Little Howard and Big Howard In: At Home with the Howards .0. null iun-iillcd nonxcnxc. Scc rciicw

l.axt )c‘;ir"x l’crricr nomincc

l’li'muni'i' (‘oii/‘tiuttl. until .i'I) xlll‘J (not /7;_ (ijitpni. {"150 Unfit/tin {UL Bourbonitis Riixtlc up )our tickct

pricc ior ()tix l.cc in thc iamiliar' guixc oi

Rich Hall. I’li'ituini'i' ('ourtmrtl. until .i'I/ .luu. (till/mt. ill 1/35“ I 19.5” {I l I. Glen Wool: Relax .000 'l‘hc cool-hcadcd ('anadian hringx trx a iinc thx and a grcat mouxcr. Scc rcx icu. l’iul l)( co. “XVI,” 557 7115. until 3‘) slug Inot l-t. ‘l..i’II/mt_ 19.51) ilJI1-\'.5Ili. Sarah Kendall lntclligcncc and iun in onc ialctitcd lad}. I’li'iixitni'i' ('uurtmnl. 55/) 655“. unttl .i’I) xlllL’ Inn! /7/. MKS/tin. 1-9.5” {IUD-(l I13 Uli.

Dan Antopolski: A Whim Away 0...

hruxhcx oii thc oppoxition. Scc rcx icu.

'l'hc hait‘icxt man in conic-d}

l’lciisiini'i' ('ourtuml. unttl .t’II .‘lHL‘ Inot lat. (1.40pm. £9.51} HID-U It“ 19/. Brendon Burns lx hc- Brcndon'.’ ()i ix it Burnx} 1’ ()r can it cxcn hc hoth'.’ l’li'muni'i' (‘ourti'iml until .i’II .'ll(L’. ‘lJSpIn. {III [II Ii'v\'..‘-U-1‘l..‘-Ili.


Citizen Walken 0000 lhc lliillxxxoml man \\illl thc .mcxonic prcxcncc ix porttaxcd xpcctaculail} ~\cc t'c\ 1c“ ( or: cure (‘l I:.'rt.'.'. :infrf A'I' lug. limit. 1‘ Janey Godley: Good Godley lhc

\UlL‘ \i‘lt‘ 5t‘t‘lll\ll lt‘llltilt‘ \ltllitl lll‘ lUt‘lx‘

~\I\> \,

on thc dark xrdc oi liic l nit} Ii'i until 3" lat 'Itr’.’ lfi Nick Revell: Like It Matters ( )nc oi thc tuoxt rntclltgcnt xland upon our

tiriic ix hack \tunii ll. [Ulltl 3” Li; Inn: lot. lII limit, 1‘ The Demons of Addy Van Der Borgh 000.

unit hix dark xidc Scc rc\ic\\

[train 30 g/itigx gti,

<0 in <iI,

lhc arch cloun icturnx \\\( midi l\,t'rttit\_ until ."I' lug Inut lfli. lI' Wyn: 10 {litigx 1m

Jason Byrne: That’s Not a Badger! C... You can .ilriioxt iccl )tttir‘xcli pcrxpirc |ltxl \xatching tlic gu} Scc t’cxicxx. I’li‘tixiinii ('ouitttml, unttl i'II lug Inot lqi. III lip/n.

1/35!) zl-tfioizll 11.6,

Ed Byrne: Me Again 0000 Hit“ arch lr‘ithan \Hlll hix \xitt} xidc Scc rcucu. \ui nrltl\ lx’oontx. until it) lug Inot lat. lII :ll/UII. 1/3 il-l I 1 II {III Gary Le Strange: Face Academy :\lltilllt'l gaud} trcn/x ot .xttx drcnchcd lunac}. l’iu/ l)( t it. until 3‘1 lug Inut l 'i. MISS/Mn. 1‘15” {/4 t 15'. *III Laurie Kilmartin 0000 rnouthcd l'S xxxcctrc “Ill ha\c )otr rolling

llic tool

on thc tahlcx. Scc rc\ lt'\\. lat/inlnngli ('onu'il\ Rim/n. until l5 .luc. lII .i’II/nn, 1‘ ’1‘}.

James Inman 'Iua- a Katixax iaim hand on acid‘. I don't think \u' can top that. lziltnliurgli (.lllllt'th Room, I" 3-} slug. III..i'II/mr, 18' I 1 qt. Lee Mack 00.. )ou likc him. Scc t‘c\|c\x, .'l\\('nlltl\

.-\ ti'uc maxtcr, li

RUN/1H. until .i'll .lug Inot l—‘t. lII..\’5/nn. {III 1//I1‘/ 1/Iti.

Alex Horne: Every Body Talks coo

xcmmarx'.’ ll'x xtrll cotncd}. )oti know

\Vchcamx. prcxcntatronx.

Scc t'c\ icu. l’li'iixitni i' ('ntii‘tuinl. unttl .i'Il slug Inot l7i. lII.JII/itit_ £9.50 ll/J'II

I13 lUt.

Porn Idol ()/ Jim Jciiricx iiitixcx on thc porn indttxit'}. l’li'iiuini (’ ('uul'twiril. until .i’Ilgluu. III.."5/nn. 1/“ t// (M *II {‘11,

Scottish TV Live from the Fringe Your chancc to xcc xomc top conch and gcl )tiltt'xcll on lhc liox. .’l\\('l)ll)l\ RIIIIHH, l0. lixluu. //./.<;un. 1/“.

Tim Fountain: Sex Addict 1 t. l\ hcllhcnt on gutting a man. How. docx lic do ll '.-\\\i'nrltl\ RHUIIH. until .i’I/ slug Inot l/n, ll..i’Il/nn. 1/” 1// I19 ill/i.


Assembly Rooms 226 2428 Bongo Club 557 2827

C 0870 7015106

Cowgate Central 226 97411 Edinburgh Comedy

Room 226 0000

EICC 08700 600100

Gilded Balloon 668 1633 Pleasance 556 6550

Pod Deco 08707 667705 Stand 568 7272

Underbelly 0870 7453083 Book any Fringe ticket on

0131 226 0000 or www.edfringe.com