Happy birthday
For 20 years, THE COLLECTIVE GALLERY has been championing the work of young artists. Now. 60 of them are brought together for an anniversary exhibition. Nine practitioners spoke to The List about the gallery's influence.
Chad McCail
l \ll(t\\L'tI tlr;i\\ing\ iit ('olleetn e in l‘NN. ln l‘l‘N l \\il\ piirt ol the Melbourne liit'tiiiiilt‘ tilter Sittiih .\litnro reeointnenileil tne to the enriitor. l \\;l\ inelitileil lll lteekx I'llllll'L‘\ iinil ill\tt It] the ltritixh .\t'l Shim in lellll. Stii‘;tlt\ reeiitnnieniliition. ('olleetne helpetl put me in tottelt \xith (‘hrix (iilhert. \\ho \himeil in_\ work iii the l)e\ .\Ioine\ .\rt (‘enter and ill liiiltnnoi'e .\IH\L'lllll ol .A\rt. ('olleeti\e Il;l\ ii \trong repiitittion l'or ;til\entitroit\ illlkl eltiillenging \Kttl‘lx. lt ix lreiiitentl} \ I\llL‘tI h} people \xho iire weking interexting Seottixh ill'll\l\ to \lttt\\. lt tniiintiiinx ii
iigitin on
eoniniittnent to lexx e\perieneeil ill'll\l\ \xho ol‘ten tniike thi lirxt \olo \lltt\\\ tht'oiigh itx .\'e\\ \\'orl\ Seotliini rogriininie.
('lnti/ .‘Ii (TI/J ix i'urrt'nl/i' x/mii/ne nor/i in .IIt'HN’I’I'Iti' (Hill (I/ l/It' Ilium/(Ir HIi’II/ItI/('.
Mike Nelson
l‘\ e heen in\o|\eil \\ itlt tlte :irt \iorlil in Seotliinil \inee the eiirl} l‘)‘)ll\. both in (iliixgim iinil in I‘.tllllll|.l':_ll. hut met‘ the lil\l l'e\\ )eiir\ ni_\ dealing.» \\llll tlte liitter llil\ intenxilietl both will ni_\ lil\'tl\L‘lllL‘lll \\ith tlte ('ollege ol' .\rt iinil tlte ('olleeine. In :\llgll\l I‘ll)” l \himeil I)» l/lt' .llt'mu/r u/Illl’ Lorentz/l. ii gotltie ltotniige thiit eiiine \L‘L‘Ulltlllillltl through the \iortlx ol Borgex. 'l‘lte \ll-.)\\ etinte il\ tlte reliirhixhinent \\;t\ iihoiit to hiippen iinil gin e nie tlte Il'L‘CtIUlll to do \ttlllL‘ \L‘l'lttlh iliiniiige. In retro~peet thix l'L‘llltllll\ one til it linoitrite iitnong tn_\ o\\n \llit\\\. ;l\ iloex the e\perienee ol‘ doing it tniiinl} down to tlte itttitittle ol‘ Stiriih .\litnro and till \\ ho \iork there. .l/I'lii' \i'lwn'x />it.\ [HUN/Allin)! Ali/n' l’ump/im l’il/tlt’t' [itll‘l ('fl/H' (‘U/lt’t‘lllt' ()HI-Sltlt' I’Iti/t't‘l ix on \IIUH' (ll .llitr/ii'l .S'Iri't't. [Min/turd]. null/ Sun /3 Sup. llt' I/tt'lt t'i/ii/trlx (1/ l/It' .X'iio l’tlH/(t “intuit/t:
Katy Dove
I took piirt in the New ll'or/i Xi'oI/ttni/ progriintnie iit tlte ('olleetne jit\t out it _\e;ir iil‘ter linixhing eollege. 'l‘he perioil intnteiliiitel} ilIlL‘l‘ griiilttiiting i\ ;i|\'.ii_\\ ;i tlil'l‘ieiilt one lot' iirtixtxz tr_\tng to \\orI\ oitt il~ it\ going to he poxxihle to keep iniiking iirt iinil to tr} to ntiike \onie tnone_\ to li\ e oll too. So l‘or me it \\;l\ ht'illiiint to hine it l‘oeitx iii IL‘l‘lll\ ol‘ hining \onietlting to \\ttl'l\ It\\\;ll'tl\. 'l‘hix e\hihition \\;l\ the lirxt hig opportttnit} l hitil. lt \\Ll\ ii reiill} \iiliiiihle e\perienee in lL‘l‘lll\ ol‘ hitililing eonlhlenee iinil the lteliel thtit it ntigltt KIUNI he powihle to niiike it go ol' it ;I\ an tll'Il\l.
Kitty lhn‘i' IN nor/tine {mum/x (I w/o i'i/tt'ltrn'un (H the Pump Home (iii/hit; Butte/weir l’tti'k. [uni/mt.
Paul Carter The llt‘xt time I \Iiti\\L‘kl iii the (‘olleetne \\;l\ in NW» in ti \IIU“ eiilletl (Writer. lt \\;l\ ;i preeiirxor [it .\'i'ti‘ Hit/'1‘ Xi‘ttI/imt/ and \\;t\ I‘UI. [ttklgtlttltlitlLN l \\;I\ 111 (iliisgim iii the titne. ‘l'here new it lot OI. gttittl people IliL‘ Ctlllitl‘ HI. Hilfi'i/ ttltt/ (twinned. Robert Montgomery \\;1\ men in it. Then I \\;l.\ ollereil ii \olo \IIU“ oil the buck til
. die-l 9“ t
a photograph and some drawings by JOHN TIMBERLAKE
Friday 22 June 7-9pm Exhibition:
23 June - 22 July 2001
project room: Rachel Garfield
video lounge; Raceway Queen by _ Jordan Baseman
Wed-SatiO30-Spm Suni -5pm ‘
22-28 Cockburn St Edinburgh EH1 lNY
t.013l22012601 01312205585
email. ccttgatla‘aol com
'63.?! NW R9“ '
Mex I'rtni ’ Alan Miehact' ~
. .I ._. H I i i Youv-Are Very Important . ; i . v. t a flan-wast 0M9" in “W / l . .(‘pu’qyggtt- .. . . '