Festival -


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gym/Z) fr. :5 tin:- Who 5:135 local people. don't get involved in the Festival ?-..

w Agnes will now attPMft to "it" eat a mentored petti‘coat

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Return of the craic

ED BYRNE muses on his past Fringe glories and wonders whether his mum will show up this year.

tewart l ee onee ren‘arked that he was

returning to [:(isnbur‘gh like a dog to its own

\.'orh:t'. I don't t'w‘k :t gurte su'ns op my feelings about my return this year. lhe sense of dread. zntropaton and exotemer‘t 'nake rt more llkU J‘Llllllflllg into bed With. a g:r. y()Ll trnd attraotrxe but thought you'd have stopped shagging by now. Strzl. for this years i rrnge I'm dong a one man show for the first time .n ages. I tee: like vernrnrsoing about i estrvals pass 2d. | first visited the ldrnburgn l tinge Festival baek l.'l 1992 I'm ;\.rng -n (tlasgo-J.’ and my t'rienzl. Chris. who lltrltkf‘) I should oeoome a stand up, suggests we take a vxar‘der over to the l-ringe. We see a thing wzth Rory MoGrath and other writers taiking about comedy. The ()&A session at the end gets hqaoked by an Arherroan woman (Z()"‘[)l£tlllll‘.{} that there ‘treh't enough \.'.romert

.hmm. let me see . .

ill the industry At r';rst l nod in agreement wrth her but by the end I'm so ted up wtn the arnoui‘t of time the pane: spend debating the some-o: I think: Oh. what were got.- (to ‘g ‘eavrng the kitchen ltXléty. ‘oxe’?’ 1993 | phone up to ask ‘7' I can er‘ter 8o Yea [hr/7k You/e f‘trrrn'.’ ai‘o' am tokl I'm too late. I'm renexeo. as ll‘ave strI. newer aotuail', done any stand up. 1994 traxee tip from. I ondo't. ‘-.‘.'her'e I'm not: to enter So- You lt‘.«r;k Yer/"e / error. I fail to make the


that so I hang around. annoying people an the irtdosnry I do make a 7'(:-“.'.' fllC'ltlES. f"().i§;".. .noiadrng a “,Oertg AtlSll'étliéi'l($077th{RINK}Biti"(l<)l‘l31ll"i3.

1995 Myse‘t. Kevi" Hayes and Andre: Maxwell are Young. (irtrer/ and (ireen. lt's ar‘ hour of INS" stano up 'n the (‘iloeo Bitl‘tXYt. Mj, 'Y‘.(>'."(:-l' phones to say there's ll()’.lt;l‘;) about me r: the paper haek '1().’ll(3.lt.f$l staff £1l)();;l ‘tr‘a’. thekmg l)‘;.'an Moran.

1996 I pe'tor'rh my f‘r'st o"e "‘-a". t;ll(>‘.'.’/»l \()‘.'(1.’2()v(//)r/t

"f K C “L? L t v r \r

international Fescival Modem Opera World Premiere

3 f m I” 4 I y ‘4 :3 r j; r 7kg gm. "7' I,“ ; y y .IL ,1

1 ’5, 'l i-' [ma-{i U 5 nqu '4 ’5. l g 'i i r I r l/ l1 u tr I l r l l y’te r ,- My, 1 , 4.5 y ;. , it

(I: I1” [qt-w:er nuts: 1 I," "tum-:7 Jr In}: '1 "£1 .1" 1'

Now, look. There's nothing even Fainclg risible about everydag modem :peecln being set to completely whales; music and SL449 by people with HO acting ability ultid‘tSoet/er: No there isn‘t. it's seven hour; long and it} push-Ci9 Funded, 50 re; Art .. alright?

the Making. It sells out every night yet loses £500. My parents start coming to Edinburgh every year.

1997 Myself and Brendon Burns put on a play oalled 7he Arrt. about two comedians irvrng together at the Edinburgh i'rrnge but the name makes everybody thrnk It's about humming. I'm also performing my one man show called Psi.'r:hohahh/e. The play gets average to good "ev:ews and Psychohahb/e gets fOer stars from everyone. I am onerlooked by the Perrier panel. prompting my mother to say ‘Fuok them into hell and out agarn.’

1998 My one man show. A Night at the Opera. is an enormous success and earns a Perrier nomination. My parents. haying already vrsrted me on the first weekend. surprise me by showrng up again on the day of the Perrier party. The Perrier goes to. as my mother calls him, “Tommy Fuekrn' Tierhan'.

1999 With no rear belief that I Will ever Win. | disqualify myself from the Perrier by deing only ten nights at the Assembly Rooms. On the Road sells out every night. I s.art to get (:oeky.

2000 I do trve nights at the i»)layhouse. What am I thinking? As ambitious an undertaking as rt seems. It makes money and the show is fun. | get my mother to do ,okes as part of the show. She's a hit.

2001 l pop t't to do a oharity gig for Amnesty.

2003 l (l() a play that somebody else wrote. I realise mueh I miss doing standup at the Festival. 2004 l or the frrst trrne since 1998 I do a one-man show for the entire run with Me Again. I'm so exerted | ooero poo. What Will happen? Will people still like me? Wil I break up wrth my girlfriend? Why am I so exerted? I Assembly Rooms. 826 9198. 8-80 Aug (not 10.

7/3. l().2()prrr, i‘lé.’ 5‘14 if] l~t"IZ/‘/. Prev/eit/s 637 Aug. 5‘5).

Jam; mmgrr

Fringe Music



Tuuo favourite Fringe genre: m

one Show --

BYob'c world musi‘c «Cm-M somwhefe you'd never heard o’F
