Enter Ireland's answer to Room 101

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‘l-le‘s a fascinating character': Slade recalls fond memories of Bill Hicks

Bill Hicks’ first comedy partner DWIGHT SLADE might just be the fireball to light up the festival.

is Djimi Raffles

rri\ing in the [K tor the lirxt time.

l)\\ight Slade'x hair eomex \xith

iinprexxne pedigree. .\lo\l ill eoneeh ed neekuarmerx l‘ailed to \ur\i\e the t\'()\. hut thix llop—lringed nod ol' lashion dixdain ix \till going \trong. ;\ttaehed to one ol' .-\meriea\ lnoxl \ought-al'ter eomedianx. the e\er deliant harnet ll;l\ littl'tll} L‘llttllgetl \lllCt‘ lllL‘ l-l _\C;tl'—Hltl Blade and hext lriend Bill lliekx hegan doing \tandiup more than It) _\ear\ ago. lt'x ahead} mueh lo\ed: don't het againxt it eii_io_\ing a \oak in l’errier \udx \oon.

lla\ing toured \xith guitar legend .lell lleek and opened for .la_\ Leno and Jen} Seinl'eld. in 3002 Slade “ax the old} eomie to he United to the top three \oith .»\meriean eomed} l'extixalx: .-\\pen. Montreal and (‘hieago. heating l()() or the \xorld'x hext eomedianx lo the SI().()()() Seattle International (‘omed} l’ri/e along the \\a_\. .\'ot had tor a man tired from met} job he e\ er had.

'l was nexer put on administratne lea\e or let go \xhieh is In} l'a\ourite. incidentally like a trout: go on. off you go u \o l gllC\\ l'm eolleeting termination» lt heeomex like a badge of honour. But I ha\e a \er_\ l'ull‘illed ereati\ e lite and I'm proud oli the laet that for IS )mix I ha\ e raixed t\\o ehildren eompletel} h) m_\ ereatixit}. ()lt'ourxe. I ha\ e no retirement plan and no \eeurit). hut. \\ ell. '\'kno\\ ...'

l.i\ing in an RV eamper \xith hix \xile and _\oung kidx touring .’\meriea relentlexxl} \\a\ “a good \ouree of trauma‘. but he'\ ll‘ihullili‘l} \ettled now. doing talk radio in hix nali\e Portland and embarking on an aeting eareer. 'l \\i\h I didn't low it \o mueh heeauxe it'\ \o hard to break into. Stand-up\ juxt get pigeon-


holed. .-\lllto\l all the part\ I'm \ent are Steu- the piratef

.\ hiolog} graduate. he eould aluap lall haek on hix \tudiex. ‘Yeah. I had to work with

eada\er\. \\hieh ix like doing eoined} Ill .»\lahama. ()n the lirxt da} ol elaxx I had to drn e to a health eentre and hring haek lour human hrainx l'or \tud}ing. \xhieh. il )ou'w ne\er done. I highl} reeommend. 'lhev'e‘x nothing lor paranoia than ha\ing hrainx in _\our haek \L‘Ltl. loll ean't help but look in the mirror and \xonder \\ hat the) think ol'_\ou.‘

l'or the l'uture. though. he's planning to \\ rite a hiograph} ol lliekx 'lid like to do a hook on Bill heeauxe ilL“\ tt laminating eharaeter and I don't think man} people knou uho he \\a\. He uax hext man at in} \xedding. hut oddl} enough. \\ e nex er talked about eomed} mueh. lle lo\ ed )ou hut he \\a\ hard to he l‘riendx \xith heeathe )ou \tatehed lll\ \xork and eame tl\\;t_\ eompletel} humiliated h} _\our \tah at perl'ormanee. lle \\;l\ the lll‘\l gu} l e\ er \au \\ ith no lilter hetueen hix inner \ell and the \ell' he took on \tage. 'l'hat'x what I axpire to. That. more aeting. and powihl} uhite rhino ral'ting.‘

{it}; rrBB,’éé6oboo, 1 7-26 Aug, 10.30pm, £7.50 (£7).