Festivalzll w
BRENDON BURNS and his progeny make childsplay of the festival
ell. \xell. well. I lttltl no Men. With e\er_\ :irtixtie genre eoinpeting tor
eoliinin ineliex. there ix one iixpeet ot'
the liringe thiit ix xorel_\ merlooked: the
eliildren'x pi'ogi'uinine. .-\ltei' _\e;ii'x ol'
delmueher}. thix ix the Iii'xt )mi‘ l'\e dixeoxered th;it there ix lite in Izdinhiii‘gh hel'ore noon. You xee. llt_\ xon ix here with me iind l tniixt eottlexx l h;i\ e _\et to xee ;i had xhou.
When I lirxt told in} eolleiigiiex Ilttll I \\;Ix hringing the ho} with me. the} ttll tromied and queried: 'I dunno. tiilting ii lxttl to the I'i‘inge . . . ttl‘L‘ )oii xtire thiit'x :i good ideu'." .-\nd _\ex. l ;iiii l'iill} ;i\\;ire thiit the} llIL‘ttlIlI "Ililxing \‘Ulll' kid \xith wt! to the I‘i'inge . . . tll'L‘ _\oti xiire thiit'x ti i—'ood ideat'." But I iiiiixt eonl‘exx that thix ix the hext l‘extiuil l'\e e\ei' lItttl. No h;iiigo\erx. no gtiilt ttlttl III) (lit) hegiiix All nine.
'I‘hix ix the only time of the year “hen I‘m working in the xiime pliiee :it the .xgiine time. When it eoniex to keeping little Luke entertained. ttll \\ e lime to do ix go oiitxide ttlttl there \\ ill he .xoine dtide \\ ith ii hliie-piiiiited Iliee iind lietitlierx xtielxing otit hix itt'\L'. Joh done. Siiid IIILIII ix L‘lL‘ill'l}' xeelting :ittention ttlttl llt_\' little ho} ix ;i|\\;i}x willing to proVide. ailheit it giggle. at point or it piineh in the textielex. Ile ix. zil'ter :ill. \lill hix litthet'K .xon.
l hm e zieqtiired it new l'otiiid rexpeet tor the eliild entertainer. People in III) iiitltixti‘}' tailk iihoiit l.iile'n'l.ii'i' being it tough crowd. llo\\e\et‘. the lute—night heelxlerx are nothing. I
repeat. riot/line. eotnimied \\lIlI .i iooiii tiill ot one to l.‘ )t‘di' oldx on .i xiig.ii high lhe ehildren‘x eiitei't.iiner \kllld tell the kidx to go t'iielt theinxelxex. \\h.it'x more. the I‘.llL‘IIl\ look ;it thexe pei‘loi'iiieix .ix their hiied h.ih_\xitterx So it :i loiii' _\e;ii' old deeidex to xtoiiii the xt.ige. it ix apparentl} the h.iplexx eloun'x piohlein \iid de;il \\ ith it the} do I-lloitlexxh. e\ en
liiit e\eii thexe xtoie liei‘oex get oiitxni.ii‘ted onee in It \xhile. \Vlllu'll hi‘iiigx the to lll_\ linotirite lexti\;il iiioinent thiix In I tike .iiid I new attending ('i'r/tiix Iii/i I'Iti' iii the .\le.ido\\x‘ Big lop ii xho\\ l thoioiighl} ieeoiiiineiid xiinpl} l‘L‘Cttlht‘ the iiiidienee lI;I\ no ide.i ol the diiiigerx iind [Itlllt llItlI the pertoriiierx endiii'e. like plii} ing the pigino hgidl}. one iiiiixi he iihle to Pltl} it \er|. .-\nd xo it ix \\ lIll rollei xk.itiiig.
'I‘he teniiile pertoi‘iner \\;ix doing ;i xketeli uhere xlie l'eigned ;in iiiiihilit} to xt;i_\ xtill on xktitt‘x \xhile titteiiipting to plu} the iikiilele. She Iiiltered ttlltl x\\er\ed ttlttl xlipped tip ttlttl douii tr_\ ing to gain her iippiirent Iiiek ol h;il;inee. iniieli to the glee ol' the ;idiiltx tllltl ehildi'en in tlIlL‘lItltllICC. .-\ll e\eept one hlindl) e_\nie;il li\e _\e;ir old Seottixh girl \xho. alter the iiiintitex ol tltix iinprexxne dixplu} ol' elomnng. \Illlpl} xeotled in indigngitioii: ‘l-'iii'(iiitl‘x x;iI\e. itixt tiike the \lxtIIL‘\ oll.‘ l del} :iii} xt;ind tip eoinediun to come tip \\ ith it \ttlltl rexponxe to Illttl. Pleasance Courtyard, 556 6550, until 25 Aug, 8.30pm, 2950—21050 (28-29).
’ $5229.53:- . " '
, The Get-Me-Out'OF—Here TM Ejector Seat, 40v makwtg early exit; {rem time Fringe f~n;‘»\TS MGM Jilth View; .ld‘dz’ gum LL 5638- : i , I a I l \ - ~. ‘ _. R. \‘x t .9 /. r '7. ."I y ‘ ~1HIIHH’ if; :\v F