Edinburgh Galleries


7h IlL'lltlL‘l'SHll RH\\_ 55- “PH \lritl Sill Illarn 5.30pm.

Clay 2003 l'ntil Sat 3” Aug. A \clling \ltrm ol ccranncx h) lL‘HtlL‘lll Inakcrx lcaturing conlctlipot'at'} and traditional \kliccl-throu n. hand-hurl! and \lipcaxt work in \toncuarc. porcclain and cal'lhctmat'c


Iloa Row Sttccl. 22.5 “U5. .\lon Sat 9.30am 5. 3llprn

Jewellery Exhibition Sat 9 Mon Ix Aug. .lcucllcr} h} graduating \tudcntx l'rorn lzdinhurgh (’ollcgc ol Art.


75 llt'cad Stt'cct. 477 452K. .\loli Sal noon 2pm.

More from the Heads of Dreamers l'ntil Sat 3t) Aug. A group \hou ol upuclling and \ixionar) art c\plor'ing thc dixcrsc naturc ol human crcatiut}.


54 (icorgc Str'ccl. 22!» 2-128. l)ail_\

Illani midnight.

Otar lmerlishvili l'ntil Mon 25 Aug. ()tar lrncrlixhnli'x tlnrd annual lcxtrxal c\hihition. lcaturing cotllcmpot'al'} and traditional rcllcctionx on (icorgian lilc. 10 Minutes, 1 Roll of Film, No Wacky Comedy Shots l'nul Mon 25 Aug. ()\ cr 4() ncu pnt’ll'ulh h} photographcr Rich llardcaxtlc ol \Ulllt' ol’ lhc hcst stand-upx troni around thc \xorld.


5S Shanduick l’lacc. 225 7lHS. l)ai|_\ lllarn lllprn.

Zimbabwe Sculpture l'ntil .\lon 35 Aug. \‘hukutiu a (iallcr‘). llararc prcxcntx llllx c\|iihition ol~ \culpturc h) \onic ol~ thc hcxt ltl’ll\l\ in linihalm c.


US llanmcr Stl‘ccl. 225 I439. Hail} noon 7pm.

Street Sounds l‘ntil l'i‘i S Aug. Ahxtract paintingx and lllllSIL‘ h) llclcn (irahani.


(i5 (icor‘gc Sll’ct‘i. 22.5 22M). Molt lit‘t Illani 4pm; Sat & Sun noon 4pm. The Scottish Sale Fri 3 \\'cd 2r) Aug. A cclchi‘ation ol Scottixli art lt‘illlll'cN “orb h) ('cltic craltxnicn to niodcrn-da} contcniporar} artixtx.


(i l)tllld;l\ Sll‘L‘L‘l. 557 4050. .\lon l't‘i lilain opin; Sat llani 4pm.

Raeburn to Redpath l'nul St) Aug. A nii\cd \hou ol paintings l'catur'ing \xor‘kx h) H'B ('adcll. liA llor'ncl. John Philip. Annc Rcdpath. SJ l’cploc and Sam Bough.

Centenary Tribute l'nril Sat 30 Aug. Drawingx and ctchingx h) thc cclchratcd ar‘tixt Jarnc~ Nchil Whistlcr. Lucien Pissarro l'ntil Sat 30 Aug. A \clcction ol' dra\\ing\. \uitcrcolourx. oilx. \xoodcutx and ctchings.

Gareth Mason l'nul Sat 30 Aug. l’orcclain.


36 38 Blair Strcct. 22() M70.

Krisis l'ntil Sun ll) Aug. l‘irxt \houn at Mono in (ilaxgou. an c\hihition ol‘ political \crccnpr'intx h) Br) an (’lar‘kc. l‘oundcr of thc Insanc Socict) in 1982 and haxx pla} cr in punk outtit. thc Napalm Stan.


(‘harlottc Squarc. (12-1 5050.

Take the Chair - Outside Sal

‘) Mon 25 Aug lnllouxc prcxcnt a \clcction ol' \tatc-ollthc-art \cating for thc outdoorx. Scc alxo lnllouw lixting.


Fiona Bradley, the new director of the Fruitmarket Gallery, picks out the exhibitions

she’s getting excited about.

After Image The

rune" tuner: w, "I "is: to a‘t',.'.ert ti) t"ert’.;or‘ it.

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Cll‘il, Sl‘(:'7"£l'l 'l‘ Tiffll‘f: £l"‘ii./".t".(; {lfli’l l‘lélt‘mf‘)

sat; mpg at Aria l/l(:lt’ll(3°t€l trunk; "er trte'io‘s heard on

for Size.

Fruit/77am}! Gil/er with“ 27 Sep.

Boyle Family This '5; my; twat Charter: to see a solo Show lt'Oll‘ Bode l’ari‘il, lr'ati't (turte iriiagtrie what a gallery full of their t(:(;()llSllLl'illOllf; of léllt(l()ll‘l‘, (ilt()f;(:lt squares of grourirl .‘.’i|l look like. and I'm

l()()k|ll(] tr;r‘.'.varrt tr; firirlirig out.

l'c’at/oha/ (Sal/err. of t'. 7()(/(?Ht Art. 1.1 Aug—7f) Matthew Barney Katta Str'uri/ is; $3ll()‘.‘.’lllg at (l()(l(_l(3l'llf3ll(3l and I'll he popping lit to Sleeper to see ()laurle Heath hut the one l'ri‘ most looking forward to is; actually. fill()‘.'.”|ll§} at; part of the Film l5(}E3ll‘.’£ll. Matthew Bélillii‘) '3; extr'aorrliriah; (Ire/name! (gele of

filriif; is; (l(?l|illl(?l‘,‘ worth riiakirig time for.

Cl'i,’ltl(lfil(?," -! 6; l, l/iu 2-! Aug. UGC (‘3 Fit 2"” Aug, (kt/nee; (Iremastm f) (‘2 (Ire/itaste/ 2. Fri l5 Aug. UGC (‘1 F‘at J’Ia‘ Aug. (Ia/tier); (Ire/naster 3. Sat 70‘ 8.

Still 8-! Aug. UOC.


2 .\lat'kct Stt'cct. 52‘) 3993. Mon Sat

lllani 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

Jon Schueler: To the North l'nul Sat 2"7 Scp. 'l‘hc lirxt c\cr‘ llr'itixh rclrmlicctn c ol thc \xork ol' Anicrican paintcr Jon Schuclcr l I‘llo l‘)‘)2i. a contcinporar} ot Jackxon l’ollock and Mark Rothko. ('ur‘atcd h} Richard lnglch) ol' thc lnglch} (iallcr) lll ;I\\UL'ltlllUtl mth thc (‘it_\ Art ('cntrc‘x Ian ()'Riordan. thc c\|nhition l'caturcx oxcr 50 \\Ut‘k\ l'r'orn lllS ath'act c\prc\\ioni\t paintingx ct'catcd in .\'c\\ York in thc 5ll\ to hix inorc lainiliar “orkx haxcd on thc landxcapc hctuccn .\lal|aig and thc l\lc ol Sk}c. inadc altcr‘ lllx rclocation to Scotland in l‘)7tl.

One of the Boys: Joseph Crawhall and the Glasgow Boys l'ntil Sat 2" Scp. 'l‘hc (’A("\ lalcxt acquixition. l’lr'llrI/r/ During h} Joxcph ('rau hall l'ornis thc ccntrcpiccc ol‘ thix c\hihition ot' uork h) onc ol the kc} nicinhcrs ol thc (i|a\go\\ School. Shou ing alongxidc (‘rau hall\ paintings arc \\t)t‘l\\ h) hix ctintcniporaricx including (iuthric. Walton. .\lc|\illc and llcnr}.

Airside: Contemporary Portraits l'ntil Sat 27 Scp. Largc-xcalc photographic portraitx oi uorncn \\ ho arc innmatorx in thcir \ill'ltlth protcxxionx h} Janc llrcttlc. Scc rc\ ic“.

Portraits and Landscape from the Collection l'ntil Sat 27 Scp. A \L‘lcc‘ilon ol “ork‘x l'roin lhc (at) ol‘ lidinhurgh'x collcction ot- Scottixh art including \\ot‘k\ h} .\lc'laggart. l‘crguxxon. l)outh\\aitc and (illllL‘\.


22 2S ('ockhur'n Strcct. 220 I200.

'l‘uc Sun llain 5pm.

0 David Sherry l‘ntil Sun 7 Scp. A \olo c\hihition l'or [x'r'l'orniancc and \ idco artixt l)a\ id Shcrt'). \\ ho “ax xhortlixtcd for “MS )car'x Bcck'x l’uturcx auard. Scnding up \ocial com cnuon and thc ilUth‘ilSlL‘ill a~pcct~ ol thc human condition. thc \litm

--(:t‘, <l",(1 A. ll llfld' tr‘te'eM'“

..‘: we just <star’l'x‘ ‘0 get t'ie .'.~’.‘“\

flitr’fleSJ' (ll .'.<llv\t:.ll71'.lr.‘) 'l C," I'li‘ {(7 ‘l'lx’l

Hr )‘u.

l'caturcx .Sw‘ru/ I’Hr'hu Ililcri'u'iu'c in “hich Shcrr} attcndx joh intcr\ic\\\ prctcnding to hc a gcnurnc applicant. llc hax alxo hccn L'Ulllllll\\lt)llL'tl to crcatc nc“ \xot‘k tor thc (‘ollcctn c \\hich lllCllltlL‘S a \ idco piccc Sun '\ I-iu‘knl. a largc lloor painting and a \\ all piccc. Scc rcxicu and llllli\l.


4| l)ltnda\ Strcct. 557 456‘). Mon l-‘rr Ill.3l)arn 5.30pm; Sat 10.30am 5pm. Louis Sinclair McNally t‘nul ch 37 Aug. A \olo \hou of land and cit)\capc\ h) lidinhlll‘gll-haxcd artixt l.oui\ Sinclair McNall).

Robert Simpson t‘nul ch 27 Aug. llllpi't'\\l(illl\l \ccncx ol :\ll\lrilllil h) )otirig itl'll\l Rohcrt Sinipxon.


3 l 7 ('ougatc. ()ld Toxin. 55X 7l3ll. Mon Fri noon (iprn; Sat & Sun

noon 5pm.

Festival Collection l'nrll Sat Bu Aug. A l'cxti\a| collcction ol' intcrior products for thc honic l'caturing l'urniturc. tcxtilcx. lighting. lloor coxcringx. tahlcu arc and l'axhion and acccxxoricx h) indcpcndcnt dcxigncrx in thc adjoining ('oncrctc Wardrohc.


3 l)ounc 'l‘crracc. 225 718‘). Mon Fri 10am 75pm.

World of Butterflies 'l‘hu 7»-l-‘n 2‘) Aug. At lirst glancc. Pctcr llolst llcnckcl’x picturc\ appcar to hc a collection ol huttcrllics l'roni around thc uorld. ('loscr lllSPL‘Clltm rcxcalx llllllgCS uhich docurncnt thc lll\lt)r} oi thc world from lhc rnaxxacrc at Quang 'l‘ri in Victnian (72) to Scptcinbcr l l (200] l. NEW SHOW.


at Maric (‘uric llouw. 2‘) Alhan} Strcct. 478 7050. l)ai|_\ Illani 5pm.

Back to Back they Faced Each Other l'ntil Sat (i Scp. A \htm oi ncu paintingx h} Bcnct Haughton.


Bclt‘ord Road. 624 (i200 trccordcd intorrnation 332 2266i. Mon—ch 6;

Fri Sun 10am 5pm; Thu l()ain—7prn. One Hundred Great Photographs: A Collection by Bruce Bernard

l’ntil Sun 7 Scp. £3.50 (£2.50); undcr l2\ l'rcc Joint adniixxion \iith Winilrcd Nicholxon. lironi thc iconic iinagc ol .\laril_\n Munroc and ('larkc (iahlc on thc \ct ol 'I'Iu' Mix/in to Muharninarul Ali prcparing lor a light. ()m' Hum/ml (irr'u! I’Iiulogmplix ht'ingx togcthct‘ Hill ol thc most unlor‘gcllahlc photographx ol lllL' l;t\l luo L‘Cltltll‘lcx. 'l‘hc piclut'cx \\ L't'c \clcctcd h} thc latc Brucc llcrnard. author of thc hcxt-xclling ('mruri and onc ol thc gr'catcxt ncuxpapcr picturc cditorx ol hix gcncration ax part ol a connnixxion tor thc artixt and collcctor .llllllL‘\ .N‘loor'cx.

Winifred Nicholson in Scotland l'ntil Sun 7 Scp. £3.50 (£2.50); undcr l2\ l'rcc joint titlltlixxltin \xith ()nc llundrcd (ircat l’hologt'aplh. llcxt knoun lor' hcr llou cr paintingx. llli\ cxhihition locuxc\ on thc lilc and work ol Winilrcd Nicholson l “493 WXI l. thc ()xlot'rl horn artixt and dc ol licn Nicholxon. 'l‘hc lirst L'\lllhlllt)ll ol' hcr uork to hc hcld lll Scotland l’or mcr 2i) )carx. lhc l7 paintingx produccd in thc Highlands and chtcrn lxlcx rcllcct hcr lovc lor Scotland.

Curator’s Tour of Winifred Nicholson in Scotland Mon ll Aug. l2.~l5pltl. Alicc Strang gixcs a tour of thc Winil'rcd Nicholxon exhibition. Oemarco Focus l: Demarco in the 19608 l'ntil Sun 28 Scp. 'l'hc lirxt in a \cric\ ol thrcc dixplays drawing on rnatcrial l‘rorn thc l)cniarco Archivc and locusing on thc artixt. cntrcprcncur and curator Richard l)cniarco'x activiticx in thc ()Ux.

After Hours Thu I4 Aug. 6pm. l‘lanicnco danccr ('arrncla (‘rti/ prcxcntx cxccrptx from a liringc \hou. hawd on thc hit of thc Spanish poct and

pla) v. right. l‘cdcrico (iarcia Lorca.


1 lo ('auxcua} \ith. 667 9166. 'l'uc Sat | larn ()prn.

And So the World Went Pop! l'nltl liri 2‘) Aug. A locm on how. thc Pop Art mownicnt has inllucnccd contcrnrmrary dcsign l‘caturing l'urniturc. lighting and acccxsorics by modcrn-da) designcrx along with rc-rclcaxcd uorkx including the .Wum/llmlllnn Sofa by (EL-orgc Nclson and Mann by (iiancarlo Martioll.