Festival Front


I lr st'le' .'.a'. re'r' 1w: 0‘ ',’,.'l e’lv rl'; .ce': 3a, 11:77,": '>~'",. "’§ 'l‘l'

’l'r'll' ’1’! “1'0" x shit-stained school shorts "'1, SW; Mr, W "to,

., have?“

°"l:'.'a' 7W: ::u;t".r:”‘an‘

lna? {thrash s en'r‘lnr; nary no.‘. as lnsr'ler rrfles through the 'lraxr of promotional items that ha.'e Wrote In over the iast te‘.‘ ‘alrl, sure some of these

.' .‘reeks. Insrrler ls

shows .'.’I|l be crap. and some Just peachy but so Impressed ‘.'.'as Inslrler .‘.’|ll‘. the level of thespian innovation for prontotlrm that this week's colurl‘r‘ Ilerllriated tr) these

arse tools and Their grits.

I lnslrter particularl, loved the rr‘cnk's cross sent out to

.4 if from. Bernard an," ()t/rt lorrsfer Stones 1C. untrl?-1A:rgr It was a


rerrnnrler of the Catholic borstai Insider spent some llll‘t: at (luring a rnrsspent yoatlt. lhe cartoon on the packaging l'(}ll‘.ill(lf$ lnslder of

a young man In a charr surrounded by women who seem to be baltrng him with hand gestures. the signature reads: 'powertully movrng

one Brother Dél‘JKl, .vho always used tr, accidentally stumble on the boys whenever they played ‘soggy biscuit’. only to spend two weeks persecutlng us Wlllt

dry bracken and holy water lbut that's another

stor‘, r.

vrsual theatre celebrating the resiliency of the human spirit. It could be another sodding student production or a masterpiece of ensemble mrnrmalrsm (gue'h. Go figure. but one thing rs for sure: their marketing manager deserves a new parr of sweat bands and damn good group

I lhe tags and press hug. releases have long slnce been lost. so ll Insider gets your promotional rtern wrong lor' forgets where It's tr'om ~ Irke the Bourbon Creamsl. then go cm rn a corner. you big drama queen! A general consensus lard approval on an ornate ntagnetbottomed green eagle which Insider l)(}ll(‘:‘.'(}f§ comes from a show called ‘-.'./rngs Rocket 0. Demar'co. 12~25 Augl. The tlyer rlnsrder managed to dig Illle one out of the bum shows

I There were other Items Insider liked too (you know the party season has begun and Insider really cannot be arsed to read through all those wacky press releases about Stephen Berkofl and Simon Munnery sucking the eyeballs Out of 17 year old police boysl. There was Johnny Berlrner's toast. a but old hat. lhlS one. but rt stlll raises a Chortle of dlSQUSl and fascmatlon. Also. there was a


Something a mi

Who’s getting up to what this festival

mini flyer kite front the Traverse. a pretty blue feather from the National Museums of Scotland. a badge from the Monkey Boy Productrons' Tainted Love lGrlded Balloon untrl 2:3 Aug). some rock from delrcrously named Rudi ‘Black, British and Proud’ Lickwood tJongleurs 13—25 Aug). and best of all. a no budget glued cardboard box from Brand X productions tOr then new show Dre (Pleas‘ure t

Dome. untrl 24 Aug). .~ V?

I Of c0urse. there were shlt bribes: a really nasty 700% Sex Therapy (St. George's West Church. untrl 25 Augl T- shirt, for example. And little bottles of booze are a deflnlte no no. yOU know who

‘I'hnyaloo Davis

G"fl «it’l'mk .'.tf are :‘r‘tear l‘ert: at Tr‘e L sf txrt .'.(: can buy our own rounds lat happy hourr.


I Frnall, let lt never be sand that Insrdev doesn't love kids lcouldn't eat a ‘.'.’ll()l(‘,‘ one thought Some of the very best bribes this year come front pumeyors ot Jll\.’()llll|l',. Insider liked the Flurnp/esfr/tskrrr and the fairytale Lat/ride; lAssen‘bly Rooms. untrl 13-1 Augl cardboard sock Also the Ever After Cartoon Shows rCrowne Pia/a its-2:3 Augl vandalised Cr/r rer‘e/‘l’a book ,1“ was good but the pn/e tor the & best promotional item 2003 has to go to Fresh Productions for Its adult themed Lrtt/e Red ftrdrng Hood pastiche: Shades of Red. It Is a halt-eaten jelly baby In a vacuum packed bag wrth the inscription 'eat at "l-‘T ' own rrsk' on the back crappy n‘etapl‘tors for Irle really do not come much more prescient.

Alflo Joey‘s Mini

Driver in Liverpool Take plenty of cushions and The littlest lady 0n the Luvoly People are big in so Cabaret Rev up t0r boy The Playhouse and the Said . . . Blink and you lots ol sweeties: the epic Fringe and our favourite. many different ways but we racer Alfie Joey as he Corn Exchange bear 3000 miss it. this one docks in at experience will take a full Davrs. standing on sin vote Tiny fim not just f0r his parks his red Ford bodies each. but

a weenie 8 mine, 20 20m and 18min out of high, stars as part of the towering 6ft 5in. but also his Iacort and invites you polyphonic Spree play at secs your me. 08 Invasion. expansive. beautiful bonce. unto the loor hot seats. me lane: so they win.

I Edinburgh Ski Club I Edinburgh Festival I Underbel.'y. 0870 745 I Liquid Room 225 2564, I Roxburgh Place, 226 I Polyphonic Spree. Com

Rooms. 226 0000, 19-23 Aug. times vary. £4 (£3).

Theatre, 473 2000, 11-30 Aug. times vary SOLD OUT.

3083, until 24 11.10pm, {38-99 (IV-£8).

(E 10).

23 Aug. mom-Sam, £12

0000, untrl 25 Aug (not 1 1),

Exchange. 0870 169 0100, 3.30pm. £7—£‘8 (CG-£7).

24 Aug, 7. 30m, 5: 12.50.