Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.
Edinburgh Galleries
“’1 111‘11111'1\1111 R1111. <<q “l~\ .\11111 \11 111.1111 * U111111
Clay 2003 .\1111113 \.11 111 \11; \ ~1'11111j: 1111111. 111.1'1.111111\11_1 11'11111'111 111.111.1'1\11'.11111111j: 1111111'11111111.11_1 .1111! 11.1111111111.1111.111'1'1 1111111'.11.11.1111! 1111111.1111! 111111.1\111111k 111\111111'11..111'.1111111'1.1111.1111! 1'.111111'111‘..111'
APEX CITY HOTEL '1111'(i1.1\\111.1111'1.1111* *1115
Art in the City 1 11111 11111 :11111
J “11111 1111111111'111111111111'\1'111.111 1'\111111111111111111111.111 \111111'111'1.1111'1\ .1\11.1111. (1.11:: \1.1111.11 .1111! \1111111111 (-1.11111111(1111.111111
"* 1111.1118111'1'1.-1“~1<2?~ .\11111 8.11
11111111 311111
Kaleidoscope 111111 8.11 I .-\11;_'. .\11 1'\11111111111111111111\1111'1 .1111! 11111111.11_1 .11111_\ 1)1'11 11.111 11'.11111111g11111111119.111111111g1.111111. 1111111111. .11111111.111111;_'\
More from the Heads of Dreamers \\'1'1! (1 8.11 111.v\113_'. .-\ g11111p ~111111 111 11~11111.111 .111 1'\111111111g 1111' 11111'111' 11.111111'111 1111111.1111'11'.1111111
ASSEMBLY ROOMS 511(11'111'g1'5111'1‘1.33113-135. 1).!11}
111.1111 11111111134111.
Otar Imerlishvili 1'11 | .\11111 35111;; (11.1111111'1111111111'11111111.1111111.1111'\111.1l 1'\111111111111. 11211111111; 1'111111'11111111‘.11'1 .1111! 11.1111111111.1| 11'111'1‘111111x1111(11'111g1.1111111'. 10 Minutes, 1 Roll of Film, No Wacky Comedy Shots 111 1 .\11111 25 .\11g. ()11'1 -111111'11 [111111.111\ 111 111111111g1.1|1l11'1 R1111 11.111!1'.1\111'111 \111111'11! 1111' 1‘1‘\l \1.1111! 111“ 11’11111.11111111111111' 11111111.
ASSEMBLY©ST GEORGE’S WEST 5h 811.111111111‘11 1’1.11'1'. 335 "1118. H.111} 111.1111 11111111.
Zimbabwe Sculpture 1-11 I .\11111 35 Aug. \'111111111111.1(1.1111'11. 11.11.111' 111‘1'\1'111\ 1111x 1'\111111111111111 \1'111111111'1'111 1111111'111 1111' 111'\1 .11‘11\1\111/111111.111111'.
Uh 11.1111111'18111'1'1. 335 14 W, 1X11!) 11111111 "11111.
Street Sounds 5.11 I 1'11 8 Aug. ;\11\11'.11'1 p.11111111gx .1111! 11111111' 111 111'11'11 (11.111.1111.
(1|)11111!.1\ 8111'1'1. 557111511. .\11111 111 111.1111 11111115111 11.1111 411111.
Raeburn to Redpath 111 l 8.11 .111 .\11g. .\ 1111\1'111111111 111 p.11111111gx11'.11111111g 1111111\ 1‘} 15(11 ('.11!1'11. 1".;\ 11111111'1. .1111111 P1111111. .1\11111' R1'11p.1111. 8.1 1’1'111111' .1111! 8.1111 Bough, \t':.'.
Centenary Tribute 1‘11 l 8.11 311.1111; 1)r.111111g\ .1111! 1'11'11111gx 11_1 1111' 1'1'11'111.111'11 .1111xl .1.11111'\ .\'1'.\'1'11 “11111111
Lucien Pissarro 151-1 1 8.11 311.1111; .1 \1'11'1‘111111111111.111111gx. 11.111'1'1'111111111. 1111~. 1111111111111 .1111! 1'11'11111gx,
Gareth Mason 1111 I 8.11 311-1111;. 1’111‘1'1‘1.1111
311 .‘1.\ 111.111 8111'1'1. 331111171.
Krisls 111111 81111 1112\11g. 1'11x1 x11111111.11 .\11111111111'11.1~g1111. .1111'\1111\1111111111 11111111141 \1‘1‘1‘1'111‘1’111h 111 1111.111 (1.11111: 1011111111 111‘ 1111' 1111.1111' 8111'11'1} 111 1%: .1111! 11.111 111.1111 111 1111111. 11111111. 1111' .\'.1p.11111 $1.111.
38 Home Sweet. 228 41-11.
This Must Be the Place L'n111 Wed (1 Aug. P1111111g1111111~ 1111‘111'1'11 mm .1 \1'1111' 111~ 11.111g1'r .1111! 1'11rcb11111ng b) Jessie 131111111'11.
CITY ART CENTRE :\1.:1111‘1\111'1'1.<:" UN“ \11-1‘. \z'. 111.1111 <11111. \1111111-1111 "11:.
0 Jon Schueler: To the North
1 11111\.11:" \1'11 1111' 111111'11'. 11111101 11'1111\111'111‘-1'111 1111".'.111'1.111 \1111'111.1:1 11.111111'1.11111\111111'11'111‘1111 1"":1, .1 1111111'11111111.11_1 1111111111111511111114111! \1.111R11111k11 (111.111'111‘} 1(111:.:111111'_'I1'11_\ 1111111'111;_'11'111 (1.111111 111.1\\1111.1111111 11.1111 1111' ('111 .\11 ('1'11111'K 1.111 (11011111111. 1111' 1'\111111111111 11'.111111'\ 1111'1 <11'.11111.\1111111111\ .111x11.1111'\1111'\\111111\111.11111111:~ .11'.111'11111 \1'11\1111.1111111-<11~111111\1111111'1.1111111.11 \‘.1111\\ 1‘.1\L'1!1|11 1111‘ 1.11111\1.11‘1'1‘1‘1'1‘-1'1'11 .\1.111.11f_‘ .1111! 1111' 1\11'111 \1.}1'. 111.1111‘ .1111'1 111x11'1111.1111111111\11111.11111111 1‘1"” \1'1' 11'111'11 .1111! “MN
One of the Boys: Joseph Crawhall and the Glasgow Boys [111118.113" 51'11 1111' (' \(“x 1.111'\1 .11‘11111\1111111. /’11/1..1'1/l)11.11:1' 111 111111111 (1.111 11.111 1111111\ 1111' 1‘1'11111'1111'11' 111 1111\ 1'\111111111111111 1111111111 11111'111 1111' 11'} 1111'111111'11111 1111' (11.11;;1111 \1‘1111111 \111111111; .111111g_'\11!1' (‘1.11111.11|\ 11.111111111'1 .111' 1111111\ 111 1111 1111111'11111111.1111'\111111111111;(1111111112 \\.1111111. .\11'111111' .1111! 111'111}
Airside: Contemporary Portraits
111111 8.11 3" S111 1.11;:1' \1‘.111' [11111111g1.1111111'
[111111.111x111 \1111111'11111111.111'11111111.11111~111 1111'11 \11111111\[111111'\\11111\1‘) 1.1111'1111'1111' Portraits and Landscape from the Collection 11111! 5.11 3" 81'11 \ \1'11'1'1111111111111111111111111111'(‘11} 111 1'.1!11111111g11\ 1‘11111'1'111111111 \1'11111x11.111
1111111111111: 1111110111 .\11"1.1;_';;.111.11'1;11\\1111.
1)111111111.1111' .1111! (111111'\
3: 33(‘111'111111111811'1'1'1.3311 131111
1111' S1111 11.1111 511111
0 David Sherry 11111181111~ 81'11. .\ 1111111'\111111111111 1111 111'11111111.1111'1' .1111! \1111'11 .111111 1).1111! 8111111. 111111 11.11 x11111111111'1! 1111'1111\11'.11"\111'1‘11\1'1111111'\.111.1111. 8111111113; 11px111'1.111'111111'11111111.111111111' 11111111'11\11'.11 .1\[11'1'1\111 1111' 1111111.111 (1111111111111.1111'\111111 11'.111111'\ \11111/l’111/111 [111111111111 111 11111111 8111111 .1111'111!\ 11111 1|111‘1‘\IL'\\\ [111'11'1111111g 111 111‘ .1 :11'11111111‘ 4111111111111. 111'11.1\.11\11111'1'111'111111111\\111111'11 1U 1'1'1‘1111‘ 111‘“ 1111111 1111'1111'(.11111'1‘1111‘ 11111111 1111'111111'x .1 11111'11 [111'1'1' .\11/1'1 [1111111. .1 1.11g1' 111111111.11111111g .1111! .1 11 .111 [\IL‘L'L'. SL‘L‘ 111111\1.
-11 1)11111!.1\ 8111'1'1. 55‘ 1511‘). \11111 111 111.311.1111 531111111; 5.11 111.311.1111 511111. Louis Sinclair McNaIIy $.11 3 111-11 2" .'\11:.‘. .\ \11111 \111111 111 1.11111111111 1'11)\1‘.1111'\ 111 1'.1111111111'g11~11.1\1'11 .11‘1111 1,11111\ 811111.111 .\11'\.1111. \E Robert Simpson 8.11 3 11111 37111;. 11111111'xx11111111 \1'1'111'x111 .-\11\11‘.111.1 111 1111111g .1111\1 1(11111'1‘1 811111111111.
CONCRETE BUTTERFLY .11-(1111:5111:()111'1‘111111.555 "1311. .\11111 111 11111111 (111111. 8.11 1k 81111
11111111 511111.
Festival Collection 8.11 2 S111 311 .-\11g. :\ 11'1111.111'11111'1'111111111 11111'11111 111111111111 11111111' 11111111' 11'.11111111g 111111111111'. 11'\1111'\. l1g111111g. 1‘111111'1'1111'1111gx. 1.11111'11.111' .1111! 1.111111111 .1111! .11'1'1'1111111'x 11} 111111'111'11111'111 111'11g111'1x 111 1111' .111111111111g (‘11111'11'11' “111111111111
DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE 3 1)1111111' '1'1'1‘1.11‘1'. 335 ~1W. .\11111 1'11 111.1111 511111.
World of Butterflies '1‘1111 “ 1-1-1 211 .'\11:_'. .\1 111\1 g1.1111‘1‘. 1’1‘11‘1‘ 1101\1 111'111'111'1'x [111111111 .111111'.111111\1' .1 1'11111'1'111111111 1111111'1‘1111'x 1111111 .1111111111 1111' 11111111.('11111'1111x111'1‘111111 11'11'.11\1111.1g1'\ 1111111111111‘111111'111 1111' 1111111 111 1111' 1111111! 1111111 1111' 111.111.11'1'1' .11 ()11.111g '111 111 \'11'1111.1111 1‘)"2111181'1111'111111'1 11 13111111.
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.11 .\1.1111' Curie H1111x1'. 29.1\1b.111.1 8111'1'1. 4‘8 *(1511.1).111_1 111.1111—5 111.
Back to Back they aced Each Other 1'11 1 Aug—$.11 (1 Scp. .-\ 1111111 111~ 111'11 p.11111111gx b} 81'111'1 11.111g1111111.
THE DEAN GALLERY 111'111'1111(1h111.":41121111111‘11‘1111‘11 1111111111.1111111 1;: 3211111 \11111 \\1'1!1\ 111 \1111 111.1111 <11111. 11111 111.1111 “11111 One Hundred Great Photographs: A Collection by Bruce Bernard 1 11111 .\‘1111 " 51-11
:1 <11 1:: <111.1111111'1 15 111'1' 1111111 .1111111\\1111111.1111\\1111111'1!\11’1111lx1111 11111111111'11111111 1111.1;1'111\1.1111111 \111111111' .1111! (1.11111' (1.11111' 1111 1111' \1'1 111 [111 1I11'111111\11111.1111111.1111! \11 111111.111”; 1111 .11‘1;_'111.()1:1 Hum/1.11 (1111.![’1'111.'11;'/1./1/1\ 1\1111§_'\111;;1‘1111'1 11111 111 1111' 1111M 11111111g1'11.11111'111111111g1.11111\ 111 1111' 1.1x1 1111111'11111111'x 1111' [11111110 \‘- 1‘11' \1‘11‘111'1! 1\_\ 1111' 1.111“ 111111'1‘ 111'111.1111. .111111111 111 1111' 111'\1 \1'11111§_'
( 1H!.'1I1 .111111'111‘111 1111' _‘._'1C.11\‘\1
111'11 x11.1|11'1 [111'11111' 1'1111111\ 111 111x g1'111'1.1111111.1\[1.111111 .11'111111111xx111111111 1111'.1111\1.111111'11111'1‘1111 .I.11111'\ \1111111‘\. \1'1‘ 11'\ l1'\1
Winifred Nicholson in Scotland 1 11111\'1111" S111 {15111125111;1111111'1 13\111'1' 1111111.1111111xx1111111111111111' 1111111!11'11('111'.11 1’1111111g1.1p!1\ 111'x1 11111111111111 111'1 1111111'1 11.11111111g\.1111\ 1'\|11111111111 1111'11\1'\ 1111 1111' 1111' .11111 1111111 111\\1111111'11\11'1111lx1111118‘11 1‘).\'1 1, 1111' ()\111111 11111'11.1111\1.1111111111'111 111'11 \11‘1111lx1111 1111' 111\11'\111111111111111 111'1' 1111111 111111'111'111 111 811111.11111 1111 1111'1311 _\1'.11\. 1111' 1" p.11111111gx [111111111111 1111111' 111g111.11111\ .1111! \V1'x11'111 1x11'x 11'111'1‘1 111'1 11111‘ 1111 511111.11111.
Demarco Focus l: Demarco in the 19608 11111! $1111 EH Sup. 1111' 111'\1 111.1 \1‘1'11‘\111 1111'1'1'11I\[11.1}\ 1111111111; 1111 111.111'11.11 1111111 1111' 1)1'111.111'11 .\11'11111' .1111! 1111‘11x111g11111111'.1111\1. 1'11111'1111'111'111.1111!1111.11111 R1111.11‘1! !)1'111.111'11'\.11'1111111'x1111111'1111»
After Hours 11111 *1 .1111. (111111. 1'11'1'. 1111' .\111'1‘ 1111111\111'11g1.11111111'1'11111111111'x 111111 11111x11' 1111111 .-\11'\ Y1'11111111'1'x 1111 1.1// 11111111.
DESIGNSHOP 1111(‘.111\1'11.11\1111'.(111*!)1116. 1111' 5.11 11.1111 (111111.
And So the World Went Pop! [1111! 1'11 2‘).-\11g.:\ 1111‘11x1111111111 1111' 1’1111.1\11 1111111'1111'111 11.1x 11111111'111'1'11 1'111111'11111111.111 111'\1g11 11'.11111111g 111111111111'. 11g|11111g .1111! .11'1‘1'xx11111'x 11} 11111111'111 11.11 1!1'x1g111'1\ .1111113: 111111 11'- 11'11'.1\1'11 1111111\ 1111111111113; 1111' .I/1II'1/HH1I/l1111 511/11 1‘} (111111.10 .\L‘1M111 .1111! .\1‘111111} (i1.1111'.11111\1.111111|1.
THE DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIO 111 1111'.111.\‘111'1'1.J“ 4524 .\11111 8.11 111.1111 511111
Digital Design Showcase \11111 4 8.11 311 \11;_' 1\ 1'11111'1‘111111111111g11.11|1 1111111111111 .1111111111 1111111111 1111 1‘.1111.1\ .1111! 11.1111'1 111 1'1111'1g111g 111'x1g111'1x
11 (1.1}111'111 $1111.11'L'. ~11!) 1111' 5.11 11.1111 (111111
Katja Strunz 1'11 1 \ug 8.11 3" 81'11 .\111~1111.11111 x11111xl11111 1111111' 111 1111 (i1'1111.111.1111\1 K.111.1 $111111/ 111\11111'11111 1111111111.111\111.111111111111'x111'1'1111'.1|l1. R11111'1151111111x1111'x 11.11111'111'1x111
11‘ 115.\111'1'11'.111'\111111g11111g 11.1117 11.1x1'11 \1‘1111111111'x 111111'1111111' 1111111'11 .111g11'11 1111111x 1.111 111' \1'1'11 .1111! 1'\111'111'111'1'11 111111111'11'111 11.111 81'1'
[111'111'11 511-.
EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART 1.11111x11111 1’1.11‘1'. 231 (1111111 1).111_\ 111.1111 511111
Black Box 111 1 Aug S1111 " S111 111'1' 1111'1111.111111.11111111111111111' 1211111111113411 11111'111.1111111.1I 1'11111 1'1'x111.1|. 1'.(~ \ [111'11'11lx 111x1.11|.1111111 1111111x111 1111' 11111'111.1111111.111} 11'111111111'11 .1111\1\. '1‘111'111'1 1’11/1' 11111111111'1' !\.1.11‘ .111111'11 p11'x1'111x ’111111/111'1m11'1‘111 .1 \1‘1111 .11111111111g1.1111111'.11 [111'1'1' \1'1 1111 11111 “1.111111. 81 |.111‘1.1.11111 11111.11111111111' 101111x .1.1111' .1111! 1.11111x1' \V11x1111 1111111 (iunmm. .1 11111111x1'11'1'11 111\1.111.1111111 111.11 1111'11x1'x 1111 111x11111111111.11 .111'11111'1'11111' .1111! 11x 1111111114» 11.111.111 .1111\1 1'1.1111‘1'\1‘11 \'1'//1111'\ //11' lam/1111/11'l/um11n \11111' 1\ 11.1x1'1! 1111 .11'.111 (‘111'11'.111\ 111111111111gu1' 1111 1111'.1111' /'/11' Human 111111: .\111! .\1.1|1'111' .\1.11111'1\1111\1 \ Km! 11 111111 1!1'p|1‘1x 1111111.111\ 111 1111' 111'1'1111g \1.111'111 \11'1'11. 81'1' [111'111'11 .1111! 1111|1\1. N1 81101.1
211.1 1)111111.1\ 8111'1'1. 557 511112. .\11111 1'1'1 111.1111 511111. 8.11 111.1111 131111111. Netherlandische 5.11 2 8.11 1(1:\11g. .1\1111.111 \\'1\/1111'11\111. 1111' .111111 111111 111-111'11'11 ‘p.11111111g 11 .11 1!1'.11!' [111'111x 11111111 11.1111111111111 .1g.1111 1111'11'.111' .1 \1'111'1111 1111111 .11111 11111.1111 111-11 p.11111111gx. N1 ‘1‘!
81 1’)‘.'.
1111' 1’1111111gr.1p1111' 1'.\111111111111 ('1'11111'. (111’ (111.11 ng 811‘1'1'1. 453 4111-1. .\11111 8.11 111.1111 811111.511” 1 511111. International Photography Sun 3 $1111 31 Aug. {25111131. 1111111'1 121 111'1'. 1111' 14111 .1111111.11 pl111111gruphl1' 1'\111111111111 11'.1111r1ng 1111-1 3111111111111 1.11111'11 111 pl111111g1‘11ph1'1x .1111111111 1111' 3.1111111:
An Imaginary Prison by Giovanni Battista Piranesi on show at the
National Gallery of Scotland