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. . . Intuition before Russnan surrealism Via Quebec

imagination I’m in a rehearsal room in Montreal, but it feels like I’m watching a dance that's all the rage in some distant corner of the solar system. Moving to a jazz soundtrack, the Canadian actors are performing in weird weightless treeform patterns. each movement being matched by a movement in the opposite direction. Russian director Oleg Kisseliov is telling them not to use their imaginations, but to respond on a purely intuitive level. It all seems a bit theoretical until you see them in combat: they have a responsiveness and immediacy that looks far more real than your average stage fight.

Kisseliov is working with Les Creations Diving Horse. an experimental Montreal company with its roots in the physical theatre of Jaques Lecoq. It's bringing to Edinburgh 3 production of Elizaviéta Bam by the great Russian surrealist Daniil Harms. Written in 1927, it's a play about a woman haunted by guilt and tormented by mysterious malicious characters.

‘This period in Russia was a revolutionary period in the creation of art.‘ says Kisseliov. ‘l‘m proud that Daniil Harms created something for everybody. For new theatre it is a real, basic, fantastic, universal form of theatre. I have my idea about the play. but when actors start to play. I enjoy the fact that it starts some kind of new idea.‘ (Mark Fisher)

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