Two-man show for one dancer

Toni Mira is standing in the middle of a Spanish forest. Hearing his voice on the phone, I picture him isolated but happy, alone but not lonely. In reality, he‘s gone there in search of a signal for his mdbile. so we can talk about his new show, Loft. But given the show‘s subject matter - a man embracing solitude it seems somehow fitting to picture him this way. After a 25-year dance career, including 16 years running his own highly acclaimed company, Nats Nus, Mira has finally embarked on his first solo project.

Well, almost. Mira may be the only dancer physically present on the stage, but to make the venture slightly less daunting, he's enlisted the help of one of Spain's finest dancers and choreographers - himself, albeit on film. Was he too scared to really go it alone?

‘Yes!’ he laughs. ‘lt's probably because of that that l dance with my shadow, with my film and with my sounds, because it was scary to be alone on the stage. One day I’ll make a real solo, but for now I‘m doing a duet with me.’

Featuring two monologues, emotive music and the Nats Nus trademark humour, poignancy and spirit, Loft has been hailed as Mira's finest hour to date. All the moves are improvised each night, adding to Mira's challenge but ensuring the work constantly evolves. As he explains: ‘In Edinburgh, if I do 18 performances I will learn things from the people, from the weather, from the space, from the sounds, from everything. It’s a piece which never ends, everyday it grows up.’

(Kelly Apter) I 1.0”. Nah; NUS Dnnsu. SI Sf()[)/l(?llfi, 5:38 (38:33. 7-25 Aug.

times vary: :‘iO (€7.50).

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