

John Hegley’s Packed Lunch .\ \ctitahlc tcast ol p1 iclt'}. lig rolls and tahlc dancing in thc compan} ol thc Inton \‘.Hltl\ttlllll 4l\\1'III/’/\ Ron/m.

/ 35 .l11g Ilrol //. /v\'1, /3.."lI;im.

1// i/3l15131


Stand Up: The Musical coincdrans Sand} \clson. .\llcn (‘halmcis and John Ross rclnc thcn hcadx His limhand sncccss. l/r1'.\'111111l. 3 35. lug. 3.i'll/1121. {/11151

Osama Likes It Hot l’I'cpat'c toi- lttsk} littstttcss as \L'll-sl} lt'tl (itllllL'tl) ’lciioitst \aion llarschak stcps Into thc spotlight oncc again [/11 (li1/(‘I'l’1'l/L

111111/ /".l11g 11ml I31. 345/1111, 14 13.5”. 3pm

Laurence 8. Gus l’i‘olilic \xi'iting duo \xhosc icccnt \toi'ks ol art inclndc a s_\plnhtic nomng hoard co\ci‘ \thlch lalls Ill low u ith a scnsc ol humour. l’ropcrl} stn'tcal. /’/1'11\11n11' ('11111'1t1111l. 1111/1/35 ,l11c- 11ml II. /M. .f/5/mi. H £9.51). The Jingleberries A trio ol- disgi'accd clnldi'cn's 'l‘\' cntct'tamcrs scuc tip tongnc in—chcck dittics \tlnch ain't tor thc kiddics. (ill1lc'1/ll11l/1mn (‘11i1'\. / 35 .l11g'. .i..\'ll/r111. £7.50 1N5“ (£051! ~'1.


Simon Munnery A tt'ipat‘ttlc ur slums liom thc mastcr ol thc absurd and manic ct'catot' ol thc l.cagnc Against ’lt‘tlltllll. Illt' $111111]. / 35 .l11g (1111/ Hi. 4.!)5/m1. {J L".

Owen O’Neill lhc \Hll'tl} Irishman scai'chcs l'oi' playnatcs in his poignant (Ulillt‘ tt'agcdics. I’lt'tlulm 1’ (-I'Il’./\(H'(/. 111ml 35.-l11g 111111 f). /.\'1. 4.35pm.

1.‘ 1‘15”.

Live! at the Mausoleum ('iccl) (iiddings and Abigail Burdcss arc thc c\pci‘ts ot \ti'ongdoing in an hour of sttt'l‘cttl skclcltt‘s. (i1/1/1'1lli’11/l111m li'i‘ml.

/ 35.l112111o! //1. Jo'lI/mr. 14 {3.5!}. Dudley Sutton ()u nct‘ ol' onc ol' tlrc hcst promotional lincs ol' thc l'cstnal ‘li\ci'_\ timc )ou masturhatc. (iod kills a kittcn' [m 17m 's 'l‘inkcr. prcscnts his torrid

Sutton. hcttci' known as

cntci'tammcnt. l‘lr1' ('111/1'1'lu'lli. 1111/1/34 .l11g. 4.55pm. {4 £950.

Aisle16 .\ host ol' _\oung guns lirc out radical \crsc in thc namc ol' pci'l'ormancc poctt'). I’lt'mum‘c' Donn: 111111/35xl11u 1111'! I31. 4.50pm. 1‘4 (5'.


Big World Performance Poetry l-‘ast hccoming an lidinhurgh institution. thrcc acts stand-up in thc natnc ol' pcrt’ormancc poctr}. 'l'ln' 'l‘ron. A‘-35.-l11c. 5..\'ll/mr. {fr 114.501.

Monty Python’s Flying Circus lcs Spcctaclcs Rcm) chotn rc\\ork classic l’_\thon skctchc's \xith a littlc jc nc sais quoi. l’lc'mum'c (‘o11r1\'11r1l. 3—/U .‘lllk’. 5.45pm. {10.504.11.50 (LY—£91.


Nick Revell Acclaimed political comcdian ruminatCs mm the cthics of

hxmg ott satirical humour [1'11 \.'1.'1:1."I/. / 35 .l11u 11111! //r. 0 .\',511111_ 15 1’) 5” ’14 1.51 .

Count Arthur Strong \ l‘ll‘llcdl od_\ ssc_\ through thc mists ot tnnc Itom this spot~on charactcr comcdian (l11'1l11l Ila/loo” [111111. / 35 l11g111ot/l. /\1. f).J.5/r111.1‘/ {/11 11\ 1%.


Nina Conti 8. Micky Flanagan Nina. .\lick_\ and thc .\lonkc) sltat'c tlrc lattghtct' spoils. /’/1’11\111111‘(nu/haul. 111111/35,l11;' 11111! 5. //1. 3/1111.

15 1/U5’l

Bill Bailey l’|;1}iiig to rclatncl} titch} tttttllt‘llct‘s. t‘\pt‘cl lllt‘ Il/111k Him/xx slat lo dcliwt' a mmor chunk ol comcd} histoi} /’/1‘11\111111'(UH/haul. 111111/35.l11;'111ol 5. I31. will/mt. {5 il-l_5llt

Rob Brydon British ('oiitc'd} .\\\.tltl \unnct makcs his lzdinhnrgh dchut \tith “11111111 11111/(1'1’11/7‘ .l\\1'Hl/’l\ Ron/m.

." l7.l11g.~..\'ll/mr.1/l {/311/U {Ill Dave Gorman 'l'hc t)l\\L'\\l\L' compulsnc. publishing pi'ocrastinator imparts his (lrlrtu/t'tt/Itlt l .lt/H'Illlllt’ instcad til \\ filing a In“ t‘l. (inu'gt' .8'1/11111‘1' Iln'um'. / 34111211111! // A‘- /31. 3-15/mt. 13/35!) t/J.5ll.

Andrew Bailey ’I'hc Inastct' ol tl}slttt1cltttlt;tl dotmop shocks. \lcltglils and astotmds in cqual mcastn'c. Watch [how ping pong halls ll}. I'li1' 81111111.

/ 351113111111 Ill. 7.50pm. [5 U) 1141.


Danny Bhoy 'l'hc .\lollat>horn mirthstcr continucs to pack‘cm in. "Hip I’ml. 1111/1/ 35.-\11u Inn! 5. l3 . N/mr.

[5 il-l.

Jimmy Carr 3002 l’ct't'ict‘ nomincc and )11111‘ I‘m-1' or.\l1111' host ttnlcashcs

Dice with death at Die. Pleasance Dome, 1-25 Aug. 10.50pm

his (lawn: (in. 1:\1'.1 I’l: 11mm 1

( worm/11'. 111311" 3.5 lug r121115. l3», 5pm. 13 {/11 511

Mike Daisey |)aisc_\ takcs on thc might ot \ma/on and locs to tcll thc talc l\\1HI/’l\ lx’oonrx. / 3,5.l11g'111111/U, 1‘1. \lmt, illl ill vi 1":

Paul McDermott, Cameron Bruce & Mick Moriarty l'ttngc lcgcnd \lcllci'mott lttscs music and comcd} lll st}lc (i1l1l1'1lli’11l/ooi: I. t1o1'. / 3-J.l11:..\/1m.1‘/ 11mm 1%

Adam Hills (icntlc ()l/ic honhomic

\\ llll tltc tuotimcs l’criict nommcc I’l1'11u11111 ('oiu'luml. 111211/35l11: 11111! /31. >\' til/pm. U) 1//15lI

Brendon Burns limtttmg motc lottl~ monthcd diati'ihcs. thc llicks-likc ()//n' is .\11l I111 l‘.\1'l'\1’llt' /’/1'11\111111 (311111“111'11. 111111/ 3.5 lug 11111! (>1. XIII/m1. 15 t/II5II. Sarah Kendall 't‘hc llamc han'cd shc \\ i/aid ol ()1 c\ci'ciscsthcg1c_\ mattci' \Hlll ccrchral inusmgs. ('11/r1111'1 iii/111111: / 34.l112.1\.."ll/nn. 15' 1‘11!" 1N1, God, Inc Look out lot (111111111 \\ Ilo/t’ lmllitts in thc croud as Paul \Vagnct' attcmpts a \kot‘ld rccot'd ol ~11 chat'actcrs. Ilrv (’111/1'1‘li1'//\. 111111! 34111:. .\'._\'5/m1. 14 U1


Ross Noble 'l'hc iiiost-\\atc|icd man ot thc l-rmgc gocs supct'somc in ('111‘1'11/111111'. .'l\\1'm/tl\ Rmmh. / 3.\'.-l11u. ‘lpm.

ill) 13/5.

Craig Hill ’l'hc l.1\1' I‘lmu' Slum stat' puts a pink l)oc \lartcn into pop‘s prnna donnas. .-l\\1'm/)/\ Rmmlx. / 35xl11g Inn! III. /.\'1. (AIS/mi. 1/11 1 1m 1‘11. Demetri Martin .‘s‘\'(‘ launtt‘itc conccncs thc tttost litcral onc~man shou ol thc l'cstnal. .-\lso l'caturing palindromes. .'l\\1'Inl)/\' It’mmn, / 25 4113 11ml 5. I31. ‘/./5/mr. £35 £10.50.

The Dinks l'hc tmhohcst tcstnal ti'mit} pntxc) )anll‘ascd nonscnsc

I’l1 11mm 1' ( ~1 norm/1.". 111111/35sl11c1no! 5. I‘ll. V 31mm. :5 illl5ll

Julia Morris talking no to thc down and tltt'\\ctl lt‘ lllL‘ tltllt‘\. lllt‘ littlllt‘t' [11111111 \1‘t\\ picscntcr giws .l-l o a Hill toi' hcr monc} I’lt'umnt 1' [)1 um; 111ml 35.l11g. ‘/._"H/r111111o1 INI. 25 ill‘ 54'

1 0pm

Kitty Flanaghan (‘otncd_\ 's ans“ ct to lii'idgct .loncs pondcis thc mcanmg ol ltct ltlc ttt Iltnk .l\\1‘Ht/’/\ Koo/m.

3 35xl11g. Ill /5/nn, U1 (/0!th 1‘11. JO Brand 1 hc clnnlish tunn) lad}

\\ Ith thc \otcc ol an angcl on 40a da}. .l\\1'l)l/’/\ It’uoms. / 35 .l11g (no! 4. ll. /r\'1. III.3\‘I)/r111.1/3 £/.\'1£// (/31. David Crowe l'hc giant ol .kmcrican cotncd} takcs a ncu s} stand. I'lu' Iron. _\' N ,lugu [UAW/rm, 15501171.

Daniel Kitson tnttci-succt talcs incct tilm and audio in thc 3le3 l’crrici' \\ innci'\ lollon -np slit)“. cl M11111 11p Shirt. [/11 ’ml. 111111/ 34.1l11u 11m! 5. I31. Ill..i‘ll/m1. £5 (/4.

Howard Read & Little Howard Rcatl and his animatcd sidcrktck skctch out sonic latc-mght laughs. l’le'uuuu'r (bur/mu]. 111111/ 35.1l11u 111111 I). /."1. /U.J11,mr. 15 Unit).

Flight of the Conchords l.;tsl )car's cult musical dtio arc lunn} as liolk. (ii/111'1lll11l/1111n (.1l\‘('\. I 35xl11u. [H.45/un. £7.51) 15151111'0511 17.5111. Paul Tonkinson Morning 't'\“s ltiss is our gain as ’l'onks rcttn‘ns lttt‘ his lirst lt'sllutl \ltlL‘t' I‘ll)”. /’/1'1I\1IH1'1' ('o111'li11r1l. / 35 slug (11o! I3). /l).5()/mt. LS (/1151).

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility Love Test Show l)o )ou dump )otir dragon or shack up \\ ith a snakc'.’ l’atil \Vatson has thc ans“ crs. l’l1'11x11/t1'1' [)11Im'. / 35.-\11g (no! 15'). IU.55/mr. 15 [9.50. Topping & Butch l’op pat‘odics. naught} insights and hondagc arc in storc as thc comcd) donhlc act 'I1'1A1' 11 ('p 1111' (him-1'. 'l‘ln' ('Ii1/1'I'lu'llt. 111111! 35.4113. ll).55/mr. 15 till).


US Comedy Invasion l’int-si/cd corned} poppct lama has is is onc ol' the main attractions in a rotating rostcr ol Amcrican acts. 'I'lu' ('111/1'1'b1’l/i. 111111/ 34 A1111. //. [Up/n.

[J 1“).


Midnight Velvet Comedy Club A llcrald Angcl Award winncr in 2002. thc Midnight ('luh u as the ‘in‘ placc to hc last _\'car. 7711' Tron. .i’ 35 Aug. 131ml. [7.51).

'l’he Late Show ('my late-night laughs l'or insomniacs and tht: hardicst ol' l‘cstival go-crs. 'I'lu' l'ndwrhwlli, .l’.

7 ~10. l-J~I7. 31-34 Aug. 13.40am.

[I [.50 (£9.50).


Late’n’lee InfamoUs late-night hear-pit whch audience interaction is near compulsory. Gilded Hal/mm T141111. [—25 Aug. £12.5()—£15 run—£12.51);

'3’ Jul-7' Aug 2003 THE LIST FES‘I’IVAL GUIDE 27