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‘,' .7 , r" _' ' I ' ' '3']. i',_',‘,; _ .- . n‘: Lavifhfilpolski and = mpbelljerm a surreal -.;’.‘i '. '_ glo-Canedian alliance

, '

Dining aroud

THE DINKS are breaking down fences with their surreal yard-based romping around. Words: Maureen Ellis

/l(’ Din/ts has lel't me shell-shocked. l'ltet'ly speechless. :\ hyhi‘id ol sketch-based

surrealism and situation nonsense. it hristles with a raw. inlectious energy. Based

loosely around three guys forced to share a yard. the l)inks' guise as techo-houncing. towering aliens is only just eclipsed by Craig ('amphell. gimped to the nines. Mouth still agog. I settle down to chat with (‘amphelL l'cllow (‘anadian 'l‘ony Law. and adopted linglisli yardniate l)an :\Illopolsl\i.

'l'lie preyiew at London's Riyerside Studios has gone well and the combined l‘orce ol‘ their personalities has as much oi an impact as the show itsell'. Only one ol' them isn't operating at lull-pelt. ‘('raig hurt himsell miniing.’ says Law. ‘()h. the irony.’ Antopolski cuts in. ‘lle lost his \‘oice so he gave an e\tra physical [)L‘l‘lill‘lllilllt‘c to compensate l‘or his lack ol‘ lines. And then he threw his back out.‘

'l‘lieir hanter is good natured and they're clearly high from the experience. “It's nice when somebody drops something in and you didn't see it going that way at all.‘ says l.aw. Maintaining that spirit of improy and audience interaction is what keeps them. and the audience. entertained. ‘Most of what we capture was borne ol inspiration] says ('amphell. '.\'ow w e'i'e trying to continually recapture that spontaneity.‘

'l'lie l)inks ta (‘anadian colloquialisni l'oi'. um. dicks) germinated as a TV concept for a while. with the trio then deciding to ll‘tllhllll'lll it into a live show for lidinhui'gh. Five months on and the (‘aiiiphell-l.aw-Antopolski family is putting down roots and adjusting well to yard sharing. ‘You need to get iised to each other's rhythm and that's an instinctive thing that only comes through experience.‘ says :\nlopolsls‘i.

.\loi'eo\ er. ('amphell believes it has improyed his solo work. ‘You can become la/y quite quickly and wing it on any giyen night. I feel strengthened by the lac! that l have to be sharp and know when it hurts other people.‘ l.aw takes up the comedy baton. ‘So now when your yoice goes and you twist your hack up like a retard. then it affects other people. That’s what he’s say ing.‘

For all the cosy high-jinx and tasteful silliness. at the l)inks‘ core lie themes of racism. politics and the very essence ol‘ human nature. I hl’tlilL‘ll the l-‘reudian undertones ol' (‘amphell’s primal id. .-\ntopolski‘.s shrewd siiperego. and Law's laisseI-l‘aire ego. ‘ls that good." asks l.aw. ‘()h. it's gooth states .-\ntopolski. ‘lt means it resonates with every indiyidual. The three of tis are necessary: we make a complete whole. When I say ‘whole‘. I think you know what I meanf

Pleasance Courtyard, 556 6550, until 25 Aug (not 5, 19), 9.20pm, £5-£10.50.


Put your love to the test

ll.» wt. eser ".r.e t"at nagging teex'ig that societ'wrtgt't: "of ttutte ' gl“. rr‘ \oa' relationshtp .‘ You thr'ik it}; ti‘e may you' t‘rartrter heyer unset; the ball) out but arftuailt t's‘ because you're a goat and they're a 'tiorikei, ah ea'th o"e at that. 0' that it: what (i'irr‘etw astrologer i’aul \"Jatsoe would base you beireye artyway 'l yer) .t you'ye got the Worst tiersovia‘ity or‘ t"e olaoet. it you can hitch up with the, voht ae'rrtal lite gets a 'ot easier] he says. Trained in the ancient wt of Chinese astrology. Watson cari hunch people's (ittrrrrtgitrliility based solely, ori their dates; of birth. So. [he l rat has throWr‘ a few celebrity riariies; who the ririg to see what loye riiatr‘het; thit; festival has tit store.

Nicholas Parsons

ll ibrari l arth liragom and Ed Byrne iAries; Water Rat) 700“)

(‘t )rr); ). itrbr/rty

A match made iii

heaven. A few drinks; iii the Pleasance Courtyard should see these two basking iii beautiful bariterlul l)ll§§§$.

Susannah York (Capricorn Metal Dragon) and Janet Street Porter (Capricorn l‘llO Dog) 0% corn/)alrbr/rty Susannah York it; a monumentally powerful woman. llei elements; make an aweaoiiie coriibination. Janet is; not nearly as; strong as; you'd iriiagirie »- she's actually quite vulnerable. They Will loath each other on Slglli.

Julia Morris (Aries; Earth Monkey) and Michael McIntyre (Piscean FIN} Dragon) 90% cornpatrbr/rty

Julia Morris; has masses; and m; uses of energy but Michael McIntyre IS quite a vulnerable combination they could be good for each other (which could be tricky as Michael's; getting engaged).

Shappi Khorsandi (Gemini Water Ox) and Rhona Cameron (Wood Snake) 7009/, compatibility

A fantastic match. Rhona could be chasing Shappi all over town to gain her affections.

Rob Brydon (laurean Wood Snake ) and Shappi Khorsandi (Gemini Water OX) 95% compatibility

Shappi's combination makes a very gregarious. peopley. caring person.

Nicholas Parsons (Libran Earth Dragon) and Julian Clary (Virgo Metal 009) 0% compatibility

Nicholas shouldn't get confused between Ed Byrne and Julian Clary after all his gin and tonics. They wrll hate each other. Julian Clary IS a really tricky combination. (Ruth Hedges)

I P/easance Dome, 556 6550, 7—25 Aug (not 13), 70.55;)!7), {ii—£9.50.

3‘ J.) 7/ A..g 2303 THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 21