xi" tun! i!

p\/ “filly; i by Samoa 32mg” featuring Roy Donoghae Craig CaNer Mark Roberts

Eollaborato in the destruction of this world and the creation of what lies beyond

~ Nouvelles - Folues

An uproarlus non speaking performance

by the french ensemble Fiat Lux. EM

M ,_ ., ‘4 r, m. a a r- W. 4., Mad. u no '- 1,1-

5”sz "W" “’ "' " " xi WI‘MWMM.“Managua; “ma ll, v.. " 'I'j’w

(Lirmiwuz‘n; ‘I‘hoatr'a , \‘IT'HIH: T. ' ~" 7 I; 7 ' . ' I . . r . . - : .,_, Molded, IUCId nightmare. drawn from the ficooo ofthe twentieth mtorysvmrywm. 0131 317 m9 “o V‘ "3, staged In the deadofnlght, amalgomommwofiormu rollmxoeneoco , :r r e 'v of cosmic revolution mimokioo


venue 34 31 Jo. - 25 m ...... 11)

A D A M H 0 U 5 E 1.00am marsh“ 1.30 mm) ,. tickets £5.50 I cones £4.50

4 . CHAMBERS STREET “WWW. “MW 0870 701 5105 om zzeoooo [on g m.(WII 4 ......

.com www.cdfringc.com

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