theatre ‘.'.’o."-<s;h;:oss. \"Jheo a i)()'T‘-;)()US. Ie<:j"e"o;i:; ieetarer goes; a step too far. he aetionis are ‘oITox'Ieo oy a camera (:re'\.‘._ "av/"1g; exr'eryor‘e No a (:ehate ()i‘ exolo-tat or‘ and \.V()".'(3i.'."IE3III. o" some-(h he. Keep a set o‘ OUTDIUQIS :11. your oo;>(:o"". Briav‘ Donaoson,

8 Women 0.. UGC, 6pm. See oar‘eI.

Explosive Fragments 1 FA/m/iouse, 6 30pm P’ogy‘annre 0‘ Short films; fror‘.‘ a one." '.".(2' '.'.’()!‘i(i.

Reel Warp UGO /;)m, [4.50 "[3, Power-"g "mm; film: ::os!ah T!‘£ii|()i‘lf3 het'xxee" "eaoei'ts of the ('reaI/ve Rei'1(=.‘/aii‘:: \."./ar:; reeoross ‘o" the ()'i(3(i()I/(}r() film‘- feszwa'.

Ten 0.. FI/mhoUSe, / 30pm thass Karostam-E; (“giral camera {‘()‘.’(}" leaves; the oasiiitoaro o” a (:a" IJOHQ(ir'l‘.'(?f‘{i7'::1Art(i Iei‘r‘ar‘. t" {"53 audae out; ‘.'.'or'»< of (: vieii‘atx: n‘uwi‘afisn‘. The 'i‘.otor.sst .2; an iAr‘narneo. <2".'o"::e<: mother Mao-a AKoar: . am: the ""113; te" segments;

reeovo he! <,<,r ‘.(:ffxii.\)' s :" a

sueeesszov‘ of _:>a:;:;e":g;e"s;. gv‘eaaov‘g her alrasune tot/‘3 sow 'Amr‘ Mawerv. i‘er ‘orthr'gii‘t :;-s;te'. an elderly ‘.".’()"S"ii)[2(?r ; "o a (IfE‘Aii'l‘. ‘emaie irosstitate. Tha'ikss to 153 "'a'w exchanges; are tr‘e ‘.'I°.£i! :1, of t"e "o" l)'()‘(35353(;'7£i| :;e"i<;"'i‘a."::<:-:;. Ien becomes a seam“ Hg; exa'imat o". o" the who"! 0" '.'.'::v'><>" " a me e (iomli‘atea |5;a"":: s;o<;.. ‘.U§;t"ati";; Karosta'h '5; ::<:'7‘::as:s;i<:"ate eor‘eev'“ 'omiv‘a'j.” "wife" "e:atio"s;I‘u>5;. FTont Dar/8e". Japon O... [Ive/foam. 8;:va See Th.

Baader O... Cameo, 8pm A home of Amreas; Baaoer. eazie" of the Ir‘famouss Baaoer- Mevihof‘ giat‘g; woe used te""or.s;r t to am 2)"!"g (i()‘.'/" the \"Jest C(EV'T‘ZI" ‘asseet Estate the ‘ate (303;. ea"i\,' Tile. DWeeto" "‘vr‘uyopherRot".arm ’1'53?(}£‘:"‘,"£i‘.(3 caught the so"? :‘ the ;a." 'tere. T"e

I)(E"(XI (KNEW fS 'Z‘AI‘IEIEST (L. :I‘{} SC" {II

til'm. A." <,<,"io":>'ws)f (A (Mi

{VOWSH‘gi THO“? 2%“? (ISO SOH‘O

gierxnve rexe at :27‘5; I‘e-"e Wot :easat the new," nature 0‘ Bennie-"'8 fieatl" . aw: although" the t:;"e 'i‘a;. I:(;(I£if§’()"£‘:| I. he men/e". tt‘e “1‘ is; were" 0538 t':a" (:(rnpeii'eg. F'av‘k (Blemigj as; Baaoe" z‘A'MiVaon‘ (503."‘1‘1853 '15;"e'i‘e:;m;. C(DIY‘JI‘QII‘le-r Kort Krohe. a"e great. was the 708 soa'iotraek is; ‘21"tassie. 'Pziul Dale»

Pleasant Days I‘A/m/iouse, 9pm See The

New Work 1 UGC, 9pm, {/1 5013' MJESK: films fro'i‘ the .I/or‘o's; too poi; worm; and (:omneroazs ("s;. This is Not a Love Song 0.. FA/mhouse, 9 30pm Bad people trying; to mend thei" he‘anous; ways; out hezr‘g Arable to do so through nnts‘o"tu"e o" {)(j'YOIICfS is; among the oio‘esst ores; I" the how. But. as; HHS IS Not A love Song Is SW)! ()l‘. radical UV. that memes; this; '«Neary game of eat and "imam somehow ‘orygirial'. Trapsrig; aroami the COLH‘IP/SHIO li‘ search of a fatai‘e. our Deity crook heroes; SKYLINE woe". their riooii‘.:;(ia,« seemre A )()!'T<)'.'/i'i§; from ea'nera teei‘r‘uioes; LII'IIESC‘U "vo'e Viv-(2"; :r‘. Gangster No I. ami a."e ixrseiz :2‘," oea‘ no Ignites. [)ireeieti o", Bhe i itr'rtgyiam. this; would have "ai

a" "our 8? (A‘.(:(i (Hf. "em. mo H ext)

nteieetxr‘s; of Jon" L‘;,o(:"'s; we. "Bria." Doraéossoi‘

Tribute 0.. f-A/n‘nous‘e,

IO 30pm 'Ir"t)t.te oarzis; m, their we“, "atom are trui‘. a'i"ea 1m. " the" "gym, oat as; this; ::o<:t,ii‘e"‘Ia"*, (rear; A'Tti:;t"ates;. t"e r‘s;e<:a"t‘,. eng a'io ornma (l()"7‘{i T;‘:"!'\."T‘t$ aren't exemszxe to "iieoassta"t;. Oizsserxe the "t.“.eo "noostzaene-s; ar‘:i swear-ea mane—oz: as; a (Be-"e Summons; :(JEXEE; Z"e :: ot :2" a i"e:::ie Mercur". a'ieoarxees he's; '(Eii‘gii‘g/l his; ane" I" hate ::ari<: f::" a soot or: a n‘;.:;l::a. I!>\A"'ig; "our: Cermarg. It's; «.“o o‘ ":“eeao "g; to i: ti") 3; as; a (:oh‘eog. " Ahe s;i:;"t o‘ Spma/ fag). say: f/‘Abute s; ‘e'irtgh m: were ‘u'V‘XA' peeu iar than fem; "a re. I'Té}

weiau meet ~eaxes .oa tee A

for "rang. o‘ t"esse o‘te" (iiEtSUC-Qifi}. <:::'rfi.:;e<i oeoi: e. 3.".1eeeuehrat'ng; if‘ii sane (2"ets last 32a", t" note ‘or the Keks. Mam Robertson

My Little Eye 0.. Cameo, 1030,")m Remevi‘he" a me" "it " t'ie Feetwai a ‘e".'.' wears; a; :a -e:: The


8/d/l' ///I(/') Pro/m I? \.

M(1\ALA(1A \) wiunn 1, ‘1’. (II) (I a," (I

| \I//(1I\)\A A A ('A A Hun l[1( A) (:)(1

7‘]! ' I“ ;"Av‘r\r I "‘.'""" "‘ I\"(‘(‘A‘r

r‘<:»s;-::"1‘:;2‘Aii::e to BK} Biomel. t"ef ’1‘

eeee ‘1‘.e heeole or: t:: 2:; "i a "nose " the '.'.'i':ie"‘es;s; e" A; ‘1e:i t" ilZi'i‘E)"(if3 '7 ar‘ atte'i‘ot '3: $‘o

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:1 ,"at 1:". Hi; " ' a ,. ' \J) ou‘rA‘f; A~f: E;(\Ay\(:_ti I\(I IV / I

tia"‘»<e". A'tz: 1:: Sii‘. ".‘<)"{‘: :: i;:::: the N :;»< Hague/27‘

Ted Bundy O. Cameo,

I) ?()am i)"-::-::t<:" Matt"e.'. B":;"t '.';‘:"f3;fi: “axei‘f;:t;1m<;ga"::eat~f. I" ti,

AA, ,\ H a A A“ _. ,umnw At \,,»,\,.,m,t

){ i k.€,' I A ( A’ I f' A A an: .::7 :,tt.:i‘. (1' :. iai, H '\'I\.". /\A‘ “'1‘ ° [gr/‘1‘. «Ax/x Arm/AA;

(on/‘ewons of a [nu 8ah,z i351" _ "e1:

o'\, A\,\(\\ Aqti "‘I\‘\b\ l.‘{\{)|l/ A\{ .A 1:1: [It/“h, . .41» 1, IL\ “(1, (3 (A

, i. , , , ., , I, ., A II (I \_A‘/‘.(‘ H" A 1 I A A (I A I HINEAIt'Ut ) 1,.) \A \I \A. (A .lel ' ‘(I I A I\I\I I ll \, 1.x; :' I/ I. H "/A' ' {' AA (1 I’li( AA ‘7 f‘ ' f ' J ) A' i A ( )\I\ ‘l‘ A r (" i<" I" I 'IyA A 'A\ ~ l' (i ' A 'I (31 " ~{:" A:

PI'AI“. [gLAN(,. ..’ \AI/‘(I.f>[%\A'/A:. (1511'

a:,:;|e :2 e /\'i e" (,a! hex. a! wet, .'


Hurt, \AA 1,: 2;" . ,‘ “Ct ,t,',\,‘ ,t A.

Elam Ke"t on; Se. M tee! ei'2e"

Saturday 1 7

Punishment Room (Shokei No Heya) film/muse, noon, {/1 '30 '1 9/ Kor‘ leiwaua's; man," of giar‘g; "eaten <:r 'i‘e avwx‘g; the ',:>;.t*‘ of S‘v'iama. Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham (/00 7/ A’Oom, {/1 50 '1’)" (Entire <:a:;" il'éi'liéi STU.” r‘;;t'ie l"(i:£ii‘ Tom (Imee and i 'I'i‘ i e33ta‘.'ai guest St‘ar: Htiki‘ K"a".

Vertigo Magazine ‘In the Spirit of Derek Jarman’ Keynote Address by Tilda Swinton (amen, 7pm free event Se'f e‘.':<:<:"t. huh? Her Majesty (1/ 1, 2pm

Hearts/zirw i‘o fa't‘ It, ‘.?'i‘. ‘":;'v‘ Nev." /e;‘:Ia".<:.

Cinemania C... IA/mhoA/xe,

2 mom See oazie‘.

The Cuban Game 0...

li/Inhouw, 3pm See I'm :3.

Ted Bundy Cameo, {om See I"; ‘(1 Explosive Fragments 6 f-A/Avmom > 3 .30pm P"()§}"£i'i"1‘i€}(,‘i§""7'f "A;

Dancer UM, «Join, {A} '50 I ))

the Little Chinese Seamstress 0.0 4 90m?) Ii‘f;"‘»(:£:‘. '"Aa:i-;;-;‘: 31:"

A. ,1 , ,1,” ,t ,o \, \le \} (dud \HAH

0| [Tm/Iona: ‘)

Cameo, ‘3 {One} See.- The Importance of Being Earnest & The Script Factory Masterclass with Oliver Parker


I‘I‘t‘ ‘A‘(.‘I‘"\,I\It .,A‘\‘ ,Iv‘ A

Detained 0..

[)eIAI/ned ‘:‘ii<>‘.'.'§: t"<:~ ; . _: ~- A Morvern CallarOOOO. v

lt;'a-:;-I <:<:<:t.i;‘e<: Hen'uv‘.

' ) 2 I HM" .v A ; , I '1’

i‘t“".l/:' A: I I-

Di ly Gent on Film _,:;: t:.'f"‘ :’ I")

zu' )0 FR? . '"\

[z ( AA

Something to Remind Me 0.. "

Abouna OD. a.)

e Son of the Bri e (3"‘2-9

:l ,IIV 'I ’I‘ The Guru 0.. t.:,-; -;_;:>~ El '_ I ,"‘(\\/l A. ',,,-- i v A

TELEPHONE BOOKING Book Festival 0131 624 5050

Fringe 0131 226 0000 International Festival 0131 473 2000 Film Festival 0131 623 8030