
The total guide to total theatre

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Physical theatre with a


cutting edge r in " .V 1 " _ The very best of the Fringe

. . t = ~ : ._ I Derevo - La Divina Glory '0 the V'sua'h . I .- * ' L A h . I CommediaThe Russian ZEL‘??§£Z$ $339223: " ' " ' " ' whet/8' theatreéompanv. Opera Company’s recreates Dante s VlSlOn wuth a production which stunning piece otvusual

entertainment. Primal fears and

features men with . Chainsaws and babes on nightmare worlds are evoked in an ebbing and flowing

rollerblades. Classic '~ 7 ~ .. _

Fringe entertainment ' ' , " i: n ‘1: SDGCIBCIQ- Assemb/y 8/9 TOD.

from two Broadway ' " . 2.26 2428. until 26 Aug (not

comics with circus skills. t " ,, , l4. 97/. 700m. 570"“ 7

Go see. _ ' H (179—1710).

I The Smirnoff ,, , i -

Underbelly, 0870 745 _. " , " I Hammerklavier

3083, until 11 Aug, . Acclaimed Australian actor

1.1.45pm, £8-E9 " y " 3.: Susie Lindeman performs an

(£7.58). ' F r I if E " J g V . adaptation of Yasmina Reza‘s " " ' i " semi—autobiographical novel

about grief and loss. Both

funny and deeply moving.

Assembly Rooms, 226 2428,

until 26 Aug (not 73, 20).

3.30pm. 5370—537] (SQ—£70).

I Stitching Anthony Neilson's brooding drama is bound to create controversy. dealing as it does with issues of pornography and violence. with an ugly finale. But the play is. beneath its unpleasant and graphic exterior. a deeply emotional. almost moralistic exploration of a thirty— something relationship in decline. Ignore the talk and see the show. Traverse Theatre, 228 7404. until 24 Aug, times vary. £70 (27.50).

I Goner Americana Absurdum returns with a wicked satire of American culture. A frighteningly incompetent hospital staff encounter the FBI agents protecting the president after an assassination attempt

leaves him in a coma. Assembly Rooms, 226 2428, until 26 Aug (not 73), 3. 75pm, £94310 (538—29)

Never mind what we think, what do the ticket buyers have to say?

Anne Anderson from Edinburgh | comm;- to all tilt? E;i‘.t)‘.'.'f; {it tilt:- il'ét‘.’(?lf§(‘:

r:.-_-:, “51:3. i l‘.:;r‘. I, i-_-< eddy-Ml .‘Jt'ttuf‘. ‘Il{t\.'(‘:.'f§(? Iiltiéltlti. lll‘tli 9’3. /\llt]li)(}(1£lllt3t}

I Outlying Islands David Greig‘s austerely beautiful, and at times comical. reflection on

it iii, a: .'.'-';:l 173;“). $3» in! l rigixr‘: ('13:) new” It's/n Xingu/(1 H/(Lvl il’leztsgiixttg until

2'13 f\t.;;~ wiry-x,- l l‘d'fléhlfit: it .'.’£lf3 (i '.'.’(:|i presented and challenging} pic-(:0

ml t-‘lt:;:’.'-'~ .'."‘<:'= train: :(ir‘ idw'ttfl ‘.'.'Ittt.

Bobby Mrozekifrom New Yorkil ixtttxxilgirl‘, recommend (ieelx (Jinx/5; by tile relationsmpsv Sexuality and

is» '.~'~: 5;": «misfit (L‘v’-::t.s-. JI‘I‘. Iii) Ami :;iii<:t;- at}; ten, (littered! from innocence is abOUt two young

-,-‘.-i,-.".t".;:::; trim? tlté- - l "wit-j its; (1 l:<>i:;tt:i<>ti:;. authentic (:()ll(?\.' Island cambridge OrnithOIOgISts

‘imm at“ il\.l."1l T'ie' 'e’<:'.;‘.;i l '.;: for :;ti<>‘.'.'t; that look tllll(]ll(?, tliittém'lt and arriving on an uninhabited

itzz' "5;. 1:". l ' :, ,if‘. i 'l‘wl". m; ltt)‘)f3t)it} Illlf; l lllltltlfi island With an Old local man

Annie Levy from New York | lilt‘.tr:;t‘:t~.". l-ll;1::l\l ltiilt illegitirt- of Prague ll‘. and his niece. Tensions rise as

’1.,..~ .. 'r ,‘o Ant; .‘tl‘rfii .'.'-::irt if) f;(}'t‘ it litrtiéttlfit: {l timed lneitd Hi the two young men realise

::;_.-’-' t :1 .f .'.".-’:l‘ f'nsr, iltfiifi’i'wtiti <)‘.(‘rl tittE'tE. listigillx. lilo in! their visit is more closely

.t ..:z, ' ".' t: :g ~." ,nxf‘g: ‘wt'.'.'iird tr Ht'Ml‘gl ll'tlillltitlfllli; {it the connected to the impending

[\x Jr'h: . 3= " ~ . ,.; '1 tr: rrfl (,2 {\tumintiiz. with: 75) Audi. lire war than they think. Traverse

l‘ I" 1' ~ ' ' ' __ /\:;:;t:n‘.i,-.,. tilltli .25) Aug» «Wt 7”“ Theatre. 228 7404, until 24

l? ' [‘«c .;"»ti‘ L‘b [\tzttl, llw ‘.'i:;:l;i' (lfiititt‘t :‘t gt Aug times vary {~74 (£8.50). safe‘yzweuwriuen '.",,:T'.,:il w w '.;: .‘. Clt'tttt‘fiil"i'\(‘ltllltiillt‘fit'llti',ii()(7i\