The Finest ComedyEver Seen in the Worm" Addy Borsh

Lhearing r x V W & voices

"From Gabrielle t0 Pavarotti. I've never heard it

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‘u , An unassuming WWW.

comic genius” Edinburgh Metro ..Sh0w

stopping Diva"

Bare Faced

Pleasance 8.20pm, 1-26 August - Gilded 33110011 . m .

. And hurtling headlang‘ into a critical backlash after his hugely overrated debut show...

2001 nerrier award loser

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"aniel kits

‘Vrarm rude, clever and inclusive. one 0' the IleSl stand IIIIS to emerge ill a long time" the observer

‘11rotane but sweet naive but knowing clear at heart and aching!» tunmi” the ago. new

on I i

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nleasance 9.45am, 1-26 august 2002 mm...

"10! office 0131 556 0550] . .

,1 *‘l’his may not be true

e I . r I ll 5 I" ' . www.comedycafemanagementcomk
