IZZII"’.(}"". Ideas - the use of lot". as ar‘ abstract 'v‘eo \.'.'hr(:t‘ (:a" be seer‘ :rt his lul'trls"us tattleb “elude Cf>‘.(?t‘-'.", Cathedra! a"d Mortomtat‘ ()re'r‘ato'w" The exb-brt'o" features (‘lraununus and conten‘bova"; photographs to document
hrs work. NEW SHOV‘J.
ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS 9 H“ Sduar‘e. 527 1600. Morn-t7": ‘17a"‘—~1r>"‘: Sat ti)a"‘--‘b”‘.
Surgery Comes Clean - the Life and Work of Joseph Lister (1827-1912) Tue (S-Sat Aug}. Av‘ exltrbrtror‘ lt:gbtgbtv"g the b orteer "9 work of Josenh List a". unbose o .‘coxerfi. of anhseosls dra'r‘atrc:a'-; manned 13):"
(IUI‘JUY'X “Offlliéi! (IOHCH'C'TS.
ROYAL FINE ART COMMISSION Bakehouse Ciose. t-ZG Canon/rate. 5:36 6699. Tue—F's "(XV—30'“
Anatomy of the House U'tt- Sat 3‘ Aug. Meteor; o‘ t"e House s a" accessible a'o "Z-C—Et‘éitli 2e t:);.r“".;; from the Lighthouse ‘.'.'I'\!(:l‘ has been designed to dexe‘or) a" understand ".o < 5 our l)':.’t e'tr.'!‘:>""-‘(?!‘i. Created b, Grater. l'r‘ages. tl‘e ext: b on features “ stowcat <~2x2.1rv‘:".at:ons of true malor t«,.r:es of Scottish Ll().'“GStr(I a":::"Ite<:t.;’e t<>g;et"‘-e" th a number o‘ conte't‘::ora'fi. case studies.
Ho‘sxard Bar. (3' 'tdla‘, Street. 218 :18‘18. Reflection: Kate Holden Ur‘t' 7%; ‘: Aug. Pa'ttrnus b3. Austrat'ar‘ artist Kate Holder“. T-"-Sl)"'(3’_l b'. tier traners a"<>;;r‘:l Soottartd. ‘.'."l(}"(? st‘e current mes. Earth Sea Sky Th: 8 Aag~Sat 28 Sen. Stwle‘, Marshall cantures t"-e "atorat
unorld "t tbs seres o‘ 'tev. ba "t:."us.
ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Lst'ttl"‘.g}s Gore}. "1):? l"""::<:-s Street. 1:311”. Da'. tiiar“- or)":
Grace O’Connor Unt' tr. 2) Aug. Next. \.'.()"KS b, HIS’t-Atlttfl'liial‘ art st (Brace
Royal lee. 22:": {It's-22. Mon Sat
QSOan‘ {Sour ‘ Resonance 2002 TM. ‘ Bu" Al o. DOM oreser‘lts art oxbut'tro" o‘ B"It sh scuioture. Lattia" taoestry a'to Rossa" oa r‘t ttgs.
SCOTCH MALT WHISKY SOCIETY The Vaults. 87 (3: es Street. 3-151.
‘4 THU—Sat "I}at“~‘ ‘0'“: SLJ" ‘v‘a"‘—-‘ (2:1't‘. Contemporary Fusion T". 8~Sat Ié‘. Aug. The Leuth Gar‘er‘, l)"(?S(}"°.S a" ex'" b-t-o't ot pair‘trngs b1. Scott art sts George Young} and Alasta r F'ddes ‘.'Jatt.
lvtov‘—\.:ed oam—ao"
Dundas Street. “2131:. Mo" -F"1 ‘Oa'tt—Grr'r‘: Sat ‘fEam—Sb'“.
Summer Exhibition Ur‘t' Sat 4% Add A sumn‘er seleotro" o‘ oatnt "(as b, gal‘er‘, artrsts east and r>"ese"t "<3 ;.(I|ltt; the Scotttsl‘ Colomsts. Barbara Rae. A'V‘e Pedoat“ and James Morey)".
A Field of Silver Untn Sat 3 Aug. A r“ xed sll\.er ex“ m on teaturtng re.t.(-:o|'er. and obrects lltCKKI-"gl unorks 'og. Dan'd ' Clarke. He’de de Decker. Ho:.ard leer‘. Clws Kr‘gl‘t. AI star McCaliur“ and Ct‘r'stoot‘ Zell'.'.ege'z
Sophie MacCarthy Una Sat 3 Aug, Nev. oeran‘ros
Ann Oram Uv‘t‘ Sat :5 Aug}. Nes. bamt'r‘gs bx. An" Ora'r‘ HSVK
SCOTTISH POETRY LIBRARY "2 Cr ot‘tor‘s Close. Car‘o'xrate. 55:")?
Mom-Fr! "oo"-—€‘br": Sa'.
Poet’s Portraits Untzt Sat :3 Aug. Near; wotodr‘abt‘rz: portrats of se'.er\ Soottsh boots created II") students trot". the Fdz'tburgt‘ College of A"t.
The space of what is gone . . . 'zu 8—8211. 3" Aug. Ld'nburgt‘. art:st Brrgyu Col res r>"eser".s text-based nae-"ks olaoed among} the bookshelves of the Lrbran. x'nth sou"d by Stefanos Paxtakrs. NEW SHOW.
étt‘OH‘, Street. 3.78 7.1.10. Tue—Sat mam-«ow:
Contemporary Scottish Art and Design A gaiiev", and shot) ‘eatur'ng a (itia'tgvng; seteotrovt of t‘ét!‘.(l-\'.()‘.(-3tt and ()"tb'CKlered rugs and textiles tro'v‘. tt‘e Turk'ne". U/bek. Belach and Acrao tribes of Cer‘trae Asra.
.:.: Hob Street. 53:37 830(2. Da
‘ San-8w".
Mixed Exhibition A (:l‘arto "g select'on ot’ r)zt"‘trvtgs In. bredo'n"‘ant'g. Itatrztn er"t':;ts. ‘eatur‘i'tg; st'” lr"e. awlsoabes and figuratzxe. \.'.'It"‘ all '.'.'o'ks tor sate.
:38 Ratcrlffe Te"a<:(:-. (367 1906. Mor‘ E3a”t~-5r:"t: Tue—Fr; S)a"‘--(‘>;>"‘: Sat ‘(I'a"‘—:">r>"‘
Colours of India Sat :«i--Sat 3t Aag}. Abstract nauttvrus b1. Indra" iif'IiSi \/‘s~.'.'a"r who rlra'.'.'s rtsm'aton from the Indra" tanttsoaoe NEV.’ SHOW.
23 Cockbw’" C 'Zla'n 7:1'“
I Hiroshi Sugimoto - the Architecture of Time Sat :-2 Aug Sat 2‘ See. See l"'..- I"‘&t"K(‘:‘. Ga‘t‘,-"‘_.. Daytrippers Sat 3 AogrSat 2‘-
Art'sts l.;r>::'sa.
ppr?“ arwj Ci1’11(\r\", (
..\,I’<(}\r .wl' .()_A \J U t F, .- ' t . ' at t, tide r l no t. t a (,o's.t,v.,-' o
You. ‘. Le M: .o treate rtes. .deo ar‘d r:i"ot<:dv‘ar>"':: .'.(3'KS aok at the
Somtls!‘ seas de usrtor. NE‘J.’ St»lD\.‘.'.
TALBOT RICE GALLERY o‘ Edmonrg“ South Brdoe. (35:3 227‘ Mo"—Sat 1f)a"‘~oo"‘.: So: Steven Campbell: The Caravan Club T‘x. ‘ Aug-Sat .7‘ Set). A "taro' ext‘ltt'tmr‘ :>‘ "er. fourat:‘.e o" oasr‘t'rtos. .'.o"ks o" oaoe" a"?! a" 'rtstzt"zat!::r‘ b“; Steuert Grabber. the outcome of mg C"eat ye Scot and Asgard. The Sasgoxt.’ own artvst '.'.""o .'.as oar: ot' 3"‘e (your) dubbed 'The New G'asgo.‘. (LS has dcced a remarkab‘e or: ectror‘ of C"£ii(?"1}l"§} .'.o"ks ‘or the ex“ o'to". “ s ‘r'st "‘aro' o'e—"tar‘ sr‘o'x. '.". a!"‘.ost a decade. NE‘.'.’ SHD‘.'.' Gallery Talks ‘.'.’ed 7 Aug}, 5.‘:">r:"t. Dv' Neri Mt; "o land and artlst Lao, McKer‘ze oscuss Camobeii's .'.o"k_
3t} Domias Street. 5:36 (5366. Mort- Fr ‘ ‘:a"‘—(3:>"‘. Sat tt).;i()a'V‘~-io"‘. George Birrell and Kathleen Conboy Uv‘t; Sat 1% Aug. Recent bal'tff‘gs
T'a‘.e"se theatre. ‘(Z Cambrer St"eet. 228 531383,
Dazzle Ur‘ta‘ Mo" 28 Aug tote". Nov. to Its 1€th .ea'. oxer 3001} ext‘nmts b', :30 conte'ubortar‘. ie‘.'.‘ei|ers. I 2470/360° U"?! So" 8 See Cafe Bar; Ptxotourabbs I)‘, Scott M tone" (lorxu'ter‘t "o t‘ s that tr r) to the nest coast r>‘ A~‘e"x:a l-‘or t"rs bed, of .'.<:"k. M tote! “as iélrflél‘. "SID"'£III<:" fro": the 'td o‘ Raymond (latter. tt‘e r;a 'ttlr‘ds :1‘ Fifl‘.'.'£l':.‘ Hooper a'tzl r):<;tt.‘"es b‘, ‘.'."a:'r('l"‘ Ladlestor‘ and H<)t)(?"t 'r'rar‘k.
THE VILLAGE Til Sott" tort Street. 4.78 Poll) Mo't Sat “ant-7‘ don"t SM
treet. (3’22 (320:). Mon-Sn"-
De-Generate L. am Sat 7 Sen. Drawrrgs and re 'r‘astered sou'ntures by Neal Manamg. footrsmg o't t’te'ves o‘ I(l(3tlili‘, and strbcto'ture.
Mrdd'e Meadox': \".’aik. the Meadows. 01721 72; (1:53.
The Wax Room Sun «2—Sat 31 Aug. 2.30::n‘. Eliot: 673:. Shows eve“; ltal‘ Y‘:)ltt‘ ‘ro't‘ EGOKM‘ Lif‘li! -’1.30()n‘. Expene't::e Kort Parsons" amazing wax room .'.'h-i\:h took 30 \ears to wake.
.1 Dundas Street. 954$ MO't—FH Want—(Sow: Sat ‘ tam—dorm.
John Forgan Urttr' Sat ‘(T Aug. PCCO'TI \.'-.'2ttt-zrootou's ar‘d 'r‘IxC-d 't‘edta works 2);. coMemoora"; ba "te' Job." Foraar‘. featuru‘g scenes of dirtl'Ju'gl‘t and East Lotttar‘.
Edinburgh Museums
This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions.
Money Matters U"llt 8 Sep. A
u'til‘d. \V 1 (3 €3.\/ . (I O'TCX
."-(-? (,(:".\l' ‘58.
THE DRAWING ROOM GALLERY 28 C"av'otte Sauare. Etli'tbtr’g'i. 243 91565. Mo"—-Sat ‘i?a"‘——i‘:r:"‘. Not So". The Art of Illustration Uthr Fr r": See. A" ex" t: t o" o‘ '.'.'o"k b. over Uzi,“ o‘ We .'.:>r as best oxed :>e::t.r"e book
DYNAMIC EARTH Ho ,rooo Road. 781312”. Dar 3.
Walking with Dinosaurs Unt' Sut‘ Sert. $38.95 IEQSE.:'>CZ‘~-‘E‘i‘>.:">(?'; ‘amlt; tzcket S.‘.‘(3.95—Sf2':3 "<7 uoes thrfi. to Dy'tantrc Ea't" . Exoer e'tce f"e mag c o‘ BBC'S a<:<:!ar"ed sores. flak I‘r: 1131'" D""(3$511/«"S. l't's ext‘.'r_>~t.o" takes you bettl'td tr‘e s<:e"es ot oroduct on a'td exbtores t‘os. dwosaurs bved. dred and the BBC brought them to Irt'e.
«12 H gt‘. Street. 529 tit/.2. Mort—Sat tita'r‘--3bt".
Hero Worship U"t:é Sat 28 Son
Ch dren's heroes tro'r‘ east and breseot :"<:‘.;drr‘g; Dane C"o<:kett. Sh'rle‘, Tereole a"d Lake Skyuaaflker are C(EKED'HTSCI M th s ex'tb-tzo". Com:- aloog to take a for.) do.'.'r‘ 't‘e't‘oo, Ia're. dress up as your faxou'tte Me: or ado to the Heroes \‘u’a" O.‘ Fa"‘e.
NEWHAVEN HERITAGE MUSEUM Nestta‘. en Harbour. 535‘ Mon—Sun
Talbot Rice Gallery
II”: l'.\'|\'ICRS|'I’\',(rl'l'ZIHNIil'RGII
They’re Handed Doon U"tn 1m:
of t’te PéiiS‘t-E‘, sltaw! a'td tt‘ez' a:::>::t.;:" by New-Maven t's‘ttslm’Es tron‘ the ‘ " Tlte slta‘xfls {)eoar'wi fame“. “err (T:)"‘S banded (loam ‘nm‘ on: generation t: t":; next and the, std are toda~,.
53 Hrgt‘ St'eet. Dueenst’e'rt., 55:33.5» Mon. Tltu. F“ 3. Sat tTTaI“ ‘:;tt" a 2.15—5bnt: Su" noon {mm F'ee.
Food for Thought A oak at :rtrr;::rt3r":s dret and eatrng habrts oxer the vast 1:“ F years.
2 C‘wa't‘bers Street.j2~1"-1L?1E,'_ Mo" Sat ‘Cant—So'r‘ (loo 8m‘ ; r‘::.:" i::;::‘. Free.
Millennium Clock A ::"‘a"::-::- 2;; Russlan "tecna'woai sourbtcn' [dram Bersmisky's r‘tvléez‘arur“ it ook. a '\ "eta: sculpture. 't‘easur no "we netres '1: Mediating with Spirits, Shamans in Korea U'rttl Fr: 13‘ \Ja". A". ext: k: tn)“. explorr"g; s’tar‘wa'usrt‘. a". "‘:;::".a'". eteme'tt o‘ the A'ta::: /::;'t.."<: tt‘a' :, ' Korea :" t"-e ‘3‘}? (it?'l°...". [30. l"-.: :;:t-.'. featwes duora'r‘as and "rtoa‘ :Vr: -:,~::.s; asp/2 by st‘arr‘ar‘s. n‘a"; o‘ who" "a‘.-::- rue" donated to the Nataa'xt t.lt;s-.;;."~s; ::‘ Soot‘a'td bx the Korea" :,_>.t;-r"""«' t. Focus on the Forth t2"! Sat ‘3. An extt‘b't'o". of r:"-oto;;ra: “Us tam-4': :t' the sea bed of tt‘e F'rttt o" "m:- DHOIOS st‘ov.’ the fitne'st, a," .72; sawtotes éttttl marine broogr, .'."> '8" 1"} s‘. on the sea floor.
Forbidden City: Treasures of an Emperor tint" So" "1&1: ;
Wide! 4S 'z-rt’x \l'wlb '7 if .It,'_ I' t.’ Rota: MdStlfifi“ s srw‘ " - no! dc. de t:' ."s <17‘i";l"\(,‘X' :, I
brloeless t'eastnes r .t'tli'l;l(?" in '--'.\}:.'l-'tlb0.7!:31: obgeos l‘awe 'teve! beat,- ree' 4;"
outstdeC’“-'<1a'rdaremas.’ t' a,»
(:oite<:t.o"s of the O-an‘o'td l'."‘:,-.:":\' ruled Clter‘a ~'f)'t‘ moo-4 :ttx .' a: oblects "(,LlilG a sat/er: or k: .zta :
W'th rub es. sabbtrres a“;: bear 3. a" ornate (:e'e"‘o-'t-a' so". o‘ ar'“:>t.r art: a coronatro't oo't'art o‘ t're E'r~t:;ur<:' 1‘. t"-.> tal'a" a"t=st Castrg'b're. See
The Forbidden Cashmere Collection U'm' Silt‘ ‘5? Son l"S{,‘"'t: 2
by and running atonoszre t“e t 9'1: .;.:e' Cm". ex‘t-trt o't 's a d'sola. at .:;‘:s""‘-¢-rt- gat't‘e'fis :::>r“'1‘rss'o'ted t‘. Each": Cast‘”‘(~ért-> If“. ead "g; :::*"t-.:-"‘:x:'.‘:".
Black‘ord H' . (BUS 8-1053, \‘::"- Sat lCet’H—fibmi Stm r‘oott» Stt't‘. 95.5%? 92:30.
World in a Spin U"t'l MC." Set Art exhlbtt'o't a":l a r)ro:,rr'a”t"‘e ::‘ act . t-y-s l0<>k"tg at “out. We St)""""g; ea't" Creates "ON. da‘. and t’te t: ‘
-"-l l" ’LOl LII-(3F. SOUTH BRIDGE
.‘Jnv fiat 10 5 pm. Sun 2 5pm Admrssm Free
Steven Campbell the caravan club New works by Steven Campbell - the outcome of the artist‘s Creative Scotland Award
Three keynote events accompany the Stevm Cnmpbel! .wtubrtrm..talks are FREE and open to the public
Wednesday 7 August @ 5.15pm
Dr. Nell Mulholland and arts! l ucy Mclx'wz'r- (l‘sr'bst‘ 17v» e" \Iarnnbell's new work
Wednesday 14 August @ 5.15pm
Lecturer and critic. Bull Hare. w.l| discuss on the film": 11‘1l)‘*(:l ot Campbell‘s work
Wednesday 28 August @ 5.15pm
Lecture. Steven Campbell Ilklrrr/Intxms of Bartram. wm: Hotossu [hwd Punter of the Unrversity of Bristol
Bookrng rs advrsed - To make a bookmq please contact the gallery front desk: 0131 650 2210