arriwd in thc lorm of cx-RS(‘cr .\'i1ia ('onti. Shc‘x prctt)‘ good. but Kcn ('ampbcll'x .xhallow xcript nccdx .xcrioux work.
Let’s Sleep On it ... K111111'1li11 XI .S'tcplu'm. until 27.1112. tinuw I'1ll'\'. l)cl'}'ing all labch and packaging. thc w cc dancc company arc otit to confound and intriguc. .v\ .xc‘t‘icx oi dixparatc xkctchcx cxplorc lltL‘
var} ing d) namicx in which thrcc 1.x tlxtlilll) a crow d. 'l‘hc mood oxcillatcx \ iolcntly
bch ccn conflict and rcxolution. xo that jcrk)‘ limbx tranxt'orm xuddcnl} into unionx of thc bod)‘ and rhythm; w hcrc lch w caxc in and out. and a back archcx likc a w ax c. Although largcl) ph} xical in contcnt. thc picccx dcmand a high dcgrcc ot‘ ccrcbral cngagcmcnt - xtrctching xomctimcx tloundcring. imaginatch pow crx. But don't bc put oll'. accompan} ing thc dancc ix a .xtunning xclcction ol muxic. whcrc hca\'_\. induxtrial dancc xhil‘tx into thc moxt hcartbrcaking. xlow piccc ol Schubcrt. .1 brax'c and challcnging collaboration. ()h. and thcy .xing madrigalx too. (Ruth Ilcdgcxi The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy C... lint/11111 Sham/L K111111'1Ii11 Ronuin [2112/1' 1.111121: until 26 .1112. 735/1111. liwrymc hax a xtor} to tcll. 'l'rixtram Shand} ix hcrc to do juxt that. oh and to impart xomc wordx of w ixdom whilc hc‘x at it. ()h )cx. and to tcll ux hix tamil} xccrctx. With thix adaptation ol laurcncc Stcrnc'x nchI. Stcphcn ()\lc} introduccx tix to ltx’th ('cntur} goxxip. Shand}. In an cndcaring. dithcr} manncr Shand} gi\'cx
ad\ icc on thc bcuclitx ot a long noxc and thc mixt'ortunc oi urinating out of a brokcn. xaxh window. that ix. whcn hc‘x not too dixtractcd b) thc tcmalc mcmbcrx ol' thc audicncc. 'l‘hc pcrlcct hoxt. Shand}
w clcomcx ux into hix contidcncc and kccpx ux cntlirallcd in tri\'ia. llc'x thc kind of gucxt cvcryinc lchx ha\ ing at thcir part}.
(Kik Rcidi
A Life in the Daze of Stanley Bishop .Ilctro linu'rtuinnu'11t. (' \1'11111'. until 26 .1112. [2.4511111 \cw muxical Icaturing thc crcam oi (iltx xoundx.
Life in the Folds .00 5111141111 Rux/u'11111l./1'nn\‘ Hoot. llill .S'tri’ct 'Il11'1111'1'. unti 27.1112. 225/1111. ll )our hcart xinkx at thc conccpt of a xhow comprixing lrixh dancing and jal/ 1no\'cmcnt with poctt'} rccital. pt'cpat'c tor a plcaxant xurprixc.
A Light Gathering of Dust .\‘.\"I. (i1tl1'u'1t\ I'l11'11t1'1'. until 27.1112. 8. 15/1111. 'l‘hc damagc inflictcd on lo\'crx b} a xtatc which inxtitutionalixcd pcrxonal bctra) al. 'l'wo xtarx in l‘lu’ .S'i‘otxinun. Like Thunder (iil1l1'1l Balloon 111 li'i'iot Ron Huttu'. until 27.1112. 4/1111. l’x}cltologlcal taniil} drama about molding thc truth. l‘our xtarx in I'lu' Scots/tutti and a liringc [‘1er w inncr.
... (iil1l1'1llf11lloon llt1'1ttl‘1‘. until 27.1112. 2/1111. l.ibb) Skala ix thc f—‘I‘anddaugltlcr ol Lilia Skala. thc .'\tlxll'l;tlt actrcxx who t‘lcd .\'a/i (icrman). mil} to bccomc thc toaxt of Broadway lt‘x a l'axcinating xtor}. but it nccdx cditing.
A Little Night Music $111.1 I’nultutionx. 'llu' .S'i‘otwnun Ilou'l. until 20 .1112. 8/1111. Stcphcn Sondhcim'x l‘173 opcrctta xct in turn-ot'—thc—ccntur) Sw cdcn. l‘caturcx ‘Scud ln 'l‘hc (‘lownxC
Little Shop of Horrors [111111111111 Ro1'k1’t I’1'111lu1‘tionx. lx’ot‘ki't (‘1 I\’11\11l ('oll1’21'11/.8‘111'21'11nx, until 20 .1112. 7..1'(I/11;1. .\ltixical about a plant out ot control. Loaded C... .\'.\'l. (itllt’lt'tfl 'Ilu'11t1'1'. until 26 .1112. 3.1511111. ’l‘hrcc car mcchauicx looking lor an Cttx} w a} to raixc caxh. 'I'hc acting ix xo cl'lccth c that il'x hard to bclic\c it'x not lltt'Knik-l'illiti}x(1lt\lttgL‘. Locking Horns llilt'ltut‘u’ I’1'1ul111‘ti11ni. llill .S‘t1'1'1't 'I'lu'utl‘c. until 27.1112. 7/1111. Drama about aggrcxxion and l'ricndxhip. Lost Property .1IUIIk1’\\lllII1‘. ('11/1' /\’o\11l I'rin21' llu'11t1‘1'. until 20 .1112. /2.U5/11n. l’h}xica| thcatrc xct in a loxt pt‘opct‘l} ollicc. Love and Other Fairytales COO.
l’l1'11x11n1‘1'. until 27.1112. 5.5'Ulnn. Nick
Nasty Boy
The niggling tension and claustrophobia of the stage spills over into the audience
Rcvcll‘x xcript t'or thix Scarch 'l'hcatrc production updatcx thc languagc ot' (’hauccr‘x Iii/1' (It But/1‘s 'Ii1/1' niccl} and thc caxt xiiow a good car for thc w itty nuanccx UI lltL‘ xc‘t‘ipl.
Love: Unrequited [111’ 11/ 1111151111111. Nico/ion .8‘1/11111‘1' .Il1't/1111liit (71111111. until 25 .1112. 8/1111. Rcal-lit‘c xtoricx ol llnt'cqltitcd lo\'c turucd into an cnxcmblc drama. Lucid Dreaming ll11.\/1 l’ro1/u1‘tionx. (' too. until 25 .1112. [1111111. l’h}.xical thcatrc mcctx cognitix c xcicncc in a play about thc unconxciotIx. ’l'wo xtarx in 'I‘lu’ 8111111111111. Lucky .0. In llunuin [5111711. (' \2'11111'. until 26 .1112. 1.20pm. l.otx oi cnct'gy and humour from a )oung cht London caxt ax IllC} litc‘le‘ liddic dc ()llVL'll‘tt‘x L‘Utltcd)‘ drama about two bixc\ttal nicn. but it docxn't c\plot'c that condition with xubtlct}. Lyrebird: Tales of Helpmann ..... .1\x1'1nl1l\' Roolnx. until 27.1112. 2..1‘(I/1111. .1 thcatrical xalutc to .v\uxtralia'x original dancing (iuccn. Sir Robcrt llclpmann. l’la}cd b} 'l‘} lcr (‘oppin with raw. unbouudcd cnthuxiaxm. thc ()(t-minutc pcrtorinancc ix uttcrl} cngaging. Macbeth I'i‘1tltli1‘R1'1llt1’1ull’l'1ul111’li1111,\. (ii'1'\‘/1'1111'x Kirk 11ml 1111111 (iutm. until 27 .1112. (1571/1111. .v\ccomplixhcd production ol' Sliakcxpcai'c\ tragcd} gi\cn addcd atmoxphcrc b} ati al t'rcxco pcrl'ormancc. Macbeth 0000 (11/1/11! Balloon 'l'lu'1111'1'. until 27.1112. /..1'U/11n. 'l‘hc caxtlc ix a boo/cr. [.ad} .\Iacbctli ix a blondc landlad}. and .\Iacbcth himxclt' ix a xharp- drcxxcd \innic Joncx 1} pc. .1 w cll-pcrt'ornicd and w cll-concci\ cd production.
Mad Dogs and Englishmen (17/1/1111 Balloon llu'utrc. until 27.1112. .1'..1'(I/11n. .v\ biographical and muxical c.\ploration of thc parado\ical Inc of \ocl ('oward.
The Makars Literary Tour 5111111111 l.it1'1'111'\ 'l11111' (‘11111/111nr l.t1l.. 'I'lu' Il'i‘iu'r’x .Iluxi'u/n. until .i/ .1112. 5/1111. :\ jourm‘} through Scotland‘x litcrar} ccnturicx.
Man in the Flying Lawnchair O... .1xx1'111l1lr RHUHH. until 27.1112. 5/1111. 'l‘hc truc xlttl‘} ot~ l.arr} \Valtcrx‘ grand axccnt in l‘)1\‘2 to 11111111111111 in a Scarx 1k Rocbuck aluminium gardcu chair. .v\n cnormouxly git'tcd cnxcmblc caxt. thc 78th Strcct 'l‘hcatrc lab. crcatcx an inxpiring piccc ol drama. l‘ringc liirxt w inncr. Mannequin
... .1linilt2 R1llllt2l‘il'1'\lt/il1ui1l 'I'lu'1111‘1'. ('li1'll1' .11121'l1’. until 25 .1112. (LAW/1111. \icliolax l’aton‘x “tangch w cb" two liandct' \L'L'\ xtrangcrx 1nch al'tcr a luncral. .'\n unplcaxant truth cmcrgcx about thcm and lbc dL‘c‘L‘axcd. John Samucl \Vorxc} ix Sc} mour. an odioux w imp w rackcd with guilt. lia\ ing xur\ i\cd a train craxh. l-crgux March hax an cwn chx \} mpathctic charactcr to pla} ax thc ultra compctitbc .\lillx. lt‘x an HR piccc ol writing with xomc twixtx and Hum to thc plot that xhould not bc rc\ cach hcrc. l’aton ix a hard taxk maxtcr to hix actorx rcquiring thcm to wadc into an cmotional quagmirc w hilc gctting progrcxxixcl} drunkcr. Although thc} do a lairl} dcccnt
job. thc} nc\ cr quitc achic\ c thc
momcntum nccdcd to cart} (111' xuch a grim piccc. l-‘cw actorx could.
(Stcphanic \oblt‘ll
Marriage lit/IR [111111111 (‘11.. 11/1/.\'1/’1111/'\ (him it A'- ll11/l. until 25 .1112. (1. [5/1111. (iogol'x comcd} ix about li\ c xuitorx battling lit1t‘ onc bl'ttlt'.
Master and Margarita 111111/1/1' lit/21' [)1'1111111. Ilu' ('111l1'1'l11'll\. until 26 .1112. 745/1111. Adaptation ol thc Bulgakm nox cl. The Matchmaker 0.. .1\\1'Htltl\' Koo/11x. until 27.1112. /.—l5/11n. 'lihix two- handcr hax prox cd popular in licland o\ cr thc paxt 25 )cat'x. but hax littlc ol thc innoVatiou )olt xcck on thc l‘riugc. McEwan’s 80/- Edinburgh Literary Pub Tour .811 Ill\ll I.iI1'1'111'\ I11111'(‘11111/111n\* I.11/.. 'I'lu' [fir/1111' Inn. 1111t1l.1‘/ .1112. 111nm run. loll} pub crawl through MK) )carx ot Scottixh writing.
Midden 0.0
'11‘111‘1'1'3'1’ 'I'Iu'um'. until 25 .1112. ‘Yondcr'x thc middcn/whoxc odourx will
maddcn.‘ \Vll Audcn'x linc. complctcly out of contcxt in itx uxc ot~ thc kcyword kcpt coming back to mc ax .\1orna chan‘x play procccdcd. But thc l'lxtcr tcrm of thc titlc. incaning kitchcn. docx haw a link. since both Audcn and chan rctcr to thc tcrrorx 111 a familiar placc.
This particular kitchen ix in l)crr)‘, and ix that (11 .\1a (Ruth llcgartyt. a mothcr of two daughtcrx. The arrival from a xucccxxt‘ul dccadc in thc rag tradc in thc ['8 of thc cldcxt. Ruth (Kathy l)owan) .xhould bc thc occaxion tor cclcbrationx. but long-hcld rcxcntmcntx hch ccn thc two. ax wcll ax bctwccn .\1a and hcr .r\l/hcimcr'x-riddcn mothcr (Barbara Adair) crcatc inxtcad a hcll of a cattight. Youngcr daughtcr Ailccn (l’aulinc Hutton) hax rcxcntmcntx ol hcr own. and thcrc ix littlc Ruth'x huxincxx partncr. thc carth)‘ and good-luimourcd .\Ial1b (Maggic llaycx) can do to xtop old .xorcx about moncy and lo\ c rcopcning.
Lynnc l’arkcr'x production produccx both powcr and humour. and thc rich x) mbolic rc.xonancc.x oi watcr and lirc that run through thc tcxt makc tor xomc mcmoraNc imagcx. But chan'x .xcript i.x in nccd of trimming. and thcrc arc xomc momcntx ol unwclcomc rcpctitiou
in thc tcxt. (Stcx'c ('ramcr)
Mchouga-Maboul - A Tale of Extraordinary Madness Simon [fl/111."-.\I1111'o11;‘. 'I'lu’ (/111'1121'. until 20 .1112. 1\'..1’U/11n. 'l‘hc audicncc gathcrx round a hall- mad muxician and comcdian.
Medea ()11Ilook l’1‘o1/111‘tionx. (inwtritirx Kirk llouu'. until 27.1112. 5145/1111. Drawing on Scnccax pla} ax w cll ax that ol' liuripidcx. thix \crxionolthc(i1‘cck tragcd} lcaturcx thrcc pcrl'ormcrx in thc IlllL‘ t‘olc.
Medea O. ./11/11111 Iz'i/u'riclu'c. '/'/u' (i111‘1121'. until 27.1112. 53/5/1111. l'cilialc impcrxonator. .lin lliroxhi. coniurcx up an oc'c‘axiotial \cttgclttl gt’acc ilt lltc t’olc ol' .\chca. but lhc cliorcograph} ix clichcd and lhc group nio\ cmcnt tar t'roni c\pc1‘t. Medea ..... .1\.x1’1nl1/\ RHUHH. until 25 .1112. 8/1111. .\Iaurccn licattic cutx an iconographic daxh in \ i\ id crimxou. lhc pulxating ccntrc ot' blood rcd paxxion 1n l.i/ l.ochhcad'x pccrlcxx adaptation ot thc liuripcdcx‘ lt'agcd}. .1 blood} nia1'\ cl. Meet The Authors (i111'1‘\' I’1'111l111'li1111\. llill .8‘11'1'1'1 'Ilu'utrc. until 27.1112. l2.2ll/11n. :\ hixtorical c\ploration into how thc c‘t’L'allH' pt‘tic‘cxx allcclt‘d Iltc‘ li\cx(1l l.ouixa .\la} :\lcotl and liniil} l)ickinxon. Mental C... I.\1111 l'1'l'2u\1111 1(- Str/tlu'll I’1m1'll. .1\\1'Inlil\ /\’11111n\. 11111il27 .1112. ‘/.tI5/1111. .\laggic l'cll 1nto nurxing and ix now writing a \Clldlt‘llt book to cxcapc it. (ircg admitx hc bccamc a nurxc to ‘incrcaxc hix chanccx ot xhagging ouc'. In thix pac} production thc actorx 1|.) nu l’crguxon and Stcphcn l’ow clli xlip bch ccn cra/cd and carcr. ‘I'hc rcxult ix dark and w ill}. Midden .C. It'tlH’I‘u' l'l11'111'1'1'. until 25.1112. Scc pancl.
Middle Flight ( '1111'1'l\ S11. (ii‘1'i'l1‘i111'\ Kirk l/ouu'. until 26 .1112. [.55/1111. 'l‘honald :\agaat'd w ritcx and pcrtormx a pla} about lhc making ot l’111'111li\1'l.11\t and John .\liltou'x own loxt paradixc. 'l'lircc xtarx in '/'/u' Siotxnum.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream I'1'tuw 11/ 1/11' lit/121'. I'i'tu \ (‘ol/1’21'. 1111t1l 25.1112. -\/1111. Shakcxpcarc'x c\cr» popular romancc t‘clocatcd to lidinburgh.
Mina 0.. lx’oi'kct \1'11111'x. RIM ~k1’t (it Kirk ()'I*i1'l1l. 111111/21\'.1u2. 5..1‘U/1111. .-\ gathcring (it old tricndx1xdixruptcdb} thc
For hour by hour daily listings see
Listings Supplement.
arrixal ot a l'igurc t'roni thc paxt. (iix mg xtrong pcrl'ornianccx III a production that xtt‘l“ lllxl xhot't ol Inclodrania. tlic ' cnxctnblc caxt t‘acc thc nioxt unplcaxant of human cmotionx lcanux} with unucr\ ing honcxt). The Minotaur R111 A111 \1'11111'x. [1111 A111 (11 /\’11\11/('oll1'21'ol .\'111'21'1111\. 2-l 25 .1112. 945/1111: I\’111'k1't<u Ix'li‘k () ' / i1'l1l. 2.1’ .1112. ‘l.-l5/1111.'lil1c(ircck1n}thol thc \ltuotaur ix a prctt} grucxomc talc. .\ bo) with a bull'x hcad ix lockcd .ma} 1n;1lab_\r1nth. whcrc hc ix lcd \ irgmx until hc ix c\ cntuall} killcd.\\‘1ittcnb.\ popular Italian pla_\w1'1ght. l’rolcxxor l’aolo l’uppa. thix monologuc ix a contcmporar} \crxion ol thc ni}tli. lt‘x not a bull‘x hcad that plagucx thix charactcr. it‘x a bull'x w cll iuxt chcck out thc xhow ‘x xubtitlc tor clarilication. '( )ur \linotaur docxn't cat _\oung \ irginx. lnxlcad hc wathch pornographic \ idcox. in a xcnxc lccding ott thoxc.' xa}x actor l’atrick l._\ nch. 'l lc gctx gi\cn c\cr_\thing hc wantx. c\ccpt to xcc hix mothcr. lt‘x c\t1'cnicl_\ dark. but thc 1111\turc ol grotcxtiuc and comcd} 1x \c1'_\ cntcrtaining.‘ (Kik lx’culi Moving Objects .000 llu'otrc. 1111/1/ 2/1 .1112. Scc pancl. Mom, I’m not a Lawyer In. 11 l'11/1'lu’1; .\\\1'111l1/\ lx’ooinx. 1111/1/ 27.1112. (145/1111. Rich l'ulchci troni thc c\ccllcnt .\lodc1'n l’i'oblcnix ltt Scicncc hax xoinctliing hc wautx to gct ott' hix chcxt:
box bccn a conicdian tor cight )c‘;11'x. but hix parcntx xtill tlnnk lic‘xa|a\\}c1.l'l1rcc xtarx in //11'.\’1ot\1111111; tour In llu lit-1.11112 .\.1'I'. \.
Moscowtmmh/x /\’o111nx. Ronni/111 Xout/ixulc. 1111/1/ 2/1 .1112. Ill/1111. C... lintcrlaining inuxical about lhrcc ga_\ mcn rchcarxmg (‘hckhoy Moving Objects O... Ilu'11t1‘1‘ ('o. l1’1'1111/on llu'tttn'. 111111/ 25 1112. 1111111 \‘111‘\. Scc 1c\ icw pancl.
Mr Pinocchio 0. I11. .1. //1// .S‘t1'1'1'l llu'tttn'. 1111/1/ 27.1112. 5.."11/1111, l'liix piccc portra} x l’lnocclno ax .1 xpoilt child. ()nl} xlapxtick brmgx rclict to tlux xlow pla).
Mrs Ka’s Adventures /\'11111l11l/1l1 Slut/111 (2 llu' /1‘1'111l1 [mt/1:111; [till/l 25 .1112. [AW/1111. 'l‘wo acton and ill puppch in a l’rcncli xliow (pcrtoitncd 1n langltxht about lilc'x abxutdlltcx.
The Mystery of Irma Vep l/1//‘\ /1‘1'tl1.'. (' l ~111/1'1'211111121l. 1111/11’2/11112. lit-15pm. (iothic niclodrainattc larcc
li1'1111t1 111