Finnish The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and [Mr/nu. li'lttu' ln’. until 25 due. times i'ury; Students perform in this new translation by lilla Wildridge ol' .‘ylartin lleckrnanns's play abotit a man who sends himself a parcel just to meet his beautil'ul postwoman.

The First Chapter of Peter O. Stun/rm] (fnirersity' I)e/urrtinent iii/Munro. (intercity 'I'lu'utrr'. until 27 Aug. (1.40pm. Peter arrives at the liringe with a host or psychological problems arid a wad of cash to work them out. But instead ol heading on to the nearest boo/er. he opts to hire a grorrp of American theatre practitioners who w ill help hittt ‘work'shop' his childhood tt'autnas. Yep. another uniy'ersity theatre company hits town with its yery cley'er, very experimental. y‘ery deconstructionist. sell-r‘ellexiyc theatre practices. These guys are talented. Which is good. we need all that and more. But we also need content at the heart ol‘ our theatre. and unfortunately. despite promising so much in the early stages. this becomes tar too sell-absorbed. it leaves the audience perhaps wondering whether it might haye been better it Peter had simply drowned his sorrows in the lirsl place. tl)ay'ie Archibald) First Impressions Dolphin llreutt‘e. (' ll'nue. until 26 .-\ug. ll.45run. Jane .-\usten perl‘orms and discusses Jane Austen.

0 Foley li'rrrerse llreutre. until 2.5 glue. times vary. See review panel.

Four Little Plays Called Rape lh'nrureo Rocket l’r‘mlru'tirmx. Rocket ((1 Roy'ul (‘u/lr'ee ofSui'geony, until 27xlue. Kalil/rm. Return run l'or Rank Taxi alter success last year with this quartet looking at \’l()l£llit)ll in all its lorms.

Frank and Rosy Houlflelitkr' l’r‘ru/ur'tionx. Rocket (‘1 St John's Hull. until 27,-tug. 7.30pm. Modern irrarriage musical. Fright Nights: The Tour of Terror 5‘ Niel l’rmlru'tiony. Royal Mile. next to I’Ulir‘i’ Information (’r'ntre. until 20 :lue. l/.45/rm. Second time round for this horror story compilation. this time in a spookier location. From Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads 0... Tiny Dynamite A’- "l'lie liul/ Theatre. (‘ ll'nur'. until 26 Aug. Il/nn. Adrian Berry's haunting drama is set in a special trnit ol a children‘s hospital w here a young man has an unhealthy obsession with Day id Bowie.

Funny Behaviour Rugged lit/gr: I’I'm/tu'lirmx. (il'r'_\'lt‘irtr.y Kirk Hutm’. until 27 slug. 5.55pm. Dark psychological comedy. FUR I.unrinrrrial/enni/er .S’ .\')’(' li'nru'. 'I‘lu’ (ruler/telly. until 2/) :lug. 5pm. A darkly comic loy'e triangle between a pet shop owner. a trapper and a caged beast. l-our stars iii The Story/nun.

Gagarin Way .... lt'rlt‘i’l‘.\r’ lltt’rlll'r'. until 25 Aug. Iintey \‘(tl'_\'. John 'l'il'larry 's production oltiregory Burke‘s play rises the author's dialogic w it to good ellect. l-‘r'inge l"ir‘st and Herald Angel w inner.

The Game of Love and Chance Slut/'1 Bite/s A" Sir/m. Roe/set (‘1 Soul/t lift l-‘r'. until 25 due. /l..t’5run. Neil Bartlett's translation ol' the Mariyaux comedy.

Gas and Air l’tu'kt'l .lvli'l'r‘tln I’I‘ru/tlr‘lirttly. KUHIt’r/lt! Ronrun litre/e Ian/gr". until 2/) due. /. l5/mt. lntertwirred tales ol two worrren's loss and laughter by Royal ('ourt young writer l.ouise Rarirsden. l‘our stars in The Scotsman.

The Gasman Cometh (it/(Int tin/Irma 'I'lu'utre. until 27xlug. 2. l5/im. .»\ celebration ol the songs ol l‘landers and Swanrr. Geeza . . . Memoirs of an Ex Football Hooligan 0.0 I’lmmm-e. until 27xtue. 4.15pm. 'l)arigcrous' l)eirnis Watson stops oil to promote his lorthcorrring autobiography. giy irrg handy lighting tips and showing hooliganism in a new light. The Getaway Bus .0. .'l\\('l)I/)l\‘ Rooms. until 27.-lug. J. l5/mr. lttgle Knight iii a rrrorrologtre about a lad ll‘UItt l.ccds w ho joins a pr'oy incial Aristr‘alian am dram society run by an eiribittered linglish luy y ie. lt‘s amusing. btit needs trimriiirig.

Ghost Shift O... llrerttre /r\ Design. The ('nrlr'r'ln'l/y. until 2/) zilltf. (LAW/mt. ('ombinirig liye music. physical theatre and storytelling. (ilrmt S/ru‘t is a lantastically original piece ol theatre. with a simple. comic and almost cartoon-like impression which belies its prulttltlltl subject matter.

Inspired by the true story ol'(ilasgow 's (ihost Dance Shirt. a relic lrom the Sioux Tribe which was sold to the Kely ingroye museum in the l‘lth century. and linally returned to them in 199‘) alter sey er'al year's ol appeals. the play tells the tale ol the shirts history. Integrated with this are extracts lrom l.orrglellow ’s epic poem lliurmtlur. and dt'arrratisations ol' scenes l'rom the “lild \Vesl and the slot'el'oottt ol- the iriuseurri. All these elements combine to create a magical and delightl'ul show which is both ingenious and entertaining. tls'irsty ls'rraggst

Ghost Stories . . . A Late Night Fright C... llu~ l’rru/ur'lirnr line. l’leuxruu‘r'. until 27xlue. Haiti/nu. .\ series ol incidents in a small \ illage in Argentina. The stories hay e the desired cllecl; you‘ll need a good still drink bcl‘oi'e you go home. The ... (ii/(lt'rl Hill/(HUI ill li'r'irit Row Ilouye. until 273mg. 3.45pm. Anyone with a dog-cared copy ol' the second \clyet l'nder'gr'ound album cart tell you all about the loyesick rrrislit who posts lrimsell' to his girll'rierrd in a parcel. The temptation to expand Reed's bare-bones story into an hour-long comic play was too much loi‘ writer ’l‘onr l.ister to resist. and he’s done it extrerrrely well.

Glengarry Glen Ross the .-ltI‘r' ('om/uiny. (' \i'nru. until 20 glue. III.-llI/nii. l)a\'id Mamet's brilliantly obsci'y ed study ol real estate salesirrcri.

Goes Around Comes Around [)ll‘t'I'H' :lltt'ru'tiony. tutti/254142. ‘l.."lI/mr. l’opulai' drama by Richard Page.

A Good Morning Melody stir/ring lit/(W I‘lll'll/l'l' I’I‘rtjr'r'l. (Nil 5-! l’rttlln (ltlll'tlt A'- llu/l. until 25 glue. Illtlr’\ l'ill'\. :\ new play about loye in an unstable world.

Goose Nights I’ve/m/y‘kuy. l’lr'usruur'. until 2.";tue. 5..i’tl/nn. Setidarp ol ( ireck tragedy. l‘lrree stars in [lie .8} ttlytluttt. Graft - Tales of an Actor (ii'oi'er' “til/(ma lllll/ Iltt'rtll‘t'. Hill Xll'r'r’l Illi'rtll't'. rurtil 25 slug. 5.55pm. \Vidcly regarded as Steyen ller‘koll‘s leading disciple. Dillon's adaptation ol' ller‘koll‘s book ol rairrblrttfl reriiinisceitces was well-i‘eceiycd on last year’s l'ringe.

Green Ginger - Bambi I’lurmm r'. until 2/) glue. //.2lhun. 'l'he llarrrbi story turned into a comic book rirghtrriar'e. Grimm Tales Sr lilili.’ llu'rrtrr (o. ()lr/ SI l’uul's ('lrurt'lr tk‘ Ilrrll. rurtrl 25 .vlue. Ill.45run. l‘aririly physical larrtasy.

Gross lndecency COO Iron/ill lirlge Ul‘rtlltrt. I'lri' l'nrlr'i'lu'lly. until 2!) .tue. noon. ()l'l Broadway hit that dccorrsti'ucts the three trials that led to ()scar \Vildeis dow nlall. The problems with trials is that they hay e loiigetii‘s. and sorrrctrrrics this ensemble piece leels like an acadeirirc essay. Gun Play ir'ii'ri.lirt'lnmu'rlrn/nrre/rurnie/rta (LII/s. until .\'/ slue. “Hill/mi. 'l'hc lii'st l'i'iirgc rrrterireI play eycr'. Pay per new. ()rily at itlpm. Gusset [allll'lt'ltH'I‘L Knitter/u! ly’onuur litre/e [xii/er: until 2/) glue. 2..\’5/nn. :\bout a woman w hose gusset deteirrrirres eycr'y tlrrrrg. Hamlet I'il'rlllllr Rt'tl/lr’ilr/ l’l'tIr/llr llIHl\. ('I'orine I’lrmr Hotel. rurtil 2/) .lue. 5. l5/un. Speedy and intimate \et‘sion ol the tragedy. 'l‘wo star's Ill 'Ilu' Sr'otynruir.

Hamlet by Freud lit/ornurnr i lite/tuner. (jun/«'1‘ Meeting House. until 2.5 .rtus'. (llmr. Slrakespeares tragedy reinterpreted li'om a l‘r'eudran pei'spectiyc. Hamlet! - The Musical lire (lu'eyr'. (' li'nur'. rurtrl 2/) glue. (rill/mi. Not one lot the purists. this is a 'totally inappropriate sayagirrg ol' the (heat l)anc' (their wor'dsi. 'l‘hi‘ee stars in Me Sen/mum.

Hang Up \i'nru' la’. until 2.5 lug. 4.20pm. Anthony .‘ylrirghella's twenty rrrrntrtc study iii a loy e allair'.

Hannah and Hanna 0... (inn/nun r'l .rlrteely. (ii/ilerl It’rI/loon (II liryloi'y l/rlll. until 2}”.‘lrre. l2. l5/nn. ha a play aimed at teenagers. l/unnrrlr .‘lllil l/rtllttrt ellorllcssly holds its own against more high brow tare, ll tackles llte issue til. as) lttllt seekers,

For hour by hour daily. listings see

Listings Supplement.

Hashirigaki King R 'l'lu'utre. 25 d1- 20 slug. 7.30 pm. ‘I don't hear a language. i hear the sound ol‘ \‘oiees and rhythrrisf So said (iertrtide Stein. inspiration for lleiner (ioeb‘els' new piece. l left the Assembly Rooms bar the other night in much the same condition. But I'm not sure that‘s what she meant. The Japanese word of the title means ‘the action ol walking and talking at the same tirue'. also something ol’ a challenge the other night. but what seems to be alluded to in all this is not being trolleyed. btit experiencing a heightened state of subjectivity. The modernist and postmodernist obsession ol the current l-"estiy'al programme seems to corrre into play here. with emotional states which cannot be ptrt into words at the centre. or il‘ you like the good old romantic sublime rejigged tor a contemporary audience. What this acclaimed production brings to the l‘estiyal is a succession ol‘ epiphanies compiled through sound. moy'ement and music. There isn’t really a narratiye through line to speak ol' here. btrt rather. a Japanese musician (Yumiko 'l‘ariakat a Swedish singer and dancer (Charlotte lingelkest arid a French ('anadian pianist (Marie (ioyette) who present a series of perl‘ormable pieces contingent on the pre-rational. rather than analytic responses in the audience. it promises an engaging and thought-pr'o\‘oking eyeriing ol‘ theatre. (Stey'e ('raincri

Happy Days .Strrnrl liy l’r‘ru/ru’liony. (iillt’ttrfl llli’rtll'r'. until 2".lug. /i,II5/un. Samuel Beckett's brilliant play ol existential musings lcaturirig a woman buried in earth. Happy Hour .lltflli'r/tli'r'i' l‘Jl/i'l'lrllltltlt nt. (‘o2. until 2/) lug. 5..\’tI/nn. Split personalities. a real \srarr l'.l\ is and a saxophone with a rrrrrrd ol its own. Hashirigaki I'lu’ri/r'i' lirl\ [Hindu/Ii. Kine '\ lllr rrtr'r'. 25 (y 2/) lug. ._..\'tl/nn. .\lusrcal spectacular inspired by the tc\t oi oi (ier'ti‘udc Stern‘s lllr‘ llrtkiltz ()t

.llllr'l'lr rIIt\.

Hedwig and the Angry Inch

.0. I/(‘r/ti 1: null lllr' .lnery llIr lr.

l’lr (Mil/Ir r. until 2“.lue, (till/rm. .\ musical that's more (irriis ‘ii‘ Roses than (irlbcrt and Sulliyarr. telling the story ol a lier'hri transsexual who learned to sing iii the oxen. Henry James’ The Aspern Papers /i'\ll\rll llu’rrtrr' l .\(' (IS t. l)r'rurrrnolrrl ('ornnruirrh l/lr illl‘r. until 2." lug. J/nn, \ew adaptation ol the troy cl set to \iyaldiK lour .\ir'r1\rllt\. l'tttll slal's Ill llti .\r rtlyltlri‘lt.

Her Aching Heart I’lr tlHl/lt r. until 25' .tue. /. l5/rin. ()h rio sir" It‘s a saucy musical comedy about a country iriarderi Hipsters, Flipsters and Finger Poppin’ Daddies O.

(iilrlr'rl Hill/(lull ill /r r'irn' /\’oir l/ouyr. un/r/ 2".lue. 2/nn. llcr'e's tltc chance to hear the lttltle .tt't'ttt'tllttg lo lord lillt'l'slt'}. l'l‘l those who‘\ e riey er heard ol this man. he's raccor‘dirig to this show i the gr'airdlather' ot tap. in this one man show \Vestori (Bay in l‘t'ellt‘s some til the ‘lablcs' lltal ltts lt‘tettil. Buckley. scribed in his unique loim ol ga/x poetry. lhe riroiiologucs giyc llucklcy 's take on a range ol subrects and people including the New 'l'estarrrcrrt. (ihandr and Shakespeare 'llii'orrghout this show you can't help leelrrrg the remote control buttorr's got stuck during a bad eyarrgelrcal pr‘ogr'arriirre .'\ll thats missing is the slurry suit. (iay irr's dch\ei'y is as it he's on atrtopilot and it takes a great deal ol concentration to understand the many American i'elcrerrces. tlsrk Reid).

The Holyland C... \utronril )irut/r I/Ir'rlll'r'. l’lr'riyruu r'. unli/ .2“.\rl'\’. /2.5tI/r/n, l)ai'agh (‘ar'y rlle‘s ciireriiatic play show s snippets hour a day in the lite ol sixteen characters united in their isolation.

House Of Deer Flu/stun (. until 2" lug. .i/nn. 'l he work ol Iiudapcsl based choreographer. director arid perlor'irrei. l‘ya \lagyai'. is consistently iriyeriltye. entertaining and rich \\lllt rrrctaphoiical

irrcarirrrg. ‘( ‘orrrpelhng insight and an tiirstiritrrig. expressrye pliy srcalrtyf said liri Hi Irlltl.

Hungarian Bird Festival 0000

/’/r rrmnr (p urrtri 2".lsre. ."t’5/rin. llris one man show begins w rllt \rall .\slidow rr chatting torts. He then proceeds tostep outside the theatre and ask the crowd waiting outside to ‘talk more quietly. \\ rtlr this play .'\\ll\lt‘\\ rr eryes a lrrrrrror'ous account ol tlre trip he took w rtlr his lather rri l‘l‘).\ to the llurrgarrarr llri’d l estryal. lirrt it's not rust birds that are discussed. llrrrrgariaii tui'ds also a mention, \s the l‘llxl spotting progresses the relationship between lather and son gently reyezrls rtsclt [his show may be about llrrders litteritiori lw rtclrers and you're likely to get a telescope rarirrrrcd up your llt\\ll'ill but it's certainly not boring. \shdowri's down to earth approach to storytelling is a pleasure to wat\ it

ilsrk ls’erdr

The Husband’s Tale i I. y.

(in \lllrll\ l\rri //r'.’!\r. 2 ' littj.

5 2’l/tirr lscytrr l allaii's new play about two strangers w ith sortietlrrri;' ‘. ital Ht corrrrirori. The HUSh //:isi.‘ l’rrnlrr. ‘tru'y. (ll. mu, until 2’r lure. New: Srlcrrt corrtedy of 'rrcrrchcoat dcte.'ti\es

Hyde and Seek! O. ('iuu/ n.

[in rr'."r (4'. ilk/ill (.lr'rr r l.‘ \.'/r r .' (iii’tiyt ‘.'\. rut/Ii Vitae. \ /‘_.'rrr.'. \s .2 boy Robert | orrrs Steycrrsoii played iii the gardens that this play is set in llris dcy ised pict c show s Stcyensoir as a boy. as a man and as .r :‘host who is trying to rrriderst..rrd why his lite was pr‘errratuicly taken away Irorri lirrii (‘lrai'actcr's lrorri Steyerisivrr's work. including chrldrerrs' layorrirte I one .lrtlttt Srlycr. enter the piece derrraridrrrg attention limit their creator In theory it’s a great idea to set this story in this pretty outdoor \t‘lltll;.' lloweycr. rri practice there is simply riot much ol a story here \like ltrrlly 's dire. :rort highlights the prttalls ol both actrrig iii a piece and directirri' lo rirck another great.

w t'tlei's words it really is much ado about nothing. rlsik ls’cidr

I am Dandy In. units/sign. .lue. l-l firms. liriscrrrblc tlrcatic irorir the Hay id ( iale (‘orripaiiy laktlt‘.‘ .rrr extreme

look at coritcrrrpoiary parirc

I am Star Trek 00.. self/kilrrggr n //u ill/i it». (ill Hut. surf/l .Vr lire. ’r lit/in! l-llt‘ \lttl_\ \tl (it‘llt‘ lstttltlt‘lll‘t‘ll}. \.'r.'t l/i creator. pcrlorrried w rlli a mature ericrp'y. c\posrri;' the highs and low s ot his dream to unite hrrrrrarrrty thiorig'h scrcrrcc tictiorr