Shagnasty and Duck (ti/it. it Hollow!) 'Ilreirtri'. until 37qu ." l‘lmr l’aradigrri Theatre's production nt ayyard-ys inning zsrrtcr Rigel ladyyards' new comedy tnIlnysrng 'tyyo dnysn-and-ntits' seedy ascent to the sordid heights ot a 'l'har bedsit-brnthel Iltls has hoyseycr been heralded by lots nt content ysarnings a must see then
Shakers Hiir'liuu/ l/irnrstrrnex lllt (ll/t (inn/unit. llu Sir/nut; until /‘/.Iug. I ill/iin John (iodbcr's broad cniiiedy Shakespeare - The Good Beer Guide Barking Iliul. (7:3. until 3/: lug. ’r 5 (pin (‘umbrian poet and dririnker 'l’im Ilarker giyes his interpretation oi the llard's ysorks Shakespeare For Breakfast (' Itllllt until 2/) glue. llliun. l'rcc cotlce and croissants ys ith a Iiealtliy dose nl Shakespeare on the side This year‘s theme is "Icn \say s to make someone tall in one \sith you the Shakespeare ysay '.
Shakespeafe’s Dog .0. Nil)“ /’roilut lions. Hill Street I/rmtr't. until Salute. Salt/pm. Dog Inyers turning tip at this shots expecting lili/abethan puppy antics it. ill be sorely disappointed. because althniigli there is plenty nl Shakespeare in S/iiikex/n ure's /)oe. canine contributions are conspicuous by their absence.
'l‘his gently understated nne-iiian play deyised by and starring I)nrra| Merren is an interesting ysork \Hlll some rirce touches. btit it is a little static and ultimately tails to ignite iiitich passion. Based around the reminisces iii an Irish actor Key iii ()'l)oriiiell. the play explores the ysorld oi theatre and the cninple\ relationships betyseen thespy types. ’l‘here is some clcycr tisc ol' space and props ys hich aid Merr‘en to lump smoothly t'rom character to character. but the play only skirris across the emotions and ideas it seeks to rcy cal. tI)oug Johnstonet Shakespeare’s Longest Night Riit'kt‘l (0 Kirk (I'l'ielil, /.1' [IV-lug. NJHIIIII. Scycn actors take on II roles as Shakespeare struggles to end his 39th play. Shakespeare’s Shorts lit Rma/ Disappointnu'nt. (' belle (lllL‘t'll’. until :0 glue. 1.45pm. Banquo rcl'uscs to die and llamlet won't shut tip in this larcical talc. Shakespeare’s Women .-I \\t'Itt/’l\ It’immt. until 27.4w. [IAJSUHL l‘olloysmg success last year in Picimo'i ll’omen. Susannah York embarks on a journey to discos er the many meanings ol' lose. as seen through the eyes ol Shakespeare's \ttt‘iotts Icadirig ltttlics.
The Shamans - House of Deer Pleiisuncc. until BSJIHQ. .I/mr. Budapest-based choreographer. director and perl'nrmer Iiya Magyar loyes Izdiiiburgh because the ysork ol’ her company. The Shamans. has alysay s been embraced here during I‘estiyal time. With good reason: it's consistently inyentiyc. entertaining and rich ys ith metapluirical meaning. Ilcrc Magyar. tiscs dance. gesture and a panoply ot theatrical dey ices masks. puppetry. gorgeous liglititig and music tliat reeks ot' liastern liuropean melancholy to render a Romanian t'olk tale ot~ a \yoman's supernatural transI‘oriiiation Ir‘nm hunter to deer 'I‘his solo shoyy 's themes ot sell-discoyery. alienation and dctermiruitiori hit home lot Magyar. \y ho continually struggles for support in Hungary 's patriarchal arts sy stern. But the production has uniyersal resonance. ‘lloys are people In process their iiitliy idttaltty I" she asks. ‘It‘s a problem ot' our day s.' iDonaId IIutcrai Shaving and Plucking Hair-lean”: 'I'lreiitre (‘onr/uutr. Konretlui Roman ling/e laulet'. l.\' Ilislue. l3.4(l/iiir. The story ol a yyoman ys ho laces arrest t'or ysa\ing her husband.
Sherlock Holmes: Murder in
l‘it'ttttlli‘ Ri'tlltt'ilti I’I'tultli‘ltiilty. Randolph Stutlio (0 Ilu' I’l'eni'li Irrstrtulc. until 3~xlllt’. .\'..\‘tI/mr. Take a yyaIk along the Water ol‘ I.eith ys ith .-\rthur ('onan-l)oy Ie. Watson and Holmes as they solyc a murder.
Sholom Aleichem - Now You’re Talking! [one Suir l‘lu'titre ('onrptini. Hill Street Tllt’tlll't'. until 3":Iue. 4pm. Saul Reichlin's draiiiatisatioii ot‘ the stories \y hich inspired Fiddler ()n I‘Iu' Roof.
For hour by hour daily listings see
Listings Supplement.
Too Late For Logic iI-JlFi Romi Lyceum Theatre ('ompuny'. King's l‘lreutrc. 13- 18 slug. 7.30pm; Sui Jill/iin tk' 7..i‘()prrr. This year. ayy'ard-yy'inning play yy right 'I'om Murphy's e\p|oration ot’ the tutility ot logic opens the I-‘estiyal season at the King's Theatre. The story takes place at the gray'eside ot‘ frustrated unis ersin lecturer (‘hristophcr ys ho. ysatching his los ed ones in mourning at his untimely suicide. in a final act ot‘ illogical optimism. denies that he's topped hiinselt at all. ‘lle seems to have shot himsell‘. but there's no gun. so Iie denies he's shot himself and tells eyeryone standing by his gray eside he'll prose it" says director Patrick Mason.
The play. with large ensemble cast and classically operatic score. re—enacts Christopher‘s dysfunctional past. and suggests that maybe his bleakly rational outlook on life ysas a big mistake. ‘Christopher comes to understand a lot about life. He doesn‘t quite crack the meaning ot‘ lite. btit comes to a lot ot' realizations. It‘s emotional recognition ol yy'hat Me is about; the pain. and also the joy.’ explains Mason. ‘l low the ideas. the emotions. Murphy's such a passionate writer. and the key" to his plays are emotional rather than logical. a play t'uI theatricality about the light and dark ol the imagination. with a fair amount ol fairytale yy‘oy'cn into it too.‘ i()lly Lassman)
Show Offllnem/ily Roomy. until 3".-Iug. ".-l."/mr. In her latest autobitigr‘aphical yeliicle. l'rsula Mar'tine/‘s es-onci'. (‘armen ('uenca. is the guest. Alter last years (I l'tlIlII/\ ()uteoine. covslai‘t'iiig her parents. she arms In question ysliat is spontaneous and yyhat is rehearsed. Walls Krililt‘illit SI .Slt'ltltt'tty. l." Silug. Itlttt'y l'tlI'Y. l‘iye poetic body-dance rnoyements by (‘osta Rica's Diquis 'l'iquis abottt inalc-l‘eiiiale relationships.
Silver Lining - Player One I’leuuuue Dome. until /t\'.-lug. //._i‘I)i1nr. .-\ ncys play
ys here ‘Iliunlet mects Big Brother meets
l'nri ersity (lut/lenee'.
Silver Lining - The Insect Play - The Brothers Capek l’leusunre. until “slug. l/(UH. 'l‘he behay iour ot' insects inspires comments on lite.
Sirens: Behind the Screen RUi'k't’l (a South Bridge Resource ('entre. until IJ due. runes l'tll'\. .\ neys musical esposing the double Iiyes til sltit's til the silH‘t‘ scrccn.
Sketches of the Underworld {It/ Hmlt l’roiliu'tiony. (iii/tree ('lui/iiteuu t‘l'lu'iitre i/u Risoriusi. until Ifxlllt’. {IS/iin. Martial arts. cloys mug and acrobatics all form part oI~ this journey into a contemporary y ision oi lleII. Ski Sluts from Glenshee 'I'tii-amv tun-ti. Hill Street Illl’tlll't’. until Billie. lpm. ltd \Vood meets (11m ()n (p 'I‘Iu' Ski I’uyy arid slustin I’oiiers in this tale iii a Scotsysoiiiati trying to make a porn llick in a ski lodge in (ilenshee something of a departure l'rom its tisual sty le lot (ioyati-bascd Theatre \Yorks. Skin 8. Playing Cards with Beethoven Iiitu. (iii/"(tee (lltl/lllt'tlll tl'lrc'iitr‘t' i/u Risoriuyi. I: 37dug. .I/im. Magician Irom I-inland ys hose selling point is that he pert'orms \ irtually naked so you can't accuse him of concealing anything tip his \IL‘C\ L‘s,
Skin Deep Strode '\ 'I'lreutri' (tint/HUM. (' underground. until ll dug. l/iinr. Physical theatre trom yyomen ys ho kllttyk about ysomen. yy ith (ireek myths and contemporary images esplored.
Sleeping Beauties 0000 Shams
(loss it Theatre. (‘ \enue. until Io .-\ug. Ipiii. The true story oi an abortiye mneteenth century arctic espedition prny ides the inspiration for this one-man comedy. l’ert‘ormer Jonathan Young play s the sur\ iyor ot~ an abandoned tleet as a grotesque cloys it made increasineg demented by loneliness and nullity. his sole companion a listless skeleton named Sebastian. Young is an engaging pert‘ormer ys ho. aided by the stark lighting and set design. tully conyey s the limbo suffered by
‘0 7
his character. ys ith particular highlights being his deadpaii csclianges yy iIIi Sebastian. 'I‘Iiough certain set pieces and inkes are perrmtted to drill endlessly like ships through an ice-Iloyy. o\ crall the piece is iinaginatiye and grimly lunny. Incidentally. the ‘Sleeping Beauties' oi the title are blank spaces on a map theatre isn't didactic'.’ t:\llati Radclil'lei Smile for Me The Never .l/iiul llu'iitre ('om/ntny'. Korma/iii Sout/isir/i'. until 3/) .lug. 3.45pm. l)ai‘k comedy -thri|Ier \y Iiich pushes the joke right into the audience.
The Song of the Fool Riit'kt‘l (u Soul/t Bridge Resource ('eiitre. until // glue. (mu/mi. 'l‘hc symbolism ol' the Tarot card is the inspiration behind this production. Sparkleshark ()nU 'I'lu'iitre ('onr/uiny it'll/l lli’st Sussex (‘ounty‘ Iout/i 'I'lu'iitn'. Is'onu'iliu Roman litre/e Lodge. until lllxlug. 3. [Spin Kids get together on top ol- a toysei block to tell a Iairy story. in l’hilip Ridlcy 's play.
Speaking from the Clay .'IIII('I'II tin High School Theatre l'i’ylll'ill. ('liuri‘lr Ili/l Theatre. until // glue. times i'iirt. ()rigiiial adaptation of traditional Natiyc Airicricari tales.
Speed-the-Plow li’enet ('ilth presents Iz'lton iinil .lliinu't in llol/y‘ii'ooil. (' i'enui'. until 2/) glue. 7pm. l)ay‘id .\Iaiiict\ satirical take on poyy er in llolly ysood. 'l‘yyo stars Iii The Scotsman.
The Spice Trail 'I'lu'iitrunr [Iota/iii urn. Royal Botanic (ion/en Iii/inburg/r. until 35 Aug. 8pm. Toby (iough's iicyy production looks to ptit some perspectiye on cultural exchange through the (iltlcsl HI coriiiiiunicatiori tools the stomach. 'l'lre Spice 'I'rui/ takes place in the tranquil Botanical (iardens. ys here audiences ys ill be guided on a ysalk through the rock gardens. The narratiye l'olloys's a Scottish Indian ys ho. in search of the pcrl'cct curry. tray els back through time to uncoy er the history ot the spice trade. and features dancers from [an/ibar. India and l.eith. puppets. a comedian Irom Bangladesh and an Indian Yoga champion.
Spiritual Nuggets lli' 're .y’ur .y'umei/ let'. (irmtrurrs Kirk House. until 27.4112. 8. [Spin liocusing on summer day s in the Iiyes of young triends.
Spittoon (‘onr/mm (jut in Robertson. (ii/tier] Balloon Illlt’dll't’. ll) 36,-lug. 7pm. ('ra/y. cartoony Spaghetti Western t'eaturing an my isible dog from the company that created the sublime Spat e l’unommu and the popular 'I'lrunrler/nnls lull/f.
\y Ill) say s
The Spurt of Blood “ amt tti ital. Ken. [lie l mu Iln‘l/y. ltI/lll -‘h lll‘._’. furor .-\l'Ittlltl.\ dark talc comes .tll\ e tliiniigli physical theatre and industrial snurrdscapes l'cattiics adult content and intense sound Spymonkey’s Cooped O... .S/nniotrkt'y. I’li'iisiint l. until 3" lug. llilict‘c tit't' tllllctt‘til Icycls til spool and parody iii cniiiedy Spyiiioiikey lltlll\Lt'lltl them all; (on/nil is yseII iiitn liaIIirciiingeriu stir'r'calisiii. (inthit romance iinyellas are the supposed parodicd toriii here. but this has iin great bearing on the shnys 's t otiteiit lhe t ast oI Iotit' are all physically liiiiiiy. \cibally lunny and. I suspect. enthusiastically irisarie 'I‘Iicii' Iliglits ol taiicy raiige tinrri Russian chy csscs to reunite controlled plieasatits Stibtle it isn‘t. 'l'his is entertainment tor entei‘taiiiiiient's sake. 'I'hese disparities may
' .7 Vin:
create a sense ol yyatchirig sis dilteiciit productions siiiiultaneotisly. \y ithoirt understanding any ol them. but iicyeitheless. (‘oo/u'i/ is genuinely lunny at least S I »l’r ol the time. l)oii‘t go especting the tiiie\pcctcil Spyiiionkey ysill surprise you. iin matter
ys Iiat. t(iai'ctli l)ay tcsi
St Nicholas .. .lsu'inli/y It'ruiuix. until qulll'c'. ICU/mi. It you read the blurb lor this shoys. you‘ll see that ll promises ‘ses. yaiiipir‘cs and theatre critics' \\ hat it should say is ‘.-\ tillt‘dllttlt play about a theatre \llllk ys ho tells a story ysliith has some iiieirtiori ot yaiiipiics. and doesn‘t actually hayc airy ses III II \ylittlsiith‘lC.
Still. since yshen did l‘t‘\l|\.tl slioyss cy er Iiye tip to their liy pe ’ It's a shairie. bet ause (‘oiinr Mcl’hersnn's script has great potential; as a short story it ytnuld bc Iuririy. trighteriirig. and ycry absorbing. .r\s a stage play hoys cyer. yyithout the charisma ot a Brian (‘os who played it last. it is more than a little tedious. ('hoosiiig simple iiariatinri as a method takes assay the pt iys er nl the story. and ruins ys hat cnuId hay c been a tasciriatrrrg piece ot theatre lKlt'sly Is'naggsr The Stand In /’ui'/'ile ('onu'i/y (iour/nun. (it/ileil Balloon (ll I’e/i/n'r/nurt lounge. until 37xlue. .l/mi. Visual comedy about an unusual neys [oh agency.
Starting Here, Starting Now It“; ().().'/L I'lu'iitre ('onr/uim. lied/um l/u'iitnz /.t’ Billie, /U..~’IIpm. A musical iourncy through his c. relationships and sell-
tltsctiy Cf}.
StiII Lives Q.” lll('(lll'(’ ('onr/uint. ()lll St ’iiul's (‘lruri It A'- llii/l. until [SK-lug, Hum. \cyy play inyestigatrng tour pasts and tutures.