Norden Orchestra ('e'nlrul Hull. [2 Aug. 7.30pm. It’s not just the intermitional fesliyal‘s music programme that has international stars. as a quick look at this year's liestiyal of British Youth ()rchestras Fringe entry will reveal. ()n the same night that the lilli opens at the Usher Hall. no less a figure than ()kko Kamu appears up the road on the ('entral llall stage to conduct the special guest appearance of the Norden ()rchestra. ('onductor of leading professional orchestras the world over. he clearly enjoys a close and highly successful collaboration with these young players. who are the most outstanding students from the music academies of the Nordic countries, including l-‘inland. Norway. Sweden and Denmark.

Appropriately enough. they bring the Non/u- Symphony .\'o 2 by l‘innish composer Jean Sibelitis. its second movement particularly evoking images of the landscapes of its origins. Joining the orchestra for Prokoliev's Violin Concerto .\'o 2 is the brilliant 26-year-old violinist Nicolaj Znaider. Winner of the 1997 Queen lili/abeth (‘ompetition in Belgium and playing on a 1708 Stradivarius. he has a breathtaking tone and a natural virtuosity that set him apart from others of his generation. first off though. the orchestra is on its own for its

commission from last year. 'I'ruul (forum by Miklos Maros. (('arol Mainl

Midnight Blue X! Andrew's A" S! George's ('lturt'li. // .slug. 7.30pm. l’ianist Stefan War/ycki performs Beethoy en's .UooIt/tg/l! Sonqu and (ic‘t'sltw libs Rhapsody in Blue among other works. Mix and Match SI :lm/l‘t'u' '.\ A" X! (it'orgc's (‘lturc/i. /().-\ug. l2..i’()/mi. Mixed programme from guest soloists. Mozart at Teatime Rm! .Itm. lr’ovu/

()l'l’l'.\'(’(l.\' League. [5 :lug. 5pm. The Tay cc

String Quartet are joined by clarinetlist Stuart King ( 14 Aug) and pianist .-\|c.\ Taylor ( 15 Aug) for works by Mo/art. National Youth Orchestra of Ireland ('t'nlml Hull. ll xlug. 7..»‘(l/mi. Joined by soloists from the Jeunesses Musicales International World Wind Quintet. the orchestra perform Britten's Young Persons (iuu/t' lo the ()I't‘llt’.\ll'tl. plus works by Mount and Dvorak. Neapolitan Supper and Show \il/l'Ulltl A" ('ro/lu. unn/ 2()xlug. (LAW/rm. A Neapolitan supper is served as l’hilip ('ontini and his band play songs from the region.

None OT the Above The Bongo (‘lu/t. [2 Aug. 8.30pm. Today 's show has performances from Indian classical music quintet Mrigya. jau influenced Arabic compositions from Reshah Quintet and minimalist inusic with jal/ tendencies from eleven piece The Intervention Ensemble.

Norden Orchestra (‘mim/ Hall. I: Aug. 7.30pm. \Vorks by l’rokoliey. Sibelius and a new commission from Miklos Maros. See preview.

Organ Recitals xi Andrew's A'- S: George's ('luo‘c/t. l5.-lug. 13.30pm. Edinburgh organist (icorgc Wilson performs Bach and Sokola.

Organfest S! ('ullilu'rl's I’uris/i (’luo‘c/t. l.i’—l7.-lug. 13.45;)111. Lunchtime recitals on the Walker organ. giyen by organists from Great Britain and beyond. Philomusica of Edinburgh S! Mary's (‘tu/u'dml. II slug. 3PM. The eyer- popular orchestra perform works by Vivaldi. Haydn. Boyce. Bottesini and Boccherini. in this 25th birthday concert. Schwyz Youth Orchestra (‘mnul Hull. I5.-\ug. 7.30pm. (ierhard liberl

conducts this young Swiss orchestra in John Williams‘ Si lu'ml/cr's Us! and .-\|an .»\i\estri‘s l-orn'il (iron/i Sunt' among other works.

Sing, Sing, (THU/till li't’lt .M ('Ilt‘ A'- I/u’ Soul/urn .sln’o (TIN/IL SI ('uI/i/u'rl '\ I’oriy/i (‘luot/r. [4 Aug. Jill/rm. Young voices present their own take on works by \'i\aldi. llandel. Lloyd Webber and others.

Spectacular Stateside Soprano - Elizabeth Keusch Si :l/tt/I't'ii"\ a" s"! (it'or‘gos ('luo‘i'li. /4 :lug, Quill/int. Kcusclt sings Schumann. Stravinsky and others. with Alan Jacques on piano.

St. Michael and All Saints Choir SI .llu'luu'l um] All Stun/s ( ~liuri‘li. I: dug. llom. llaydn's Nelson performed with orchestra.

Tea With Chopin Rm! Am. Royal ()l't’l'H’tH League. /4 l7.-'lug. BMW/mi. l’ianists Martin (‘otisin and ,-\le\ Tay lor. clarinetlist Stuart King and the Tayec String Quartet perform popular works by (‘hopin and Schubert.

Three Song-Cycles .si xlllt/H'H ‘s A'- .s‘: George's ('luo‘r/t. ll slug. /3..iII/nn. Baritone and piano duo performing works by Mahler. Butterworth and Ray cl. Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra (‘t-mm/ Ila/l. /.\’ slug. 7.30pm. Arthur l’olson conducts the young ('anadian orchestra in works by Rossini. Stratiss. Rayel and others. When Suddenly - The Don Banks Trio SI Andrew '\ A'- SI (it'or'gt' '\ ('liuri l1. [5 :lug. 2..\'()/tlil. This \ iolin. horn and piano trio perform eyery thmg from Kin/art's classics in \lttlltcson‘s contemporary masterpiece.

World Wind Ouintett‘ivnim/ Hall. H .Ilug. [3.30pm. Performing works by l‘ran/ Dan/i. l‘erenc l‘arkas. (iyorgy l.igeti and Malcoltn .-\rnold.

The World’s Gone Mad Susan mm A. ('o.‘. until 3/) Aug. ()lim. l’iaf. Bowie. Queen. opera and more in a cabaret show by an up-and-coming talent. Zehetmair Quartet Queen '\ [Io/l. ln’ Aug. l/um. Violinist Thomas /.ehctmair returns with his quartet. performing works by Beethoy en. Janacck and Brahms.

index Music

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zséili Mark A y "i: 2.

y 83 In Person: :1— Edinburh Virgin, Ripping Records, The Hub, The Fringe Box Office (High St); Glasow Virgin; Aberdeeg Virgin; Dundee Grouchos;

Perth Goldrush; Kirkcald Sleeves. Online: Q



9-1:”, Aug 200': THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 51