Chris Addison: Port Out, Starboard Home Pleasance. until 27 Aug. 7.45pm. .‘vlarichester-born posh chappie known for his non-taxing. agreeable humour and sofa associations w ith (iail Porter. pontificates on our need for. antl needles of. travel.
All In The Timing Moonpath Theatre ('ompany. Kornedia Southsitle. until 26 Aug. 7pm. Furiously' paced sketch show which promises to aerate damp areas of the mind with its intelligent wit.
Stephen K Amos Pleasance. until 27 Atig. 7.30pm. ('omedy chameleon with multiple personalities known for his slick character gtiises and frenetic delivery. Angels With Dirty Habits Pleasance. until 27 Aug. 3.55pm. Musical sketch show which tries to answer some of life’s more taxing questions aritl plunges to the depths of the human psyche.
Dan Antopolski: Antopolski 2000 Pleasance. until 37 Atig. 8.35pm. Twice nominated for a Perrier last year and known for his surrealist bent. Aiitopolski is a fast- iiiover aiming straight for pole position. Brian Appleton: Let’s Look At Sound Pleasance. until 27 Atig. 7pm. (iraham Fellovvs' latest comedy creation is a forty-soilielhing rock ttttlsicologisl from Birmingham. Described as a one-man version of Spinal Tap. Fellows has just finished touring with Belle And Sebastian. Archers Stars They Shoot Arrows . . . Don‘t They'.’. Pleasance. until 27 Atig. 3.35pm. ('harles (‘ollingwood and Judy Bennett celebrate radio‘s longest running soap with an interactive comic show. Bachman And Evans coo
Assembly Rooms. until 27 Aug.5.-15prii. From the very realistic beginning — two friends sitting in their flat. bored otil of their minds this show quickly descends into the realm of the surreal. when Bachmaii receives a nuclear bomb free with a packet of cornllakes from his local shop. Having established the tone. the boy's
gleefully stretch the preposterous story line as far as it will go. revelling in its implausibility. and intersperse it with several asides. ranging from a trailer fora later show. to boastful demonstrations of acting ability. Some quite spectacular comedy falls and witty captions on the backdrop complete the frolics. making a show that's not only imaginative and entertaining. btit is also intelligently and creatively put together. tKirsty Kriaggsi Ballet Who?! .0. (iiltletl Balloon at Teviot Row HoUse. until 37 Atig. ltllfipm. l.estyn iitlwards is Madame Korsakova. a fifteen-stone ballerina with a (iertrude Stem ctit. and Jolly hockey sticks overbite. Will non-balletomaries get much of a kick otit of this character comedy '.’ Hard to say. Btit if classical dance pretensions and egoes tickle your funnybone. this low -budget two-hander' will be tutu much.
The Balloon Debate (iiltletl Balloon at Teviot Row House. 13- 27 Aug. 5pm. A panel of Fringe perforriiers decide which cultural icons of the 20th century to evict frotii a sinking balloon. Becks or Posh. Presley or Monroe? Predicting the overall w inner could win you £50.
Barry Peters Presents White Rabbit ('owboys. until Io Aug. 8.30pm. Mike Keat. of Cuban Brothers fame. gives tis an insight into the heady world of the Halifax Hospital Radio DJ. Keat will also be appearing with the (‘uban Brothers at Teviot Row‘s (’luls Festival on In 2: l7 Aug.
0 BBC New Comedy Awards Grand Final Pleasance Dome. 13 Aug. 8pm. (ilasgow‘s [)es ('larke should do tis proud in the televised final of the Beeb‘s annual search for the ripest new comic talent.
The BBC Stand Up Show Pleasance Dome. until 9 Aug. 5pm. The Beeb lines up prime cuts of the Fringe for the Autumn series of The Stand ['p Show.
BBC Stand Up Show Alive Pleasance Dome. until 27 Aug. midnight. Late night cabaret showcasing the best purveyors of stand-up in the festival and beyond.
Sean Cullen’s Erotic Laser Swordflght oooo Gilded Balloon. until 27 Aug. 9pm. ls Sean Cullen too big? This. after all. is his eighth visit to Edinburgh. including his years spent with that hilarious troupe of bampots Corky And The Juice Pigs. He's already the host of Channel 5‘s Bring Me The Head Of Light Entertainment and he‘s already been nominated twice for a Perrier Award. If you are on telly you have already dn'fted off into a world somewhere above the lowly halls and clubs of Edinburgh. Even if it is Channel 5.
Sean Cullen is actually a perfect size. A thoroughly experienced perfomier. he is still hungry enough to come out and perform his ass off. Certainly no one is doing an act as dangerous as his at the moment. Not dangerous in a Rob Newman political kind of way. of course. nor dangerous in a juggling chainsaw kind of way. but dangerous because his act is permanently on the brink of collapsing into chaos. As he goes on one of his bizarre ad-libs. particularly in song. you know the humour is going to come from him fighting his way back from nonsense. it creates fresh gags every night and it provides the added joy of watching a large Canadian struggle under the weight of his own twisted imagination. It sounds unpleasant but. honestly. this is just about perfect. (Tim Abrahams)
The Bedlam lmproverts tztlinburgh l'niverstty Theatre ('ompany. Bedlam Theatre. 1“ 25 Atig. l: Warn l-renetic sketch action reliant on energy. alcohol .iiid atidierice participation Best Of Irish Comedy The stand (‘omedy ('lub l. tiiitil 3b Aug. opm Big value cratcing lrish showcase starring at least three coriiedians every night. Best Of Scottish Comedy The Stand ('omedy ('lub l. tiiitil 2o Aug. ‘l .illpm Nightly selection of three of Scotland‘s top purveyors of patter hosted by Jane Mackay Best Of So You Think You’re Funny (iilded Balloon Theatre. tiiitil :— Aug. l”. 1 5pm. A selection of the best performers from the last fourteen years in ('hannel 4‘s annual competition. Best Of The Fest 2001: Sponsored by Intagen Assembly Rooms. 0 2' Aug. midnight. Trawl through the depths of the Fringe from the comfort of your seat in this prime pick of the festival. Danny Bhoy Pleasance. until 3“ Aug. ‘).l5pm. I‘N‘fs Daily Telegraph Open Mic winner Bhoy returns to his native Scotland with a comic charm offensive. Jtist don't mention the Old Firtn. The Big And Daft Christmas Show Big and l)aft. (iilded Balloon at Tcyiot Row House. tiritil 27 Aug. 9pm. Botindlessly energetic trio tipped for the top. \Vatch otit for special appearances from Adam Bloom and Andre Vincent. Big Value Comedy Show . . . Early Screaming Blue Murder (‘oiiiedy. (‘afe Royal Fringe Theatre. until 2o Aug. 7.30pm. (‘omedy cabaret featuring comedians. competitions and cheap boo/e. Big Value Comedy Show . . . Late Screaming Bltie Murder ('omedy. ('afe Royal Fringe 'l'heatre. until 2o Aug. ltlpm. Late night comedy cabaret Big Word Performance Poetry Christie‘s. until 27 Aug. (v.15prii. 'l‘hree-act word-play cabaret operating on a pay at the end basis. Blind Mirth (‘rowne Pla/a Hotel. 13 25 Aug. 7.25pm. This improv troupe are at your mercy. basitig their comic ftiii and games on audience whims. OAdam Bloom . . . And God Created Adam Pleasance. until 27 Aug. 7.05pm. Observations on life. Btit funny. The Bootlegs (iilded Balloon Theatre. until 27 Aug. 3.45pm. Disappointing performance last year. btit the sketchy four- piece return with some new material. The World Of Spencer Brown Pleasance. until 27 Aug. 8.10pm. Determined to be a world leader. Brown has just emerged from seven months meditation and now he's gagging for it. Bruhaha Rare Birds Productions. Holy rood Tavern. 12 lo Atig. 9.30pm. ('apstick and Btiss get together for cheeky sketches and questionable costumes. Peter Buckley Hill And Some Comedians Free Three-Quarters. until -7 Aug. 9.25pm. Six years on and still hanging in there. Buckley Hill returns to introduce four comedians ev ery night. Peter Buckley Hill: One Man And His Frog, Free Three-Quarters. until 24 Aug. 5.35pm. Fringe stalwart Buckley -Hill won‘t be joined by any" amphibians. instead expect unfettered kooky material and musical accompanimerit. Jason Byrne Pleasance. until 27 Aug. 9.40pm. Manic improvisation. endless enthusiasm. random props and audience participation can be expected. but with the Irish mirth riierchant's fondness for defying convention. you never can tell. Cabaret Whores Pleasance Dome. until lh’ Aug. (illlpm. Howard Samuels is Bowie. (‘lary and anything else that tickles your fancy in this late-night cabaret.
Rhona Cameron Pleasance. l3 its) Aug. 7.15pm. See preview. Pat Candaras: Grandmotherfucker Assembly Rooms. until 27 Aug. 8pm. An outrageous Brooklyn granny who took tip stand-up comedy following the death of her second husband and sacking from herjob. This is one woman w ho‘s not afraid of controversy. Jo Caulfield: It’s Not That Important Pleasance Dome. until 27 Aug.
Upm ('aulfield is the thinking man's woman. peddling perfectly honed intelligent musings on life and love lti her new show. she'll be div ulgmg secrets on achiev mg maximum happiness through rnmtmum effort live to loaf. as it were
The Celebrity Barn Dance tiiltletl Balloon at Tev iot Row House. I” 2“ Aug. lam Barri dancing celebrities It's a wonder no HIle thought of It l‘ClUTC
Chambers And Nettleton: Doubled Up (iilded Balloon Theatre. tiiitil 2" Aug.
' .illpm. Racy female dottble act toyrrig with music. hearts and minds
The Chanclettes - Gone With The l Wig C. (ieorgc Square Theatre. until 1 2o Aug. lfHSpm. Four ('atalan drag queens
begin this show fabulously. with illuminated wigs and a Spanish version of ABBA on the soundtrack A large. whooping audience in search of late night entertainment .iiid tacky fun really want to iom m.
Therein lies the show 's problem The show is completely pie-recorded. so there's no opportunity for applause. spontaneity or banter The (‘hanclettcs are lip-sy richers. and no matter how well they move their lips. they ‘re not giv irig a performance that is llltl'i their ow It. You cannot help feeling disappointed. despite the girls' energetic dancing. facial expressions and ( )K wigs. The Dolly l’arton breast enhancing “) To 5' routine is fun. so too are the costtiiiies made of pink rubber gloves. Finally the show becomes predictable because it only works on the lip—syriching level. The (’hanclettcs would pass as good entertainment tti many a gay club. btit not as comedy at the Fringe. (John Biniiiei 0 Margaret Cho: The Notorious C.H.O. Pleasance. tiiitil 27 Aug. llpm. A one-woman feminist pow erhouse. ('ho has overcome drink. drugs. r‘eiection and near- tleath. and unlike other therapy -obsessed Americans. does her group sharing on stage She‘s ballsy. a big talker. sassy and now sorted. ()h. and this is her liuropean debut Andrew Clover: Puppy Love Pleasance. tiiitil 27 Aug. H.2flpm. last year's surprise big hitter returns to take on issues of love. committmeiit and loneliness. The thinking man's iunction of dramatic monologue. improv and cerebral nuttiness. Jackie Clune - Bitchin’ 0000 Assembly Rooms. until 27 Aug. 7.20pm. (’luiie is a brilliant vocalist w itli a sharp ear for a catiip pop classic. Rev iew next issue. The List gave her three stars last year. Comedy Cinema Classics Pleasance. until 27 Aug. lpm. A natty selection of comedy figures immortalised on the big screen. From Laurel and Hardy to the Toy Story 'toons. each film is introduced by a Fringe coiriedian.
Comedy Clone Pleasance l)ome. until 27 Aug. If).35ptii. Festival newcomers Jtistiri Moorhouse. Luke Polite and Josie Long club together for shared laughter and mirth.
The Comedy Zone Pleasance. tlltlll 27 Aug. llpm. Rob l)eering. Francesca Martiriel. John Oliver and Karl Tlieoboltl test the waters of the Fringe without venturing otit of their depth iii this late night cabaret.
Lucinda Cowden’s Bland Ambition .0. (iiltled Balloon Theatre. until 27 Aug. 8.30pm. Remember Melanie from Neighbours? As Lucinda (‘ow den says herself. she was the one with a laugh like a seal honking and a donkey braying. Btit now the kriiv es are otit on Ramsay Street‘s icons. In a semi-serious conspiracy theory. she traces our current obsession with tat back to her co-star Kylie. 'Blame Ky lie': a mantra for the post-ferriinist era. Or. maybe it sliotild be ‘Blame (iermaine’fl’
(‘ow den switches tack in a varied reflection on our state in the year 300]. Her comic verve and infectious charm handle this material deftly. l'nfortunately. the shift into political diatribe. although admirable in sentiment. is a little laboured. And the argument against ‘global blanding' could benefit from a bit of spicing up itself. (Ruth Hedgesi Crouching Ferret Hidden Beaver Dy'ball and Kerr. Kornedia Southside. until 26 Aug. 9.30pm. Acclaimed duo Richard l)yball and Alistair Kerr return to the Fringe