I am Star TIER .S'kttlltltiggi'rs Iln (ill't’ ('nni/ui/II. ('. until 3/) Aug, ()J/I/ini l’rndttcer (ienc Rixldenberry goes on a missinn In seduce es cry woman. In IIIanIpulate esery lrlcnd. and In boldly gn where no tclcy isinn show has gntte bclnre.

I Have Been Here Before Stu/I ('i'ntuI'I lilui’s. ('tuu. _I’ 35 Aug. //.-l5/ini. Iii. l’ricstley 's drama about the nature nl time.

I Know What You Want ts'unmlui l’rmlui [III/H. A'unu'I/ui Rnnuin Izugli' lxu/gi'. .i 3/) Aug. 5.55pm. Black cnmedy returns alter sell—nut success and the star res Iews last year.

I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change I'm/trill 'l'lu'utri' t‘sr‘ l'SA. l)runinmiul ( 'nnmiunitI Theatre. 4 35 Aut’. Ill/ml. .\lusical that‘s been popular Stateside. I Vant to be Alone 'I'lu' llungu ('lub nut n] the I’lllt’. until 35 Aug. tinu's HH'\. Ailic (‘nhen Indulges III radIn lantasies to pre- rccnrded scores and w ith the aid of puppets. Ignorance 'I‘lu Nun- .tti'ml I'lu'utn' (inn/tum. ls'nnu'ilui Smut/null: .i 35 Aug. 3.45pm. 'lriple bill nl nightmarish mndern lairytales.

Imaginary Prisons Angel-Iztit 'I'lu'utn'. I'lu' ('Iuli'rlu'lly. 5 3/) Aug. .l._I’(I/ini. l.ccnq-trained ensemble giyes the physical theatre treatment to SIM/ting Iii'uuty.

The Importance of Being Earnest lam lltt’tlll't'. ()ltl XI l’illil'i ('ltun'li A" Hull. 1) l/ Aug. [3. /5pm, Oscar Wilde‘s dual identity comedy.

The Importance of Being Earnest Illyrui. Iii'Il/u/n 'I‘lu'itm'. (i 35 Aug. 3pm. Return of the highly -ratcd treatment of Oscar Wilde's most famous play. with men playing women and yice yersa.

In Bed With Sue Lawley .\'uttingluini New Theatre. ('tnu. until 35 Aug. llunt. ('omedy about a man obsessed with “user! [slum] /)l.\t'\.

In Camera - Exposure Theatre ,)lI'(‘I'.\(' xiltttlt‘liiitls. () ll Aug. Kill/mt. Jean-Paul Sartre's existential drama that suggests that hell is of our own making. Innocent (When You Dream) (I‘m/um l’riuliu'tium. ('03. .t’ 36 Aug. .i/nn. 'I‘alented young Irish company in a play abotit eight people coming In terms with ati explosiye

Inside Leg (ii'ntli' I’ulu'. (' lim. until 30 Aug. 4.50pm. l’assinn. fashion and building sites are the backdrop In this new musical comedy.

Inventing Max I’I'Iulli' Ifnnlvrliru' 'I‘lu'utn' ('mn/uinv. Riu‘ki't ((1 Kirk (I'l’ii'lil. () l8 Aug. /. III/mi. A man disappears and others are lelt In ligtire out why.

Jack the Ripper [)1 I‘t‘I‘M‘ Attriu‘tiiim.

() 35 Aug. [RU/mi. Patrick I’rinr digs at the truth.

Jagged Little Spill 'I‘I‘gluiisu-I/ l’nultu'tinns. .‘Illg'll,\llllt"\. () [3 Aug. 5.30pm. A small South African girl heads for America.


out of ca-nada:

see Rural North

America ,4}


'Psychiatric nurses should say, "Ave. that's true". That's difficult'

Jesus Hopped The A Train (ii/Ilia Bill/mill Ill li’ttitl Rim IIUUH'. A S-AHU. 4.45pm. llnw ‘s this for a cool directnrial cnup.’ |.ast year. gilted stage and screen actnr Philip Sey mnur Ilnl'l'man Illimgit' .Viglits. .lliignnlui. Almost l'tlltli'lhl pilnted Stephen Adly (iIIIrgis‘ play Into a sell-out nil-Broadway run. The script lncIIses on an articulate serial killer and .I rniigh. liery I’uertn Rican kid awaiting trial lnr shnnting ill] the arsei the leader of a religinus cult. (‘ue some gutsy duelling monologues on morality. masculinity and laith w Inch. accnrdtng In a New link linin critic. hasc been ‘w rittcn III flame". The angInal cast. including actors w hn hase worked with Woody Allen and Al Pacino. are all on board for the Fringe run. lispect a debate drama crackling with Ideas and emotions. (Donald lluterai

Joan lint/unini‘i' I'lu'utri'. (.IHU. until 30 Aug. 3pm. linergetIc New York ensemble re- Iinagine Joan of Arc tor the new century. John Hegley: Hegley’s Journals and Playlet with Simon Munnery lt'itl'i'l‘it' 'l'lu'utri'. until /3 Aug. lllllt'.\ I’tll'\. JnIn cnmic poet John llegley and Simon Muniiery tl.¢'ugu¢' Against li'iliunt. :Illt'llllult .S‘I'uini nn ati anecdotal round-the- wnrld trip with the brand new Fringe performance of Ilegley 's Journals. “There are stories nl~

s isits In France. Columbia. (ireecc. Scotland and childhood experiences; it's actually the newest show He done for ages at the festiyalf explains llegley. Read and performed by both Mummy and llegley himself. a range of comic characters and musical interludes portray the introspectise and humorous world of Ilegley 's poetry. "l‘hey 're son of lumpish. Luinpishness Lumpenness. I'm still working on tliat wnrd.‘ says Hegley. ‘I hope that audiences will lind it fresh. What I like about it most is it's really two people working together in a happy way.’ (Olly I.assmanl

Justified Sinners (ii/lull But/mm ui li’t‘iul Row Hnuw. 37Aug. 5pm. [)nuble bill by talented team of writers and directors with TV credits: Secrets by Tony 'l'hompson and Angels by Mark Kelly.

Kassandra Now! Kunuuliu St .S‘ti'plu'ns. until [3' Aug. tinu's i'urv. Swedish total theatre with an anti-war theme.

The King is Dead and Other Tales (iililt'i/ Bill/min iit li'I'ivt Row Home. .l 37 Aug. 3.30pm. Three short plays about the birth. flowering and death of the old Scotland. King of Scotland Assembly RUUIIM. .i 3/ Aug. Iintm I'ury: Welcome return run for Iain Heggie‘s rude and ribald take on (ingol's Diary ()tA .I’Itltlllltlll starring the excellent (ierard Kelly. Last year‘s production. with a different actor. won a Fringe First and four stars from Us. See also Iii/ting My .Ilntlu'r's Aru'.

Kpundeh (problem) ()ju I’Ivjim-nu'ng Am (iuilil (UI’AUI. Kinnnlui St Stephens. until [5’ Aug. lintt's ltII'\'. Anti-war analysis of the arms trade.


the eyes

Let Me Out! Kmnedia Suutliside. l’ri 3-Sun 26 Aug. 7. lfipm. There are few places which can outweird the Edinburgh Fringe Festival but Nina Conti. daughter of Tom (‘onti and top actress in her own right. has just been to one: The 25th Anniversary Newhaven Ventriloquist Convention. Just yesterday she was standing poolside in deepest Kentucky with 450 ventriloquists and their respective dolls watching transfixed as sentriloquisi spoke unto

ventriloquist and doll spoke unto doll.

She admits the three days of workshops were ‘all a bit too mad‘ but is clearly so taken with the art form that she went beyond the simple task of researching her latest role; that of the woman with fifteen voices in the Ken Campbell-written play. Ix't Me Out. to develop grander designs. ‘Ken bought me a doll last Christmas and I‘ve got completely hooked since then. I'm practising pretty much every day.‘ she says. ‘l'd love ventriloquisin to catch on again. It's Keith Harris's fault. I think it would be great if it was hip again. Actually I think

I‘m going to tum that into my mission.’

To discover her new vocation in life she has turned her back on two years with the RSV. but doesn‘t regret a thing. ‘l worked with Ken on his twenty-four hour play The Warp and I missed working with him. He's great. He'll do absolutely anything not to be horing.‘ Thankfully Ken Campbell. an unparalleled magician of altemative theatre. is successfully passing on his love of the bizarre to a whole new generation of performers.

(Tim Abrahams)

Lady Chatterley’s Lover .llullunil Actors Theatre. ('. until 36 Aug. ‘lpni. ‘lt concerns me slightly that some people w ill come expecting a sex show.' says [)a\ id Allen. director of this new adaptation ol l).ll. Lawrence's infamous ttny el. 'and what they 'll lind is something serInus and lyrical. The important thing is what happens Inside the characters.’ I)espite nudity. there's more talk than action III this production by .\1Id|and Actors 'I‘heatre. a small-scale tnui'Ing company at its third successisc l-ringe. the

w atchwords here are esncatise eroticism.

l)a\ id ('alcutt's the-actor script balances realism and heightened theatricality 'I‘here's es en an actor playing a chorus. 'I’he nub nl~ the story one \snltlttth Persephone-like scsiial awakening across the class dis ide Is giscn a mndern lemtnist cnda. tl)nnald lltiterai Lady Macbeth Rewrites the Rulebook Iii'muls II itli Sunnis. (‘tmt until 36 Aug. IU. 15pm. Shakespeare meets martial arts for the Lara (‘rnlt generation.

Of an African Anthroplogi'st





The Lass Wi’ The Muckle Mou’ l.('llll('t1ll'('..blbi‘IlA(lllllilI/lilll,~l /\' lug. 7..il)/IHI. I’nptilai Scnts cnIIchy .IanIt l.iIIIIly leIIdIng III the l5I|I cciItIIIy pcilnIIIII-Il by lncal aIIIaIciII‘ cniiipany

Let M8 Out! /\’I'Ii (It/ii/tlu ll l’li \( Ill\. Knitti'ilui Sou/limit: i 3’) .quz. 7‘ -l 5pm \cc prey icw panel.

Lie Down Jack Coyne limit. Borderline 'I/u’Iit/I (Inn/nun. II’Iu lit t” Kirk U'I'ii'lil. " /" lug. / Ill/mi ( nIiIIc lIMIIs III lit)“ .’l lititik \L'llk'l"\ lllt' clIIIIIjJI's when she's lllll‘tidtlcctl In Iccllltnlngy

The Life and Death Orchestra Knnu'I/ui l'nuluI tinny Knini I/u; .Xniitlisultx 4 li-Iug. lI/ll('\ IiiI'I. \\nt‘ds by llnlncattsl stiry I\til‘s and pncts

The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Inst/tun Slut/lily Kiri/ii Ilui li’niniin [tug/v IMH/L’t'. .I' 3/).I/tg. 5‘ t'5/mt \Icpllctl ()\lcy I‘cttirns Ill latiicncc \tciiic's lbtli century comic mastcipiccc lni the lust time

\lltc‘c' ltls success .I tlt'catlc .tgit


by Andre Alexis starring Yanna McIntosh directed by Floss Manson

A European Premiere by the Award-Winning Canadian Company. Volcano

"Yanna McIntosh - the Actress of her Generation" - The Toronto Star

((3) the Traverse Theatre Venue 15, Cambridge St., Edinburgh Fringe August 14 to 25 TRAVERSE tickets £9 (£4, £6 conc.) """' Box Office 0131 £81404

2—“:A‘1I’x’m‘ THE LIST 57