
Fucking A . . . Seekers limits/i Kass/tin IIII It'i'II I'I/I/II .' /\'HI it I " \JIZHINH /I /.’ ii'li’ /" /'5}WI I: /‘ iIIL' // ill/Hm \ shn‘J. ahout 'iiindest' .isyltitii


st't‘l.t'ts ‘.t.lIII take nyct the ‘s‘- lIHlt' cI'ttttlly Futureghost I'm. than]; Iii. an.

lJsztiv'IIJI '\ ’I // is’l‘." /_‘ 5ll/mi \lttstcal shoal. ahout late hy ('hiis \iIIIetts. '-‘-Illt the l).:i.tct‘ \outh 'l heatie. KIlIIt.ilttItc l.

Gagarin Way In... It. Imam l.‘ lm’ .‘5 tax mm x 1m". \ee picyiev. on opening lltt‘alte page

Gas and Air /’m it .' HI I. In ‘. I'IIIIIIII i'toity. All’nlt I/III li'nnitm I...~.;.‘. lntfet, \ 3/; lug.

/ 1' (I'm llllt‘ll'\‘- IIIeIl tales til tun “omens loss and iaughtct hy Royal (‘ntiit young ‘.‘.tllt't l nuise ls’aiiisdcii

The Gasman Cometh Iii/.1. t/ Hit/limit Ilit III/I, \' Salsa}. 3 /5/mi .\ celehtattntt ol Ilie songs ot l‘l.tlltlt‘ls and Syyanii

Geeza? Memoirs of an Ex Football Hoo'igan I’ll II'\I1’.’I I (it'll/fill“! lilill’ ()l (’I‘ XIII Nomi, iIii/I.’ 35 lug, J /5/wi \\ thIeyer tnnthall hooliganism is iIIeiItIniIed \ye Scots l‘t't‘itlllt‘ saltelltltttllltttls. \\e know It’s the lughsh who ate In Name. l'nothall thug. l)aiigernus l)eiIiIis \\atsniI Is ditching his Kappa tiacksuits Ini (iticci. in honour nt his tiip iInIth to enlighten Us III II hat iIIoIiyates the hooligan. |)etIiIIs' ci'eatni. |)niuiiIic ('nleiIIaiI. desci'ihes this Itllt'dllall shoyy as 'a serious esplniatinit oi the mind nt a psychopth yyhich happens to he tunnyf ()t course \y e \anIIdII'I Inleiate such yohhish hehay Intii up here. "the first tune I came to the testiyal. looking lot'yyat'd to some culture. loads nt llihs and Hearts taiIs \y ere heating the hell nIIt nl each other dnyy iI Princes Street. I could haye stayed iii liiiiutughaiu.‘ I ls'Ik Rt‘ttl'

Gemini .lll't'l’ttl'll I/it‘tili't' (tint/nary Ill own iIIIin/i ll [III [,1 ‘1 it). Shier In Shier /,I/III/IIIIe/t .\I ilt/('Hl\_ 4 IN .ltie. Jill/mt. l’nettc dIaIIIa ahout lost loye. The Getaway Bus .l\\t'Hl/’/\ It'umm,

i' .‘fidtl'e'. -l./5/mi. l)ai'k cnIIIedy nl iiIIii'dei‘ and puhlic transport \y heii a lad IrniII l.eeds iiiiyy ilhugly eIIIigI‘ates In .'\tlsll‘;tll;t.

Ghost Shirt I/It'tiirt' In “mien. Hit ('III/I'I'lu III. .5 .‘li ,lue. (till/mi. .\ :Iatiy e \iIIeiIcaII eldei crosses the .-\tlaIItic III search nt a trihal shut and tiiids it III (ilasgoyy. \cclaiined (ilasgnyy company.

Ghost Stories? A Late Night Fright Ilit' I’Ioiiut lion /.lIIt‘. I’/I'Iiu1iit t' ('IIIII'IIIH‘I/ tutti ()lt'l the Rom]. iIIiIi/ :~.l!lL'. //..\'/I/Im. ‘lt wasn't a daik and stormy night. and the \yolyes didn't hnyyl as the lull IIInnII glow ed eeiily. II was 1095 in a small yillage called .Iuiuy III northern .-\rgeiitina said In be troubled by a supernatural presence. \\ here an ()\l‘oi'd uniyei'sity research graduate experienced the unsettling occurrences that \\ titer/perttII'iIIei' Richard l’npe now recounts. 'l‘hat research grad \yas his \Islt‘t. :\nd he doesn't helicy e III ghosts. This Isn't an e\ei'cise III llaiIIiueresque hnkuiII l’ope siiIIply yyaiits In spend an hour III your company. and then let you walk home thinugh the hack alley s of the UM Town at past midnight. \y Ith thoughts ol the tiiIe\pl.Iined turning III ynui mind. You don't lI.I\t‘ lII hclte\e [II he unsettled.

I(iat'eth l)ay test

For hour by hour daily listings see Listings Supplement.

A Desire To Kill On The Tip Of The Tongue C Venue. 4—26 Aug. 9. 30pm. Xavier Durringer's contemporary French drama focusses on a group of young people hanging about a provincial landscape with little to do but self-destruct. and they do so in what promises to be a violent climax. The logic of asking Mark Ravenhill to translate work about this lost generation seems foolproof. With Shopping And Fucking and Some Explicit Polaroids he's given Us the British version of this lifestyle already. His characters also drift listlessly through life. seeking thrills. often connected with sex. drugs or violence. the best way they know how.

‘The characters remind me of the ones we saw in movies like K ids and ('Ierks.‘ says Ravenhill. ‘The play seems to have that same documentary feel. But it's a really well-constructed play. there's development and a sense of denouement.‘

This all sounds a bit grim. but Ravenhill says otherwise. ‘lt's very touching and quite funny. really. Durringer seems to be able to focus on little rituals in these kids‘ lives. so even though the characters are almost types. rather than complete individuals, you get as real sense of the people he describes. a kind of rootless. restless generation that nothing has really happened to.‘ (Steve Crainer)

The (it/I/I'Il “Ill/(HUI III III 11'] Kim Home. 5' 3".liie. .I'.-15/nn, 'l‘niII l.istc‘i"s coiIIedy III which a man posts hiIIIselt In his gii‘lIi‘Icnd. Inspired by the \clyet l'iIdei'grouiId.

Glengarry Glen Ross I'Iu» .tm (It’ll/HUM. (I IIHII/ 3/) .iiie. lit-JII/mi. l)ay id .\laIiIet\ brilliantly nhseiy ed study of real estate salesiIIciI Increasingly desperate to close a deal.

Godspell stoic/II (III High St lion/ I/II‘IIII'I' I'¢'\Il\tl/. (him II III// Hit til/t. o // .tIIe. IIIIII‘\ HII'\. liarly "Its religious rock llltlle'dl. Going Down in History I/i.’ (itll’tth'.

.5 IAN-lite. 5. III/mi. Ses. politics and I'oiIIaIIce III a show that caught the attention Iaud rare praiseI ol .luhe litii'chill.

The Good and Faithful Servant Rue/tel \i'llllt'y. Rm kt'l (‘1 Soul/I lil'tI/g't' /\’I'\ourt't' ('I'nm', /) l/ glue. {ill/mt. Lesser seeiI Joe ()rtoII coiIIedy yy hich shoyy s an unusual coiIIpassinII in Its attack on the protestant work ethic. Good Morning? I’lt'thttltt‘t‘ (‘l’lll'lHlH/ IIIII/ ()I'I’I' I/lt' Rum]. until [xxlliu iiooii. “It and deadly huiuour III a posthumous play by liddie Rosen. \y ho died at th’ from IueiiiiIgococcal septicaeiuia. Goose I’ve/mhklly. l’it'tlulltt t' ('oiirlt‘uitl tlllt/ ()l't'l' the Rom]. until 3." due. 5..\’U/mi. llighly -rated send-up ot ( ii‘eek tragedy from a coIIIpany that doesn‘t take itselt' seriously.

Graft Tales of an Actor (it'U/"(t' “Ill/Una \lltl/ lit/lt'tlfl'l'. III/l XII'I'I‘I lit/lt'till't'.

J 35 :lllk'. 5.55/mr. 'l'here's no denying (ieorge Dillon‘s ctilt appeal. \Videly regarded as Stey en lierkol‘l 's leading disciple. Dillon's adaptation ol~ liei‘kol'l's book of ranIhliIIg reiiIiIIisceiIces was yyell— reeeiy ed at last year’s l‘riuge. 'l‘he ltlle Is suited to this horny-handed son ol toll. \\ ho has been a frequent \ isitor to the lestiyal

oy er the years. JtIst to pt'o\ e hoyy iiiuch gi'at't he's tip for. he's also presenting two other show s. Her/«Ill '\ Hell. also at Hill Street. and (tittisiro/ilie at Koinedia. llis physical skills and precise sense Ul‘ theatrical nuance are u idely admired by audiences and professionals alike. But if you meet him in the har afterwards. don‘t tell him the show needs work. ISte\ e ('raiIIerI

Graham! The World’s Fastest

It's about a kid awaiting trial for shooting (in the arse) the leaderofa religious cult

Jesus Hopped The A Train

Blindman /.tl\f/(1'\'V..v Hmong/I )IIIII/I

//II (mt Qittikt I .l/I ( {Hie l/utm ’I // lit'J. l3 III/mi 'l'he lite stniy nt \ynild chaiiipiniI l‘lllltl athlete ( il.tlt.ttlt Saliuoii

Granny Must Die II“. III t; um I. Ito. It: (<3 Soul/t lint/gt II’I \l‘lfltt (it Hm. ’I // .lIIe. .I'pni, \nithern lzlastic 'l‘heatie ('niIIpain III a comedy ahout an M year old \yhn makes a pact \y ith the dey ll

The Great BooBoo Iii/III ./ Ira/lo. In a: Iii/III li'nii Home. 5 lilac. _‘ J5/mi l’hystcal cartoon cniuedy yy Ith Sarah lii'igiiall III Relt'els Reycitge

Grimm Tales IiI‘HIII/ (Hi! It. III. an.

.‘I III'III. RIM kI'I W AIIIA f). I II I) /\ .ltIL'. :1er 'l'he IiiIagiiIatiyc and \er successtul treatiIIeiIt oi the Iliothei‘s(iiiiiIiII stot'tes ltt‘st seen at lattltlttths Young Vic is now taken tip by students at the ( )ld \Ic. Gross Indecency /)l’ll/’/t lat/er [hit/Hit. I/It ('Illlt’l'llt'llL .‘5 3/) .lite, IIIHHI. lilth slttdettts lIIIIk hack .tl ()scat' “'Ilde's dat'kt‘sl hot't'.

Gun Play

it ll lt.lll'l’fl'tllllt't/llll’lll’gllltIIIIQ/IIJ oak. 3‘1 Jul .i'l .‘lllk'. 7.30pm. The first l'I'IIIge iIItcriIet play e\er. l’ay-peivyieyy. Only at Titlpui. \ Readings by Rocky Marshall.

Gusset l.lllll'l('/III'I‘\. Knitter/III Ronni/I latte/c lm/gc. .I' 3/).lue. 3.55pm. About a woman whose gusset dctet'iiIiiIes eyei‘ythiiig \llkI din“.

Hamlet I‘I'IIIIIII lit'I/III‘III/ I’I'HI/III llIrlty. (‘muitcI’lti_‘I1/lolt'/. 5 2/).‘143. 5. /5/mi. Speedy and intimate \ei'sion ol the tragedy h} Scotland‘s l’riine l’I'odIIctioiIs tresh ti'oiII Its success yy Itlt .S‘IIIIII'I Mute.

Hamlet! - The Musical lite ('lm-u. (1

mm] 30 .vlue. (rill/mi. Not one lot the purists. this Isa ‘Iotally inappropriate sayaguig of the

(ireat l)aiIc" Itheir words I.

Hannah and Hanna ('oiii/Ituiy of .l/iet'ly. (ii/I/I'tl II’II/louli t” lily/on Hit/l. .\' faxing. I3./_5/mi. li\perIIiIeiItal play tor young people in which two teenage girls seek

asy him. one trniII Kosoyn. the other troiii \lai'gatc'.

Happy Hour .\/Ii\II'/'/>Ict I' lulilt'rltiuinit'nl. (WC. 5 Sod/re. 5.."lI/mi. Split personalities. a real .'\st;tlt lin Is and a sasnphniie yy ith a mind of its on n are all part ot this .-\iuerican comedy.

54 THE LIST 3 a »\..a

Ferdydurke Koriicdia St Stephens. 2—l3 Aug. times vary. Already tipped as the natural heirs to the great Polish theatrical visionary Tadeusz Kantor. Fringe award veterans Theatre Provisoriuum team up with Kompania Theatre for this surreal distillation of the banned Polish novel. Ferdydurkc.

Written by gay literary genius. Witold Gombrowicz in the 305. and withheld for many years. Ferdydurke follows the adventures of a 30 year-old writer as he is magically transformed into his younger self. Returning to his schooldays as a pubescent teenager. with his new-found best friend as companion. he journeys from conformity to creative rebellion.

Enacted in a tight cube of blinding light by four Polish actors who have learnt English

specially for these performances. expect a pressure cooker environment of repressed emotions just waiting to explode. The style of performance has been compared to living marionettes, with extraordinary facial ‘mugging matches' between the actors. Moments of absurd comedy and nightmarish vision combine with philosophical debate about the nature of equality. Add to the 80 minutes performance a homo-erotic undercurrent and you're guaranteed exceptional theatre which could only come out of Poland.

Already a huge success at festivals in its own country and throughout America. catch one of the twelve performances of Ferdydurke before its autumn season in New York. (John Binnie)

Hedwig and the Angry Inch

I’ll IHII'IIII (I’ll/thin! (i'v'lt/ ( )tt'l Illt‘ RUIN]. IUIII/ :~.\I(‘\'. ‘1 ill/mi Key in (‘ahooii takes the ctIIss Ilt'esstttg lead Iole as .t t'.t\ll.llt‘tl (ieiiiiaii c\ilc \y ith .III IIiIttIltIlled loye lite It's a diaggy iIInunlnguc \\lllI iock songs Ihats heeiI iay ed ahout hy eyeiynne liniII l)ay Id Ho“ Ie doyyu. thntigh also ciiticised tni its lack ot substance and heiug a drag in linth seiIscs. lhe stipeiioi scIeeII \eIsIniI pieiiueies iiI the l'lllll l'estiyal Henry James’ The Aspern Papers I'MIIIII/ I/II III/I I'.\(' Ill‘unimolit/ ( ‘IIIIIHIIIIIIII [/14 (Il’('_ 5 lug. J/Im. \er adaptation ol the mud set to \‘l\.tltll‘\ loin Sci/unis.

Her AChing Heart l’lt’iluiltt I’ ('oiu'lyttn/ out] (he! [llt’ Ix’otitl. until 3" the. /. / 5pm. ()h on sii' It‘s a saucy musical comedy ahout a country Iiiaiden.

( N. l, 3."

'( )IItiagenus .iiId eiIniiIIntIsly eIItcrtaiIIIiIgl' according to IIHII‘ ()III. Hero Northern ,llt'tllll' ( 'Iwi/Itmy. III/l Slut! I/II'IIII'I'. .I' /-l .lIIe. .\'.,\'5/mi. 'l he titie stoiy of a yynikiiig class hero \len was iiIIpiisniIed iii an Italian I’( )\\' caiin. Hess .lmrimit'r I’i‘m/III Ito/Is. (inn/Inn's Kirk l/IiityI'. (I /-\'.lite. //. 5llimi. \ltchael liui’rell‘s niIe-IiIaiI play ahout the Me n! Spaiidau's IiilaiiIous prisnnei. Hiawatha / l/lt'llllt’ ( 'um/nmy. .-liIg/I\IIIII"\. (I /I\' .vlue. 035m”. liIIscIIIlIle staging ot l.oiIglel|o\y 's epic poem. Hipsters, Flipsters and Finger Poppin’ Daddies (it/t/I'I/ “II/[tum III II'IIIII It’ou l/Ullu'. .i' Shiite. 3pm. \Veston (iay iII pertoi'IiIs the hilarious ttIIIIIIIlIIgttes til the great L‘IIIIIt'dlaIt. l.III'tl Buckley. a champion ol Ia// talk. :\iiIoiIg his IIItisIugs are iel'lections on Jesus and (iaiidhi. The Holyland Nut/until )iIIII/I I/II'IIII'I'. l’lI’IHIIIII t' (AUNT/\(lltl IlIlI/ ()I I’I‘ I/II' RUIN],

Iii/(e, /_’.5ll/mi. .-\s a kid l was promised a trip to lieltast. as soon as the lighting stopped. I'm still waiting. 'l‘his National Youth Theatre production. directed by John llIIggat'tlt. Is set to slIIiyy another side ot this countiy, Set In the Holy land. Hellast's student area. \yhei'e sectarian rules don‘t apply and people nl diyersc ethnic origins llll\ ti'eely. this play differs from the Iisual sectariaiiisiii tilled draiita

‘I hate all that halaclaya draina hecattse It's so IiiirepresentatIye nt how we and iin tiieiids Iiye.‘ says yyriter l)aragh ('ai'y Ille. ‘I wanted to write a play ahout Northern Ireland that wasn‘t like other play s about Northern Ireland. It's got loads ol energy and a real spikiness to it.‘ IKIk Reidi The Hound of the Baskervilles Slime If\ Shier lat/III/IiI/‘e/i ."t (l(/('NI\. 5 // glue. 7. /5pm. Youth theatre chiller. Hungarian Bird Festival Hungarian Iii/II /'(‘\II\ (1/. PIN/yum e ('ourlyunl (Hill ()I er Illt' Rum]. HIIII/ 27.4104 .i’./l5/mi. .\'Iall Ashdoyy iI III a one man cnIiIedy ahout going hird watching in Hungary yy ith his dad. Highly rated elsewhere. The Hunting of the Snark (’Ii/i/o/‘IIIH frat I'l 'I'mu/u' of Sun I’I'IIIII [\I II. Rut kt'l f” SHIN/l lfl'u/g’t’ Remim (’ (Turn, 6 M'diig'. l/(IIH. Lewis ('arroll‘s epic told yy ith iiiasks. hulloons and big scary puppets. The Hush Hus/I I’rm/iu IIUIH. (I 30.1112. 5. Ill/mi. Silent comedy nl treiIcthmt detectiyes. sinister iiiohstcrs and seductiye t'eiIIiiIes latales.
