
Gasping Ilitrrit/i I’I‘m/iii IltIIH. ('ruw Ill’ I’litm Illlll’l. /i ll slug. Slim. Ilcrt Izlton‘s popular ecological comedy returns tor a second year.

The Giant Pineapple Boys Present Hollywoodn’t (it/t/(‘il [fit/Inuit, _" folttt'. //.45/mi, lloyishly irreyerent chaps who

my ite you to the premiere of Hollywood‘s first mainstream porn moyie.

The Kevin Gildea’s Stand-up Set TO MUSiC (it/(It'd Bill/(mil II li't'tiit. J) 27 .‘ItlL’. III/mi. 'l‘he iiiusically and Iiiiiiiorotisly ItIcssctI Key In (irldea Is a corriedrari. guitarist and dr'uriiiner; play that funky music Iunny boy.

Tom Gleeson’s Pirate Copy (it/t/t't/ Hit/limit. .t’ 373mg. ll). l5/mi. I’i‘omistng yotiiig ()/ stand-up with multimedia cstray'agan/a. Last year’s So You Think You're I‘ltllll} winner l)rew Rokos also puts in an appearance.

Goodbye Mister BitCh (it/(It'd Hit/limit. J’ 37x'ltie. 7.30pm. Surreal story from the crew responsible for l.l/t'. (ii'i It ('p Iii based on a besequinned rock ‘n' roll police force charged w ith saying the audience from terrorists.

Boothby Graffoe - Midnight .'I\\('Nt/)/\ Romm. .t’ 37.'IHL'. Hui/night. Would-be smooth crooner plays it for laughs performing all nine songs in his back catalogtte. with acctiiiipaniment from linger- picking genius Antonio I‘orcione. Hackney Empire New Act Of The Year (ii/i/ei/ Hit/limit // ft‘l‘lltl. .i’ 37xliie. It). /5/mi. Alan l)ay ies. Rob .\'ewman and .»\rdal (l'llanlaii jumped on this comedy springboard and w cut stratospheric. lnder .\Ianocha. Ilarriet Ilowdcn and Randy \VIIMHI. and Iit’ttttky‘ Johnston hope it will do the same for them.

The Happy Sideshow xlsyt'm/i/y Roomy, (i 27mm. lU/ini. We off-loaded otrr crims. they give tis their freaks. Bizarre Airstralian freakshow cabaret set to an infectious dance beat designed for \oyeui's ey erywhere.

Harmful Effects Of Tobacco Brim/i


AT l |:00PM


Jenny Eclair Plciixitrici‘ Dome. until 2,7 Aug. 8.40pm. Jenny liclair is zipping up her boots. haying been forced back on tour. ‘I had this half play l was going to do and then my partner in crime Julie Balloo w cut mad and got up the duff at the age of 42.‘ reveals liclair. ‘I'ye given her time to get her brain back which will happen once the baby 's onto solids and her brain cells hay e stopped leaking through her nipples. So I‘m doing this tour: I must be barking.‘

Iiclair's new show Middle Aged Rim/m sees the acerbic coinedienne returning to the Iiye circuit after a lengthy absence t'l was banned by the RSI’CSA for cruel!) to support acts.‘l Still the only female I’erTier Award w inner. she's established herself as a one-worrian media empire. writing for stage. radio and teley ision and receiy ing plaudits for her debut novel ('itiiilti'rii'i'll Beauty. 'I like being a lady novelist. despite deyeloping btittocks like pork panniers while writing the book. It's nice to hay-c something concrete with your name on and I identify strongly with Jane Austen. Sometimes I tie my tits together so I can feel just like her.‘

She‘s missed showing off on stage. though. ‘In the time it takes to write a half- hour set you could write half a noyel. but I've definitely missed telling gratuitous knob jokes.‘ (Allan Radcliffe t


Riiyytim 'I'lii'iitri' l’rii/i'i't. Rocket ((1 Kirk ()' lie/i1. (i /i\'.-liie. Illttt’\ l'tlI'\. ()ne-man anti- smoking campaign. agony uncle and

classical nuisic expert. There may be some

jokes squee/cd in there too.

Kevin Hayes: The Devil’s Drop the Stu/til (mun/y ('lii/i ll. (i 3/) Aug. 7. l5/mr. .-\cclaimed Irish mirth master llayes takes an alternative look at our nation's obsession with alcohol.

Craig Hill’s Wizz to Oz (it/ital

[iii/limit. .t’ 37,-lue. 8pm. There are some





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D E I3 Scotland

30 THE LIST 2—9 Aug 200‘.

people w ho look like they w ere born to be on stage. and ('raig Hill is one of them. With his relaxed approach and enthusiasm for just about ey'ery'thing. III” is the perfect host. He has the rare ability to make any audience feel like part of an intimate gathering. and his unthreatening demeanour means that the crowd are more than w illiiig to go with him w herey er he wants to take them. This year. he is promising a journey from the monochrome world of Iiast Kilbride to the technicoloured fantasy that is Sydney. But whatey‘ei' the topic. he w ill always be a revelation. ('raig Hill is quite simply a legend waiting to happen. (Sharon (‘ribbem

Adam Hills - Go You Big Red Fire Engine l’li'iisuiii'i' ('oiirty'iiii/ tutti ()i er the Rom]. until 27.-liig, (Affirm. ()tiick witted .-\iissie dynamo who thriyes on audience participation. A comfortable four stars from Ali/re List last year.

Hollow Men: A Tribute l’lmxunw (‘otu'tyun/ (Ulll ()l't'l' the Rom]. until 37 .‘lllk‘. 5.55pm. 'lt's all gone a bit prog. l’rog comedy.‘ Rupert Riissell is one of the Ilollow Men. now facing their third year at the Fringe. The last two years has seen them Icted by press and public alike. how e\ er. “this year's show is really quite different; we‘ye lost the band and the show ls actually a tribute to tis. The Hollow .\Ien w ho ha\e been around for 35 years on the I‘ringe. It‘s a sort of homage to us. a di\ersc show of mime. songs and surrealism. like we hay e

one sketch that is happening at tour times simultaneously using dilteient timecodes It's all gone a bit pi’og.‘ \\ hat the hell prog is coming back (allegedly r and so are the hilarious IIolIow .\Ien. il’aul I).ilei

How To Lose Friends and lrritate People (it/i/i'i/ [fill/min. " .‘TJIH'J.

F. I5/im. \o It'tlls character comedy created by two playwrights.

In Bed With Robin Hood (ti/it. t/ liit/liiiiii. .i' /«\';\iie. 3.45pm, .\Itddlevaged S“ c'tItsIt tIllti Kc'sscIHIskt ck I'tslsc‘. responsible for Stirling Illt' litiuiii last year. charge petty crim Robin Hood w ith communism and dubious hosiery habits.

In The Psychiatrist’s Wheelchair Iftt/‘I'ti' Hit/l. /)I' li’iiyi/ llii/lmi'iti.’. I’li'ityiini i' Home. riiitt/ :TWHL‘. (i. Til/mt Barrie Hall is on his honeymoon. yet he is taking time otit to talk to me lhaye no doubt that his alter ego. renowned psychiatrist l)r llasil Ilalliiieail. would make something of that. Ilallmead was first ttllt‘titItlc‘ctI It) the world Utl I'.-I's .X/tm: ,Ili l'lii' /"uini\. where he put minor celebrities such as Nasty Nick through a barrage of psychological tests, Now. he is coming to Izdinburgh to set the record straight about his controyersial works. 'I try to present him as a real psychiatrist. the kind of person you‘d see on Richard and Judy] say s Hall "The \how is not HIIL‘llsHL‘ but it's something that makes the audience think It will giyc them laughs. biit they won't be easy laughs' t Is'irsty ls'naggsi

Prog rock and Russian dolls with the Hollow Men }