Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

QAbout A Boy ( )2) 0000 ((‘hrix and Paul \\'cit/. l'K/l'S. 2002) Hugh (irant. \icliolax llottlt. 'l‘oni (‘ollcttc. l0] min. (irant brcakx l‘rcc ol' hix poxh top xcrccn pcrxona to pla) la} about “i” l‘rcctnan in thix \xining adaptation of Nick llornb} 'x no\ cl. Supporting a loal'crx' lil‘c ol' tcll}. boo/c and birdx \xith \xcalth from hix latc l'athcr. lirccman'x \\ollt;tlttxtltg bringx him into contact “ith .\larct)x (lloult). thc _\oung xon oi xuicidall} dcprcxxcd l-iona ((‘ollcttcL who Procccdx to changc thc \xaxtrcl'x lil'c. 'I‘lic \Vcit/ brothcrx kccp thingx bright and br'ccl}. but top honourx go to (irant and lloult \\ ho xpcnd thc tilm xxxapping placcx ax thc titular charactcr. Scc rc\ icu. (icncral l'ClCilNC.

The Adjusteri l8) (Atom l'.§_'0)itll. Canada. l‘Nl ) liliax Kotcax. .-\rxincc Khanjian. Maur} (‘haykin I02 min. :\lottt ligo) an hax xpccialixcd in tnaking intimatc dramax t'c\ol\ ing around notionx ol xc.\. licx and \ idcotapcx. 'l‘hix tilm. arguabl} hix niaxtcrpiccc. ix a xcducti\ c but crucl cxpoxurc ol‘ ho“ a pcrxonablc inxurancc adjtixtcr ( Kotcax) intcractx \\ ith hix unfortunatc lirc \ ictim clicntx to thc dctrimcnt ol~ all. including hix \\ il'c (Khaniian). a film ccnxoi' u ho xccrctl} tapcx thc porn mo\ icx xhc ct'iliqtlcx. l‘ilmhouxc. lidinburgh.

Ali G lndahouse ( 13).... (Mark .\l} lod. FR. 2002) Sacha Baron ('ohcn. (’harlcx Dancc. .\lichacl (iambon. SS min. Soda ho} iron) Staincx linkx hc can makc it big. )cah'.’ (‘ohcn hax takct) hix grcatcxt imcntion; rcplctc \\ ith gold and ‘mc .lulic‘ and hcadcd for thc corridorx oi poucr. l‘rom Staincx to \chtminxtcr and thcn lhc \xorld uickcd. .'\ll lllL‘ ()ltl lt‘lc‘lu. catch pltl'axcx - ‘lx it bccauxc l ix black'.”. pla} u ith mixundcrxtanding and political incorrcctncxx. arc c\ploilcd to thc max. lt'x tantaxticall} hilarioux. liull crcdit to thc

\x ritcrx. (’ohcn and Dan .\la/cr. \xho Iiax c \xorkcd xo hard to kccp it l‘rcxh (and rcal. oi CUlll\Cl. Much I'L'xpL'L‘l. (icncral rclcaxc.

Ali ( 15) O... (.\lichacl .\lann. [S 2002) Will Smith. .\lario Van l’ccblcx. Jon \‘oigltl. 15-1 min. 'l'hc troublc xx ith .-l/t' ix that two and a hall hourx ix not cnough titiic to rclix c lhc talc of thc Sportx l’crxonalit} ()l' 'I‘hc ('cntur}. li\cn condcnxing it into thc tcn _\carx l‘rom 106-1. \xhcn .'\li bcat Sonn} l.lxlot) to \x in thc \xot‘ld titlc. lo hix \ iclot'} in thc Rumblc ln lhc Junglc againxt (icorgc l‘ot'cmatt xtill pt'()\cx uiixatixl} ing. lhc lilm urgcx ttx to l'orgct \x hat \\ c thought u c kt)c\\. xtccring thc action aua} from lhc ring ax much ax poxxiblc. th thci'c arc xtill 30 mmutcx ot ring limc to appcaxc light l'anx. Vikmgar ('incma. l.argx: .\'c\\ l’icturc llouxc. St :‘xndrcxx x.

T‘ FFalkirk TOME Wed (st May Charlotte Gray (15) r 1.2.6,: ,,7 " 77 30d”), v":

).' 7 30pm

CANADIAN SEASON: Mon Oncle Antigone (PG)

Wed 8th May 7 30pm The Grey Fox (PG)

Thu 9th May 7 30pm

New Waterford Girl (15) Sun 72th May 6pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

30 THE LIST 7?) Apt “:1 Mg), 2")“,1"

Hugh Grant and Nicholas Hoult swap titular places in About A Boy

Amélie ( l5) .0... (Jcan-l’icrrc qunct. l‘rancc. 200l ) .kudt‘c} 'l‘autou. .\lathicu Kaxxm it/. Scrgc .\lcrlin. 120 min. .-\x \xith hix t\\o prc\ ioux l-‘rcnch lkilittixicx.

/)('/i('(llt'\\(’tt and Hit (ith (H [.(HI (illt/(lt't'tl.

qunct crcatcx a tantaxtical \xorld. hcrc rcimagining l’arix' oldcxt quartcr. .\lontmartrc. \Vithin it thc ccccntric ad\cnturcx ot' hix cpon) motix hcroinc (pla_\cd b} capthating cllin ))c\\comcr ‘I‘autoto unfold in a manncr ax c()ltiplc\ ax a S“ ixx timcpiccc \\ hcn ,v\mclic dccidcx to bring liappincxx to dcxcrx ing pcoplc b_\

pla} ing claboratc practical _|okcx on thcm. ('ompoxcd ol‘ man} momcntx ot' abxolutc \xondcr. thix ix a film \xliicli cclcbratcx all lltt‘ litllc. grcal lltlttgx in llliL'. Sclcctcd l'ClCil\C.

And Your Mother Too (Y Tu Mama Tambien) ( )8) COO. .\lc\ico. 200] ) (iacl (iarcia llcrnal. l)icgo l.una. .\laribcl \‘crdii. I05 min. In thix upbcat. raunch} road mm )c Julio ( Bcrnal) and childhood lricnd 'l‘cnoch (l.una)

com iticc gorgcoux oldcr Spanixh \xoman l.uixa (\crdti) to join thcm oi) thc load to an unxpoilt bcach know It ax ‘llca\ cn'x .\louth'. 'l‘hc horn} bo)x' plan ix to gct into l.uixa'x pantx. \xhich. ax it turnx out. xhc ix quitc happ} \\ till. 01‘ courxc. \xhcn l.uixa xlccpx lirxt \xitli l)icgo and thcn Julio. lhc cmotionall} immaturc bo}x l’all out. and it'x lclt to thcir morc cxpcricnccd partncr to tcach thcm xomcthing about lo\ c. 'l‘hc caxl gi\ c (‘uaron llau lcxx pct'h)rtttaltccx. \xhilc thc dircctor atid hix co \\ ritcr brothcr ('ai'lox cnxurc thc drama ix at oncc tcndcr and boixtcroux. lcclgood and full of pathox. and \\ltoll} l't'cc ol' cllcltc‘. Sclcctcd rclcaxc. Apocalypse Now Redux ( 15) O... (l‘rancix liot‘d Coppola. l-S. l‘)7‘)/2(l{)l) .\lartin Shccn. Marlon Brando, Robcrt l)u\al|. 202 min. ('oppola'x ncxx. longcr cut of hix \‘ictnam \xai' maxtcrpiccc includcx

morc ol' l)u\a|l'x cra/_\ clioppcr commandcr

Kilgoi‘c. a xccond cncountcr \\ ith lhc l’la}bo} Bunnicx. a ncxx xcqtlcncc xct on a rcmotc l‘rcnch plantation adding hixtorical background and Brando c\pounding upon thc )nxanit} of “at. It ixn't an imprmcmcnt. but conxidcrmg lhc circumxtanccx undcr \xliich it \xax lilmcd in thc l’liilippincx \xhcrc c\cr) thing l'rom liurricancx to hcart attackx plagich thc caxl and crc\x )oii \\ant to xcc c'\c'i‘}thiiig lhc} got on lilm. Sclcclcd l'L'lL‘axL'.

Bandits ( l2) .0. (Hair) l.c\ inxon. l'S. 2W” l lil'tlt‘t‘ \thllx. lilll} Bol) 'l'liornlon. ('atc lilanchctt. I22 min. \Vrittcn b} llai‘lc) l’c}ton ('Iii III l’t’tlld ). Haiti/in 1x a talc ol )iiodci'n da} bank robbci‘x Joc Blakc (\Villix) and 'l'crr} ('ollinx ('lltotiitoi) ). lla\ ing bccomc lolk hcrocx. thcir crimc

xprcc ix complicatcd b) lilanclictt'x nctn‘otic

houxcu llt‘ \xho tallx in lo\ c xx itl) both mcn \xhilxt l‘t‘t‘llélt‘llll}: thc l’att} llcarxt xtor}.

(Altonxo (‘uaron.

l.c\ inxon and l’c} ton lail thcir likcablc caxt. btit 'l‘hornton xa|\agcx thc lilm it ill) a gcniux comic pcrl'ormancc ax a hypochondriac criminal. lt‘x a crimc ’l‘hornton'x pokcr lacc talcntx \xcrcn't matchcd b} thix o\‘crlong. unrcmarkablc romp. ()dcon. Kilmarnock. A Beautiful Mind I )2) .00 (Ron lloxxard. l'S. 2002) Ruxxcll ('roxx c. Jcnnil‘cr (’onncll}. l’aul licttan}. H5 min. A limtttI/u/ .llitul oncc morc prcxcntx ('rotx c \x ith thc oppot'tttnil} to altcrnatc hix tough gu} rolcx ((ilmliutor) \xith ‘xci‘iotix acting‘ (xcc VII/Ir Iltxtt/t’t‘). llL‘t‘L‘ (‘t'()'\\ c playx John \axh. lhc mathcmaticx gcniux during hix collcgc da} x in :\)t)crica in lhc 1*)40x. but alxo a paranoid-xchi/opl)rcnic. \xho xx ax t)c\crthclcxx auardcd lhc .\'obcl l’ri/c latc in hix Inc. ()1) thc ncgatix c xidc of thc cquation. llouat'dx dircction xttlth. llix cl'l‘ot'lx to makc math intcrcxting tail dixmall}. A for ()xcarx cll'ort. btit (’ - l'or contribution to thc licld ol' biopic cincma. (icncral rclcaxc. Bend It Like Beckham l )3) O... ((iurinda (‘hadha. l‘lx'. 2002) l’armindcr K .\'agra. Kcira Knightlc}. Jonathan Rh}x- .\lc_\ crx. I I2 min. 'l‘hc parcntx ot' llounxlou tccnagcr lcxx (\agra) \\ant hcr to conccntratc on hcr xtudicx. to lcarn in)“ to cook traditional Indian food. and to tttttt't'} a rcxpcclablc )oung man. chx. hoxx c\ cr. ix tar morc paxxionatc about pla) ing football. and ix axkcd l1) lcllmx xcltoolgit'l lule (lx'nighllc) ) lojoitt lhc local \xomcn‘x‘ tcam. Ax \\ ith [flirt/'1' ()Il 'I'lu' li’nu'l) and ll'ltul'i (})t)ktttg.’. \\ ritcralircctor ('hadha conlidcntl} ttxcx comcd} to cxplorc xocial. racial and lamilial ixxucx. \\ ith football a dc\ icc to im cxtigatc \\ hat it mcanx to bc _\oung. l'cmalc and xclllcoiitidcnt in contcmpot’at‘} Britain. (icncral rclcaxc. Blade ll ( l8) .0 ((iuillcrmo dcl l0)“. l8. 2(Kl2l \VL‘le‘) Sitipcx. Kl'lx Krixtollcrxon. Roi) l’crlman. ll() min. \thrc lhc lirxt mixxion ol' thc Iiall‘ human. hall \ampirc titular bloodxuckcr huntcr (pla) cd b} Snipcx ax a croxx bctuccn Shalt and Brucc \xax conlincd to a nocturnal \xorld unxccn b} amonc othcr than \ ictimx. llladc'x lurthcr adwnturcx takc placc in a \xorld in \xhicli thc human racc ix oi) thc \crgc ol~ c\tinction. And xo to arc \ampircx. A mutant \ampirc lxllo\\t) ax 'l‘hc Rcapcr xullcrx xuch an inxatiablc bloodltixt that hc (mm to xucking \ampirc blood. \xhich crcatcx _\ct morc Rcapci'x to rcap unhol} blood) carnagc. l'nxurprixingl}. it lallx to Bladc to (akc doxx n thcxc xupcr-xuckcrx. (‘ool bcanx. no doubt. (icncral rclcaxc. Bloody Sunday I )5) (Paul (il‘ccttgt'axx. l'K/lrcland. 200] ) Jamcx \cxbitt. 'l‘im l’igott-Smith. \icholax l"arrcll. 107 min. (irccngraxx' documcntar} -xt} Ic drama rccrcatcx thc c\cntx ol‘ 30th Januar} [072 in l)crr} \xhcn Britixli xoldici'x lircd upon ci\ i| rightx acti\ ixtx during a pcacct'ul dcmo. 'l‘hc t‘llL‘L‘lH c \cL‘ttL‘ xctting ttlttl rccrcation ()l' lllC

mood around thc \cntx ix xupcrb. ax arc thc pcrtormanccx. particular!) .\'cxbitt in thc lcad who prox'cx hc‘x got anything bit! (old I'i't't. (il'()\\L‘llt)l'. (ilaxgoxx.

Blue Planet ( l ') (200] ). An awcxomc trip around. abm c and bc)ond our planct on thc l.\l.-\.\' giant .xcrccn \xhich promptcd thc llitx/iitigtmi l’mt to \x ritc: ‘li a picturc ix worth a thouxand “'(tl'tlx. onc imagc from BIIH' I’ltlllt’! ix worth a /i|lion'. l.\l.-\.\ 'l‘hcatrc. (ilaxgmx.

The Borrowers ( l ') .00. WNW llcxx'itt. l'K. l‘)‘)7) John (ioodman. Jim Broadbcnt. ('clia lmric. No min. .»\t a hcight of only [our inchcx. thc Borrmxcrx hidc in \\ all caviticx and living bcncath thc lloot'lioardx of thc l.cndcr houxchold. thn a naxt_\' law} cr tricx to \\\ indlc thc humanx out of thcir inhcritancc. l'amilicx big and mm” join l'orccx. 'l’hc dcxign and cll‘cctx crcatc a xtrangcl} familiar. oddly unplaccablc \xorld. and childrcn \\ ill hax c littlc dillicult} xuxpcnding cnough dixbclict to bc .xpcllbound b} thc magic of thc tilm. ('arlton. Stirling.

Breakfast At Tiffany's ( )5) COO. (Blakc lidnardx. (S. 1001 ) .-\udrcy llcpburn. (icorgc l’cppard. l’atricia .\'cal. Budd) libxcn. .\lickc_\ Room‘}. I 15 min. ‘llow Do I look." axkx original \x'ail' llcpburn in thc rolc ol' bordcrlinc xchi/ophrcnic llolly (iolightl); ‘\'cr_\' (iood. l niuxt xa}’ I’m ama/cd' rcplicx l’cppard in thc rolc ol' li'tlsll'itlt‘tl \x'ritcr and part—timc gigolo l’aul Varjak. 'l‘hc iconic llcpburn hax ncvcr madc ncuroxix look .xo good. and

\\ hilc lhc lilm ma} ha\ c )iumcrotix rcdccming l'caturcx (not lcaxt thc quuixitc cincmalograph} b_\* l-ran/ l‘. l’lanc and thc xwinging xoundtrack b} llcnr_\' Mancini). it ix xhc \\ ho rcmainx rcxponxiblc for making it xuch a \xcll-lox cd claxxic adapch from thc no\ cl by 'l‘ruman (‘apotc. (iroxxcnor. (ilaxgow.

A Bug’s Life (t‘) 0000 (John l.uxxclct'. l'S. l‘NX) \‘oiCL‘x ()l. l)a\‘c l'iolt‘}. Kc\ in Spacc). l)a\ id llydc l’icrcc. l)cnix l.car_\'. 95 min. .\ladc b} l’ixar Animation Studiox ( My Story). A Bug ‘s [in takcx tix to .-\)it lxland. \xhcrc thc colony ix bcing opprcxxcd by a gang of mcnacing graxxhoppcrx. \thn im cntix c but clumx} \xorkcr ant l-‘lik incurx thc \\ rath of gang Icadcr lloppcr. hc hcadx oil to find hclp hcayuxcight hclp in thc battlc againxt hix opprcxxorx. l'(i(’ chl‘rc'a Strcct. (ilaxgoxx. Bully ( l8) 0... ('_\ Clark. l'S. 2002) Nick Stahl. Brad chl‘ro. Rachcl .\lincr. l 12 min. [t )ou can gct paxt thc fact that ('lark ix thc biggcxt pacdox'ox'cur \xorking toda} thcn thcrc ix lotx to cnjo} iii thc ncw ttto\ ic l'rom thc dircctor of Kids. Bulli- ix baxcd on lhc truc xtor} ol' Bobb) Kcnt \\lto \x'ax murdcrcd in Florida in NW b) a group of tccnagcrx lcd b) hix bcxt l'ricnd Mart} l’uccio. .-\x )ott uould cxpcct l‘rom thix lcgcndary pliotograplicr. Ii’u/li~ lookx grcat and ix naturalixticall} paccd and actcd. .\'o onc catchcx xccd) xuburban tccnagc nihilixm hcttcr than ('Iark. (‘incnorld l‘alkirk.

The Business Of Strangers ( IS) .0. (Patrick Stcttncr. l'S. 2002) Stockard (banning. Julia St) lcx. l‘rcd \\'cl|cr. 83 min. ('hanning‘x lulic St)ron ix a uorkuholic huxincxxuotttan \\ ho llndx hcrxcll' xtrandcd in an airport motcl \xhcn licr planc ix caiiccllcd. .>\lxo xtrandcd ix hcr axxixtant l’aula (St) lcx). \x ho rccognixcx a man (\Vcllcr) \\ ho xhc xa} x rapcd hcr lt'icnd at collcgc. 'l‘hc rapixt turnx out to bc a corporatc hcad-huntcr ol' lulic'x acquaintancc. and. outragcd. thc xxomcn dccidc to c\act xomc rc\cngc. So lar xo taxcinating. ’l‘hc build up to thc 0er ot a numbcr ol' rc\ clationx ix (xcll—Iiandlcd b) Slk‘llllt‘l'. littl lllL' lllttt l-atlx to dcli\cr llx initial promixc. Still. thc caxt pla} thix dark lltt'lllt‘t' [Nil-CCU}. SL‘L‘ t‘L‘\ lL'\\. SL‘lL‘L‘lL‘tl t‘L‘lc;I\C.

Campo de’fiori ( 15) (Mario Bonnard. ltal_\. I‘HR) ('atcrina Boi‘atto. ('rixtiano ('rixtiani. l’cppino l)c l-ilippo. 95 min. light-licartcd romantic comcd) follow ing a couplc'x problcmx \\ hcn lhc idca ol' marriagc cauxcx lhc \cgctablc xtall o“ ncr to run lrom lhc lixl) xcllcr in (car. and find coml'ort \\ ith xomconc clxc. l’art ol‘ tlic ltaliai) l-‘ilm l-‘cxtixal. l’ilinliouxc. lidinburgh.