"Land and Lightseapes" BRAZILIAN & SCOTTISH

American Screenprints

from the collection of Reba and Dave Williams


Mary Ann Rogers Leo O'Connor: Turned Wood

Sat 10 - Mon 26 April 1993 Mon-Fri 10.30-6; Sat 104


(Closed 9 - 12 April inclusive) Monday - Saturday 9.30-5.00

Admission Free 041-330 5431

Subsidised by the Scottish Arts Council

Extended public access supporwd With Funds from Glasgow District Council


The Gatherer

a photographic examination of ’Honesty’

llltlls Il')lll



10 April to 15 May


Garry Fabian Miller SI'II


Photography Gallery & Workshop 279-281 High Street Glasgow



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left his substantial collection of books. prints. and various other curiosities to the university.

I McLELLAN GALLERIES 270 Sauchiehall Street. 331 1854. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm: Sun 11am—5pm. [D].

Next show 2] Years of the Glasgow Prim Studio opens 30 Apr.

I MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kelvin Hall. Dumbarton Road. 357 3929.

The Birth of the Steamboat Until 16 May.

The history of the steamboat in technical and human terms.

I EWAN MUNOY FINE ART 48 West George Street. 331 2406. Mon—Sat 9.30am—5.30pm (closed Fri 9—Mon 12 Apr).

Glasgow School Works on Paper and Scottish Watercolours Until 24 Apr. Guthrie. Walton. (‘rawhalL .Vlc'l‘aggart. J. King. Ferguson and also early drawings and etchings by Sir Muirhead Bone.

I W’S GALLERY 12 ()tago Street. 339 3158. Mon—Sat noon—6pm: Stm noon—5an

George lomsky - Icons Until 28 Apr. Thirty works by this internationally- acclaimed Bulgarian artist who trained in icon painting in Sofia.

I PEOPLE’S PALACE MUSEUM (ilasgow Green. 554 0223. Mon- Sat 1(lamw5pm: Sun llam~5pm. [1)]. Cafe.

Once a museum for the working class. now a repository for all sorts of ephemera connected with (ilasgow's history 7 everything from old cigarette packets to suffragettes' campaigning material.

I PRINCES SOUARE 48 Buchanan Street. 221 0626.

Dazzle Until 24 Apr. 1200 pieces of contemporary jewellery from around the world. ranging in price from £4 -t.'6()(). I PROVARO’S LOROSRIP 3 (‘astle Street. 552 8819. Mon -«l’ri 10am 5pm: Sun

I 1am-5pm.

The only surviving medieval house in Glasgow. built in 1471. Period room displays range from 1500 to 1918.

I ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART 134 Blythswood Street. 332 4027. Mon-l‘ri 9.3()am-~5.3()pm. A display of paintings from stock.

I SCOTLAND STREET SCHOOL MUSEUM 225 Scotland Street. 429 1202. Mon Sat l()am~-5pm; Sun 2--5pm. (‘aie |1)|. Designed by Charles Rennie .‘Vlackintosh and now home to archive material on

education in Scotland from 1872 onwards.

Reconstructed classrooms give a flavour of Victorian. lidwardian. Second World War and 1960s schooldays.

Story trom Glasgow: Linoprints by Ken Currie Until Sun 18 Apr.

I SPRINGBURN MUSEUM Ayr Street. 557 1405. Mon—Fri 10.30am- :5pm; Sat l()am-4.30pm; Sun 2r-5pm.

Springburn Harriers: One Hundred Years. Until 29 May. A show of memorabilia including photographs. medals. running shoes and vests.

I STREET LEVEL 279—281 High Street.

552 2151. Tue—Sat Ham-5.30pm.

In a Perfect World Until 24 Apr. Denis Doran has spent the last two years taking portrait shots of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. a gay rights group. Members’ Show Until 24 Apr. Self- portraits.

I ST MUNGO MUSEUM OF RELIGIOUS LIFE AND ART 2 Castle Street. 553 2557. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm: Sun 11am—5pm. Free.

Brand new museum of world faith. Exhibits include a Zen garden. priceless art works from the world’s six major religions. Dali‘s Chris! ofSui/il John of the Cross and the story of religion in Scotland in words and pictures. Also temporary exhibitions.

Buddhist Art in Scotland Until 27 Jun. An exhibition of work from the Samye Ling Tibetan Centre. The show includes examples of Buddhist religious images painted on cotton. called Thangka painting. by Sherab Palden Berti.

I TRANSMISSION GALLERY :8 King Street. 552 4813. Mon—Sat noon—6pm. |1)|.

The Daily Planet Until 24 Apr. lileven young British artists explore the role of the daily paper.

I BROUGHTUN BOOKSHOP 2a Broughton Place. 557 8010. Tue—Fri noon—6pm; Sat l().3()am-«5.3()pm.

Florence and Flowers Until 30 Apr. Recent Paintings by (i. McWatt.

I CENTRAL LIBRARY George IV Bridge. 225 5584. Mon—Fri 9am-9pm: Sat

9am-— 1 pm.

Sarah Kettlewell Until 29 Apr. Under Miss Kettlewell's guidance. a show of work by children from i‘yloorhouse School. Bathgate.

I CITY ART CENTRE Market Street. 225 2424. Mon —Sat 10am—5pm.

Land of the Dragon: Dinosaurs troni China Until 26 Jun. During the last 30 years extensive excavations in China have revealed an unexpected wealth of dinosaur remains; today almost one sixth of all known dinosaur species have been identified from Chinese material. This exhibition. on loan from Beijing. consists of six fossilised skeletons. including a massive 7()ft-long. 13ft-high Mamenchisaurus. Admission £2/£1. Chernobyl - The Legacy Until 22 May. An investigation into the events which led up to the melt-down of 1986 and the effect the world's most devastating technological disaster had on the people of Rtissia. liye witness accounts. photographs and an exhibition of children's drawings recording their response to the catastrophe make chilling viewing.

Polish Artists in Britain 1945-1990 Until 22 May. Work by Henri Kondracki.

I Adrian Wiszniewski. Iankel Adler and

eight other British-based artists who share Polish nationality and ancestry. See preview.

. Sophia by Moyna Flannlgan 1992

52 The List 9—22 April 1993